Welcome to The Arndt Army, a new community-based section championing Bettina Arndt’s campaign for fair treatment for men and boys.
The Arndt Army is a call to action, led by some of Bettina’s outstanding volunteers, who will take the initiative on key fronts needing attention, such as providing support for men in our legal system, and convincing politicians that men matter too.
Go to Bettina’s recently blog, The Arndt Army, to fill in a survey if you wish to join in this important campaign.
This new section will provide you with news on the ongoing injustice men are experiencing and what we plan to do about it. We will be posting details of how you can contribute, with draft letters to politicians and events you can attend.
The Arndt Army will also be producing audio versions of Bettina’s vital articles and books to ensure a larger audience for her work. This new section will become an archive, presenting her decades of research and advocacy for men.
The Arndt Army section will be available anytime on Substack to all of Bettina’s subscribers but she won’t be emailing out new posts from this section. Bettina doesn’t believe in adding to the constant flood of emails so many of us are receiving!
We’ve started our first campaign for 2025 - you can read all about it in Bettina’s latest blog.
You will see we are lobbying NSW politicians about the fact that in this state a complainant’s history of false allegations can’t be used by an accused to defend themselves at trial.
We have prepared a draft letter for you to send to NSW politicians - here’s the link.
We’ve had AI experts working to provide you with the choice of various drafts in a system designed to make the process demand only a few minutes of your time. It’s pretty basic right now but will become more sophisticated as we work on it.
PLEASE step up. We need large numbers from NSW lobbying their local members so please circulate the link to all your networks. But we’d also like interstate people to write to NSW political leaders exposing this absurd and unjust situation.
Hurrah, here is Dutton biting the bullet – acknowledging men have had enough! That’s huge. Finally the Opposition has got the message that men’s votes matter.
We are very excited by our new AI audio series which uses this amazing intelligence to present Bettina’s key articles and books in her voice. Here’s the first in this series - featuring Bettina’s most significant article on domestic violence.
We also plan to put together short versions of some of Bettina’s best-known videos. Here’s one from her most popular YouTube video - The Politics of Cleavage – which has had had 1.6 million views.
re your DV Industry vid...
The WEF's "Global Gender Gap Report" is outstandingly deceptive. It only reports disadvantage experienced by women. It goes as far as penalising nations on their "parity" index if men are not dying at least five years younger than women.
As the feminists were screaming in the seventies..."Nothing less than equality for women and nothing more than equality for men."
The Denmark laws are very encouraging !