Here’s an update on some recent developments - news from a very busy week here, complete with the utter joy of caring for my new grandson, and watching my talented man play double bass in his community orchestra. That’s just so you know my life isn’t totally obsessed by trying to tackle injustice against men!
So firstly, here’s what proved to be a very lively interview with podcaster Jake Rattlesnake, who contacted me partly because he had bravely decided to speak out about his own experience with false allegations. But you will see our discussion ranged far and wide.
Please like and share the video. It’s always worth getting the message out there.
Next, some really tragic news. Regular readers may have noticed in my last blog my comments about Asian men who end up in our campus kangaroo courts. I included the story of a PhD student who ended up facing a criminal trial over false sexual assault allegations made by an ex lover who was angry that he refused to resume their relationship. He was in court last week, in a five day trial where the jury was presented with phone evidence of her blatant threats to falsely claim he had raped her.
Some of our team were texting him on the morning the jury was making a decision about his case. Suddenly he disappeared. No more text messages. Total silence. We finally managed to track down his lawyer. The young man is in prison. Under draconian new laws in NSW, offenders go straight to prison immediately they are found guilty. He won’t even be sentenced until November.
It’s an absolute tragedy and deeply shocking to me, particularly as this is the first of my campus cases to end up in jail. Naturally his lawyers are planning an appeal - the decision was absurd with the jury convicting him on one alleged sexual assault and not a similar one on another date. Perhaps a compromise deal reached by a split jury?
Who knows, but the verdict makes no sense. I spoke to a number of criminal lawyers this week who are all very concerned that these inner city juries can no longer be trusted to do the right thing. All it takes is one persuasive ideologue to take charge and sensible jurors are cowered into selling the man out.
Finally, here’s a little article which was published in The Daily Telegraph last week. I’m delighted this newspaper is now publishing me regularly - one of the few newspapers willing to take on the feminists. I was asked to write something about the likely impact of Labor’s proposed Misinformation bill and this is the result:
How entertaining to watch Transport Minister Catherine King twist and turn after it was revealed she’d rejected more flights for Qatar airlines due to her concern about the Doha strip search. Here was ideology trumping proper policy, with a Government Minister’s feminist outrage taking precedence over the travelling public’s desperation for cheaper air travel.
The whole stinking mess would most likely have flown under the radar had it not been for Albanese’s cosying up to Qantas and the events which followed - planes emblazoned with YES slogans, Chairman’s Lounge membership for the PM’s son, customers cheated out of refunds. But when all that blew up, an essential truth about this government became very clear – the sinister reach of feminism is never far below the surface.
Make no mistake. If Labor’s proposed Misinformation Bill makes it into law, it will be ruthlessly employed to ensure feminist views are the only ones heard. I should know. Two years ago, I was given an Australia Day honour for “promoting gender equity through advocacy for men.” Boy, was that a red flag, prompting the wrath of the sisterhood to be unleashed in all its fury. Within hours of the announcement, the big guns were rolled out, as a string of heavy hitters denounced me for challenging their orthodoxy on domestic violence and sexual abuse – all the issues where my presentation of true facts and figures clashes with their misleading anti-male dogma.
The whole thing was orchestrated by campus activists who’d tried desperately to stop my speaking tour of universities exposing their “fake rape crisis” and calling out their treatment of young men falsely accused of sexual assault. Sydney University had to bring in the riot squad to protect my audience from violent protestors.
My honours award was the feminists’ chance to try to take me out. They recruited numerous powerful figures to join the attack, including two Attorneys-General, and the Australian Senate which was hoodwinked into denouncing me. Week after week the ABC continued the barrage, using doctored extracts from my writing, and misleadingly edited videos which distorted my views.
Yet, during this time, the Governor-General’s office reported receiving tons of emails supporting my honour from people who also fought back on social media arguing the award was well deserved.
There’s simply no way that could have happened if Labor’s Misinformation Bill were to become law. Discussion of my views would certainly be regarded as misinformation, deemed by the powers that be likely to “contribute to harm” and banned from social media entirely.
Note that this move towards more censorship is taking place in a context where many media platforms are already totally captured. My critics have managed to destroy my once thriving YouTube channel, where over 788K viewers enjoyed my take on the politics of cleavage – which I argue is about women flaunting their sexual power over men and shaming those they don’t like enjoying the display. Since we are no longer permitted to express thoughts such as these, YouTube was persuaded to destroy my channel, “shadow-banning’ my videos until they receive hardly any views.
Today’s feminists are the ultimate sexual killjoys which means we have good reason to fear putting this new means of controlling our society into their hands. Like all key organisations these days, ACMA, which would run the whole show, is in the hands of powerful women – only one of the six people in charge is male – who are very likely to have strong views about how men and women should behave towards each other. Just look at what happened to Jenni Hermoso, the Spanish hockey player, who didn’t seem too fazed after being kissed by the football boss until the sisterhood got in her ear. Camille Paglia nailed the problem – “Leaving sex to the feminists is like letting your dog vacation at the taxidermist.”
Be warned that the proposed bill would exclude government organisations which means they could sprout misinformation and prosecute anyone who called it out. That’s a worry, given the anti-male propaganda being pedalled by many government bodies. Our eSafety Commissioner, Julie Inman Grant, claims “women are disproportionately targeted in every form of online abuse” yet ignores Australian Federal Police warnings of increasing numbers of boys being preyed upon by international sex offenders. The Commission’s annual report showed seven of ten cases of online sextortion were male. Under the proposed bill simply pointing out such blatant bias could be labelled “disruptive” and duly punished.
A similar fate could have awaited the online critics who exposed the former director of the Institute of Criminology when he announced that 23% of young people had witnessed their mums being attacked by dad, but conveniently failed to mention the same study found 22% saw their dads being physically abused by their mums.
The writing is on the wall – our society is already being subject to constant censorship. Two years ago, I started a GoFundMe to raise money to assist a university tutor mount an unfair dismissal case. He’d lost his job following false sexual harassment accusations from a girl who’d taken a shine to him but became annoyed when he made it clear he wasn’t interested. The money was pouring in when the fundraising platform suddenly announced they were closing down the campaign and banning me from the site because they claimed my fundraiser was “prohibited conduct.” This is a platform which regularly fundraises for alleged “rape victims” long before their cases are determined in court. Luckily our donors received their money back, unlike the Canadian truckers who had funds donated to them frozen by GoFundMe.
Then there’s the case of a group of ordinary women who started Mothers of Sons website, publishing stories of their sons’ ordeals in our anti-male justice system. The mothers’ stories are heartbreaking – a granddaughter murdered by her violent mother when she lost custody to the father, sons suiciding after losing their children through family court decisions, older parents spending retirement savings on legal help for sons facing false allegations. All true stories yet Facebook constantly censors the mothers’ activities. That’s bad enough – but are we now going to allow this proposed bill to empower activists to totally shut down them down?
This is a bill which threatens anyone who might cause “disruption of public order or society”. That’s me. I’m determined, as are others like me, to expose damaging feminist control of our bureaucracies, to challenge anti-male policies and to restore traditional legal protections to men. So, I will be in the firing line, as will everyone else who seeks to hold governments to account.
That’s it for this update. Back to a detailed analysis of some major issues in the weeks to come.
Everyone is writing to me to point out Jenni Hermoso is a football player, not a hockey star. Senior moment! But amazing that a bunch of people checked my article and didn't pick that up. Will fix that right now.
Ross, I am glad you liked Jake's video. I thought he was great.... and so good to see a man like him being willing to talk about what it is like to be subject to the hideous public embarrassment of being named as a rapist.