This reminds me of a joke I once heard...

Q. Why do feminist Women always close their eyes during sex?

A. Because they can't stand to see a Man enjoying himself.

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Reminds me of that boys scouts in America that granted girls, later homosexuals/transsexuals, I think it went bankrupt as a result.

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For the last 7 or 8 years I have regularly trained in a 900 yr old martial art which was originally a combat form. It has never been involved in the 'arena' of competition, MMA or cage fighting. And over the course of its 900 + year existence, it has never involved Women. Until this generation. (last 20 yrs). The last Grand Masters aged in their 80's and 90's here in Australia, disagree with the introduction of Women in the training tradition as do I, hence part of the reason I left. And for that reason they do not attend, in part, to impart their knowledge. Too much consideration is spent around refraining from contact. It is just nonsense and comes at the death of a lineage built on verbal and physical tradition passed on not through literature, but practice and discipline. We are weakening our defences and our traditions because of Political Correctness and Feminist ideologies, at the detriment to all.

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I hear from police confirming that.

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Football is the same. There never was a grass roots demand for female football.

Now every club is supposed to have a women's team, despite the cost.

There are no women's clubs. All the female teams have gate crashed men's clubs, men's club names, nicknames and club songs.

They don't (can't) play at the same standard, don't have standalone support, don't have their own clubs or administration.

How has this nonsense been allowed to happen.

I am a member of a club which abandoned this charade.

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That's interesting, Brian. What did your club do? Boot the women out?

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I think so. As I heard it, the President decided the club could not afford it and just stopped the women’s team. No great fanfare and no reaction. I’ve not heard anyone complaint, but I have no links to any of the girls involved or their families.

I think it’s a disgrace. The ABC are all over it, grand final today, but they never promoted netball apart from matches against New Zealand. Men don’t play it!

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A related question to Bettina's subtitle is: why do men share everything traditionally reserved for men?

Back when I was a kid, in the comic books, the boys would retreat to a clubhouse that said "no girls allowed" - with the "S" backward. We could do it again!

We abandoned ourselves and the women back in the 60s by buying into feminism. Feminism is part of the Frankfurt school's march through the organizations. It's not about rights for women but about weakening the family. After three generations of it, men and women today have forgotten what masculine and feminine virtue looks like. It remains there though for those who want it. For men, recovery looks like saying a polite but firm no.

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The problem is there are far too many men in power who benefit from staying in the feminist goodbooks. So many men have absolutely no idea how at risk they are from the current situation, until they or their sons face false allegations etc.

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Yes, Bettina. Moreover, the price for that seeming safety is paid not just once, but every single day with a debilitating loss of personal authenticity. It's not just we men who are paying; women are paying dearly too for their imagined one-upmanship, which restricts the flow of love.

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"...𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘯 𝘢 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘭𝘭... 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘭𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘴 ... 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 [𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦] 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺". And yet we don't see a rush of women wanting to express gender equality by becoming Firies or combat personal in the ADF, though I would say the significant increase in females in police would appear to be atleast in part [primarily?] due to skewing the selection criteria [QPS] and lowering the physical standards.

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My local volunteer fire brigade does have a number of female volunteers. A female friend of mine was also proudly showing me photos of an all-female crew doing fuel reduction burns for the local council. However, it seemed hypocritical to me to laud an all-female crew while complaining about male-dominated crews. I have no desire to be bossed around by a bunch of hyper-masculine females playing at being men so I've decided to leave them to it and have nothing to do with the volunteer brigade. I heard recently that the brigade, which has existed for 50 years, is struggling to attract and retain volunteers. Coincidence or not, it looks like the beginning of the end for another traditionally male institution.

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Do we think that is the angry inactive wearing active wear that making a case for the invasion of cycling groups? It would explain the bias "research" and hyperbole around it. Like the comic films, I suspect the very people making noise about it are not the ones who might join in. Admittedly cycling is not my scene but one has to assume that like running we can have disperse or mixed groups without too much drama (though I think you are right, if the men want a men's only group then it might been probletmised). There's an absolute failure by a large cross section of society to see that men need the campfire, a place to come together and that this gathering is essential for positive wellbeing and mental health for men. A feminised approach of sitting down and taking about your feelings doesn't work for most men, they need the campfire - or they're modern version (an interest group, shed, games night etc.. )

To be fair and a gentle push back female heroes are not new and comic companies do have a history of making money off them. Female Thor first appeared in a what if Comic in 1978 .. so. To be fair, people have been buying female hero comics for many years, Wonder woman in particular since the early 1940's. The issue with these new movies with 'the message ' is that they don't seem to know who they are making the movie for, who they are trying to get into the cinema and if there's enough of that audience to make the money needed for a modern superhero movie to be deemed profitable. As a single dad who has used DC comics as part of raising my kids, those kids should be the target audience for such films - though the truth is that the film studios making the movie adaptations are probably so out of touch, they don't know that the views of the diversify advisors are just that of a vocial minority who isn't likely to see the film multiple times.

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Part of the reasoning behind the Men's Sheds was theraputic in intent and a response to high numbers of suicides among elderly men. The presence of women in such spaces robs them of that therapeutic effect. Regardless of the women concerned it causes a shift in compassion largely due to protective instincts imbued in males from an early age.

I will continue to insist the denial of male only environments and activities is robbing boys and men of the spaces in which they are best able to deal with stress and trauma and IS a contributor to spiraling rates of male suicide.

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Yes, I totally agree.

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Nov 26, 2022Edited
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The experiences of men like you was the inspiration for the whole of the Men's Shed movement. The shed was the place that Aussie blokes traditionally had to escape and do their own thing. It was a great idea to create this type of space to bring men together. It is just bizarre that women felt entitled to muscle in on this special territory.

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Being able to distinguish the gender of a cyclist, is very difficult when trying to keep the eyes on the road and the only time I have the luxury is when my car is at a stand still and I am passed by cyclists.

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Where do these women get off thinking that men 'hate' women. A woman is the most important person in our lives in the overwhelming majority of cases: our mother...indeed our grandmothers. Then our girlfriends, then our wife...and when she passes on, her sisters and our nieces. This delusion that men have it in for women is a paranoid fabrication.

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These feminists who make such trite claims are like narcissists, gaslighting and projecting their own hates, lack of inclusion, etc onto others. For many, I suspect [based on my personal experiance with too many narcissist partners] this is also a way of absolving themselves for being guilty of bigotry and hypocrisy.

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Jordan Peterson recently spoke about some new research into female use of social media, words like sadism, indirect sadism,,Machiavellianism, anti social and psychopathy were used

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"Machiavellianism" is one of the three components of psychiatric cluster known as "the Dark Triad"

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It's called projection! Blaming some else.

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Speaking as someone who has enjoyed such classic female authors as Jane Austin, Emily Bronte and Georgette Heyer, I like female protagonists to be…. feminine.

Whether in literature or comics, modern “strong-women” protagonists tend to be “men-with-boobs”. When they speak, act and fight like men, what is the point? If anything, and I speak as someone who has spent a lifetime in an often-physical industry, watching or reading about some 50kg female doing the physical equivalent of the 120kg men around her, just makes her unbelievable.

It’s lousy and lazy writing. Good literature depends on realistic characters and believable people. Failure to accept this just kicks the reader or watcher out of the narrative.

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Gosh, Barry, I thought I was being civil when I excluded photos of lycra tatters on my bull bar. One just cannot apply diplomacy these days without someone being pedantic about details of social ettiquette. Anyway, it's getting late so I must dash. A cycle rally is blocking our only access road and requires dimential modification. Lycra and brain tissue. Get it? (good natured chuckle).

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I’m lucky to be not much of a joiner, by nature, but I can tell you that recreational flying is pretty much of a male activity (pretty much over 50s and a few lads - makes life insurance more expensive, so it’s awkward for those raising a family). It’s pretty diffuse as a club goes - you’ll often be the only member having tea in the clubhouse and it’s rare to find more than a handful unless we’ve chosen to fly somewhere special for lunch (and then you’ll sometimes get a decent turnout of passengers). In the air, you’re alone more often than not.

Women can join, and are welcomed when they do the though there are few women who choose simply to fly for pleasure. We also have family memberships and non-flying members - but by and large it’s guys you’ll find tinkering with their planes or flying in for a cup of tea in someone else’s clubhouse. And, at the end of the day, a pilot is a pilot and we’re all obsessed with the same things so, who cares?

Re the driving/cycling story- the other side of the story is interesting. A few years ago (nearly 15 years, now I think about it) my wife had on operation on her knee and for a number of weeks afterwards was on crutches and pretty slow crossing the road. She tells me that male drivers were almost uniformly decent - slowing down/stopping for her - but not a single woman showed the slightest inclination to make any sort of allowance. Same was true as she hobbled across campus to give lectures - it was always the guys who opened doors...

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Well, I'm glad I read this reply before I wrote because rec flying was going to be my story too; saved me the time.

Due to works where I walk the dog I have been forced to change my (our) route and involves using a pedestrian crossing. Twice in the last fortnight I have stopped us both in the middle of the crossing because inattentive female drivers have sailed through. One saw me at the last second and waved a "oh well, at least I missed you" hand at the window and the other never even noticed me and a big black dog standing in the middle of a set of red & white stripes on the road.

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Great article, as usual.

Re: the bicyclist "study" another possible factor in the whopping 3" difference: depends where they measured from. Was it the centerline of the bicyclist? If so, the woman likely was a smaller person and therefore vehicle drivers had a different perception of how close was safe.

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Generally speaking, the slower the cyclist, the more they veer from side-to-side on the road. The study was junk science but it would be unsurprising to find the results replicated by a more rigorous study. In my experience, the problem is caused by the erratic lateral movements of slow cyclists, who are more likely to be female, rather than motorists having it in for female cyclists.

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It was measured from the centre of the handlebars, I think. The link is there... take a look.

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Read through it. Whew, that was complex and tedious. Seemed way excessive for what was being studied. Someone wanted to show off what he learned in college. Anyway, here's what I found:

"Passing Distance which is the narrowest distance between the overtaking car and the left handlebar of the bike measured in inches." So, that does not take into account the width of the rider. Which in turn could affect how close a vehicle driver might make a pass. The study makes no mention of rider size nor includes any photos of them, but odds are, the woman was the smallest rider.

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Welcome back! . . to the front.

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