About 15 years ago, a freshman wrestler at, I believe, Brown University had sex with a college woman who, mid-coitus, said "No." He, according to her, took about 5 seconds to withdraw. She complained to university officials and he was suspended and ordered to leave campus. Feminists don't just demand some power over men, they want complete, second-by-second control.
About 15 years ago, a freshman wrestler at, I believe, Brown University had sex with a college woman who, mid-coitus, said "No." He, according to her, took about 5 seconds to withdraw. She complained to university officials and he was suspended and ordered to leave campus. Feminists don't just demand some power over men, they want complete, second-by-second control.
About 15 years ago, a freshman wrestler at, I believe, Brown University had sex with a college woman who, mid-coitus, said "No." He, according to her, took about 5 seconds to withdraw. She complained to university officials and he was suspended and ordered to leave campus. Feminists don't just demand some power over men, they want complete, second-by-second control.