“Evasive, uncooperative and manipulative”

- That’s how the police summed up Higgins during their investigation.

That would be because she was mal treated by the police right?

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Jan 12·edited Jan 13

It appears obvious, that Higgins has honesty issues. Her manipulations gained her 2.4 million of taxpayers' money. Hopefully, the day will come when politicians are chosen once again for what they can do for their country

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Bettina you are the one with the problematic thinking. You are not my friend.

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Jan 12·edited Jan 13

Anyone who follows Clementine Ford has lost their moral compass. You will be shocked by what you bring to your doorstep by supporting extremism of any sort, especially concerning the 3 scourges of our society - terrorism, toxic feminism and wokeism. An unjust and weak society full of hatred. Where were you feminists when the Iranian Jihadist monsters (Hamas and Palestinians) were raping, torturing and killing women, men and babies? Focus on what is real before you find yourself and children in a similar place to the hostages barbarically taken from Israel.

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In a discussion last night a male friend has trouble understanding why his wife and her friends do not support Brittany Higgins.

It is almost a forbidden topic where some women do not believe other what other women are saying.

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Defense teams in rape trials prefer female jurors.

I have a preference for female judges for female criminals and have had arguments with local state MPs about barring male judges from cases involving violent/abusive women. Women are better able to see through the emotional claptrap of other women. The male judges too often get sucked in by the female perpetrators' tears and damseling.

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Yes they are the pick me's ... living and thriving in the patriarchy.

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

Toxic feminism and wokeism is what is undermining advancement and a just society

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That is true, lately on You tube Jedediah Bila and Pearl are fantastic to watch as well as Diana Davidson.

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This is an old problem, women are always seen as the victim even when they are the offender, one of the worst cases is that of the woman doctor in Geraldton WA who beat her husband to death as he was lying in bed, she pleaded that SHE was the victim of domestic violence . The court and the judge where very easy on her and she was eligible for parole only 6 months after her trial and by her own account had a very relaxing time in prison , doing her hobbies and making new friends. She was a hero to the feminists who helped her to retain her resident visa, and on that point we should remember that it was Dutton the now leader of the Liberal/ Nationals who as Foreign Minister at the time allowed her to stay in the country.

This woman doctor virtually got away with murder, the judge was a man and as often happens he let her off because she was a woman and for no other reason.

Would a woman judge have been more severe in sentencing? you would like to think so but many of them are feminists.

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If you read Janet's article about Earnest Belfort Bax, women getting away with murder is nothing new. Nor is it that they receive much lighter sentences than men

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Is that Janet Albrecson from The Australian? Yes when a woman kills a man there is always that presumption that the man must have done something to deserve what he got. There is hardly ever the public outrage as seen when a woman is killed . This is the result of cultural conditioning and the men’s movement must work towards changing this.

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No Janice Fiamengo, she has a few YouTube about it.

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This is not over by a long shot. Dribs and drabs of information will be uncovered.

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OMG, Kay, didn't you read the memo, "Believe All Women".

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Yeah I keep hearing that, but as a female myself and having worked with many women, I know they embellish to get the outcome they want.

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I think she is a spoofer.

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One of the criteria for Prosecution ‘ is there evidence?’ The Prosecution ignored the police recommendation & went to trial. Why? Would this be normal in any other case, I think not. It is apparent Prosecution ignored police recommendations and proceeded, they also allowed much public commentary to the media & then took the outrageous step of dropping the case on mental health grounds. This would seem deliberate to give the impression his decision was only to give Brittany Higgins any easy way out and the same time leaving doubt of innocence of Bruce. Then to heap blame on the police was outrageous, this man got way to personally involved. How many other cases has this man prosecuted in such a unprofessional way.

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Don't forget about the act crime commissioner as well who was the one responsible for the infamous press conference after the judge has told all parties to keep quiet. And who recently had there contract renewed.

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Admirable investigative reporting, but a discouraging comment on justice and on the integrity of people responsible for it. Rape is defined to suit the needs of the moment. In the US a director at the Center for Disease Control declares that, "For every 10 teenage girls you know, at least one of them, and probably more, has been raped." The article reporting this claim in the Wall Street Journal (2/14/23) did not explain how, in this case, the CDC had defined rape, as if there were only one way to define it.

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The CDC is the source of the regular NISVS reports relating to sexual abuse. They hide the heterosexual "rape", or forced intercourse, of males behind the euphemism "made to penetrate" to separate it from "rape". If included the numbers of rape victims are close to parity. Thus the claims of 97% of rapists being male are a falsehood and countless male victims are cast into darkness.

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Unfortunately those who cry rape are like the boy who cried wolf. In the end the boy wasn’t believed.

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The boys were never believed.

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There is only one way to define it, for ingenuous people, but for DISingenuous ideologues, any gaslighting drivel their MSM collaborators will publish is fine by them, they have no conscience, their motto is, The End Justifies The Means. Words that send chills down my spine. The loony-leftists still exist only because of the media. They are a tiny percentage of the population that the media gives a megaphone to, to make it seem they are the 90%.

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Men do need to speak up

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A concise and informative article. Sunlight is such a good antiseptic, as Harry and Meghan have begun to realise to their chagrin. They hate being ridiculed. Brittany Higgins, Lisa Wilkinson and the mean girls may all yet have cause to regret their respective behaviour.

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I noticed, long ago, close connections between political leaders and feminists.

Which one invented the other ?

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I have noticed in the legal system their are more females, in the future the female lawyers may become magistrates and judges, they will influence more politicians to change laws especially in domestic violence. Queensland have passed laws for stand alone coercive control after recommendations from an inquiry led mainly by female professionals. I can see men in the future being arrested and jailed under coercive control laws. No violence just, he won’t give her what she wants and she goes to

Police alleging ‘control’ The feminists have been getting stronger and men have fallen asleep at the wheel.

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No compensation for the man whose reputation has been dragged through the mud though. Not an apology from the feminists politicians quite willing to use him as a political football. And no contrition from the likes of the ABC who slyly nailed their colours to Higgins's mast. After all, we must believe all women.

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All of you hoping that there will be further action on this could help by contacting your local parliamentarians and expressing your concerns. Labor needs to know there is huge community anger about the payout to Higgins. The trouble is Dutton can't do anything because the daft Morrison government payed off the woman who made trouble for Alan Tudge.

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I smelled a political rat right from the start and yet the media / activist feminists / others swallowed the scam without question. Why does Higgins get millions of dollars for being a Judas (non-gender) and yet a person who legitimately loses an eye or limb in an accident only gets thousands of dollars in compensation? What is she being compensated for that costs so much???

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With you on this one. Don't forget the woke activists supporting such scams.

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I hope the new federal corruption body investigates. If not, we'll know it is just another useless bureaucracy.

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Someone significant needs to make the referral to them.

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Thanks Bettina for your ongoing efforts in these matters. You are a light shining in the darkness. It seems Canberra is a snake-pit, full of deceitful liars and manipulators.

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You make some very good points there, Christopher.

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Perhaps after the air surrounding the Higgins affair has been cleared, the lack of transparency in regard to the ACT's Magistrate's Court's handling of domestic violence matters could be looked at for the purpose of exposing a very crooked process.

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