And feminists would have us believe that we live in a patriarchial society run by misogynistic men dedicated to oppressing and subjugating women.

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It was 61 years ago that I was molested on my way home from school, a once off incident in my life, and whilst I've had the good fortune to afford therapy and earn good money from being gainfully employed and I have had and do live a good life, there are certain anxieties and emotions that still pop up every now and then. Yet, I couldn't prove that I was ever molested. I have no evidence whatsoever that it actually happened.

How any Government bureaucrat can think that a payout of $2000 or even $120,000 is going to 'fix it up' shows how ignorant and sentimental they really are; and a total insult to those that really suffer from abuse or are falsely accused. These payouts and these schemes, without any form of questioning, are nothing but Politicians using Taxpayer Funded programs, pushed as benefits, as a way to buy votes.

The 'Claim Farmers' and the 'liars' who make false claims and ruin other peoples lives through false accusations should be forced to repay any money received, if proven their claims are false, and then put into jail.

These false claims and accusations can make it worse for real claimants, the falsely accused who are proven not guilty, etc., because it shows the Justice System rewards liars and cheats, as Bettina states in her subtitle, and that the Justice System is a total sham which is supported by many of our leaders without question.

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Hi Bettina. I'm am completely disgusted and devasted that this happens and the archaic laws need to change.

My son was convicted with a crime he did not commit and the piece of s**t doesn't give a toss at what she's done to him, us as his parents, his family and friends.

We are devastated that she as a 34 year old woman and him being 19 at the time could have even conceived such a vile act.

She initiated everything and as a naive young man got caught up in her web. We still don't understand why.

I've read all the stories about the men who have gone though the same thing and it sickens me to my core.

My son was sent a Victims of Crime

fine a week after he was convicted. Like seriously. They're never going to

see a dime!!!

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"Venus; The Darkside" by Mary T Cleary and Roy Shepherd explores the behaviour of such women and what is the best way to deal with them.


I should add I procrastinated about buying the book for many years, once I bought it and read it, there was not much more information in the book than what I already had learnt.

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These vainglorious feminist sycophants are so happy to reward false allegations...but of course the male suicide rate is such a mystery... Albanese and Dreyfus need to be gone ASAP !

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Another shocking scandal, and sad to read about even more innocent men who have had to battle the full force of the law and the justice system to restore some dignity to their lives and the lives of their affected children. What an extraordinary rort this turned out to be. Who’d have thought? 80 grand to make up a story that the police don’t even look at. This looks like a nice little earner for the law firms that specialise in victim compensation who were notoriously behind the launching of the royal commission in the first place.

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I have been falsely accused in America, and it was a sexual accusation. It's a big part of the reason I don't live in that vile country anymore.

Bunch of cop cars rolled up to my door and demanded answers as to why I'd looked in the neighbor's window, where two lesbians lived.

I told them they were taking revenge on me because I wouldn't allow friends of their to use the shared carport as a site to repair various cars.

The two evil women received no consequences for their lies, which could have landed me in prison. In the modern West, men and boys are targets of women and their collusive State. It's GREAT business. . . for everyone except us.

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That's a terrible story but is what's happening now - here as well as America. I suspect our justice system is worse than that of the US in many ways.

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I disagree with your description of them being loony tunes. Loony they are not master manipulators and pathological liars they most certainly are.

Referring to them as Loony Tunes takes away their agency and freedom to chose abrogating their responsibility for their freely made choices.

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Ok, I get your point about agency but that woman is truely nuts. Her comments about the Family Court were so warped.

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Yep. These women are EVIL, not mentally ill.

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I whole heartedly agree...

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Strongly concur.

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Good on you Bettina, we think you're fantastic. Please keep up your great work.

Dr Jim.

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Thanks for sharing Bettina, the family court system is not known for common sense nor acting correctly on evidence, it should be known as the Family Caught. Because we are caught in the pack a poo ticket that it is. the law provides that everyone has a right to trial by Jury, why not the family Caught?

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The words “family” and “court” should never appear together , there is no place for the justice system in the “family” , families should be regarded as sacred to a degree and protected from ALL outside interference , Except of course where its obvious crimes have been committed.

But the socialist state charges in like a bull in a china shop, oblivious to the harm they are causing , egged on by man hating feminists ,lawyers lurking on the sidelines like vultures .

Before the family court came into being there was the “ divorce court” this was adequate.

A nation will not survive unless it nurtures and protects the traditional family as the foundation stone of a stable ,peaceful and prosperous society . Tell that to the witches in the feminist movement who are hellbent on destroying it.

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One more comment:

That answer will never be punishment for false testimony.

The only answer will be a system(s) that discourage persons from making false testimony.

In Family Law, that would be bringing back, the "Friendly Parent" rule, which was sneakily removed as one of many secondary considerations the Family Law Act says must be considered in "parenting disputes", and actually making the "Friendly Parent" rule, the PRIMARY consideration in parenting matters. That is, mature parent demonstrating commitment to child having 2 parents = all needed.

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I wish Mr ‘Grainger’ all the best & hope he can really make a difference to the current state of affairs. We are deeply in the false allegations mire currently needing glimmers of light

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As powerful a jotting as any you have put out Bettina (IMO)!

"Out of these 74% of cases, 49% were genuinely believed by the parent making the allegation, but their belief was mistaken. 23% of these unsubstantiated allegations were deliberately misleading allegations."

That 49% would be based on conclusions of Family Court judges. I would bet the house (if I had not lost it in the course of fighting for access to my sons) that a "jury of peers" would conclude, that at most 1% of the parents making the allegation, had any belief in the truth of their allegations.

This is WHY most such allegations (I have not done the research, but with someone would) pertain to children aged from 2 to 3 years of age. Just old enough for some basic speech, but too young for interview, at any practical level, as to what Mum says "my child has reported to me".

With the liar (correct word) knowing as they were the only person present when the 3 year old reported "events with Daddy" to her, no witness exists, to contradict her evidence. And your evidence does not have to mean anything, we can say you just thankfully mistaken, but not before you use your "fears" to tie Dad up in court, and to restrict his access, and prejudice court outcome.

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What is disgusting about these cases is mothers subjecting their tiny daughters to interrogations about sexual touching and sometimes even medical examinations. No question this process can be really damaging for children but it is rare that mothers are called out for this child abuse.

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The only good thing about this revelation is that it has been revealed - and, no matter how uncomfortable, more needs to come out to overturn this situation entirely.

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This situation is so wrong on every level! Legally, morally, ethically, psychologically, socially and culturally. Innocent until proven guilty underpins our judicial system. This must be repealed by next conservative government coalition whoever that is.

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There are no boundaries any more and no willingness to fix the problem of what has now become institutionalised dishonesty. It's a big industry that all of us pay for. Not too long ago we lived in a society that believed honesty to be a virtue, but now it is truly the opposite. And, in that not too long ago society, we had politicians that represented the Public and controlled the Government. That is now the opposite too; so they won't fix it. Countless live are being destroyed. Many of them silenced, cancelled and forgotten within a familial, or social, or workplace environment, long before, if ever, facing our so called judicial system. Human beings cancelled and powerless and unwilling to expose themselves to the further harm that our institutions mendaciously dish out. Lives broken in the intimate reality of day to day life that no longer values virtue. So it is up to us to speak up.... Speak to everyone around us.... Point to the truth.... Demand change... again and again and again.

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