Just wanted to let you all know that I have persuaded "Peter," the man who features in the case I wrote about this week, to join this discussion. He's commenting under "notreallypeter" and will be checking in on our discussion on and off in the next few days. Perhaps you would like to ask him specific questions about his ordeal?

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What are the odds there was video evidence. That strike of luck, means in the same circumstances a man could spend a decade in prison... at least name the Dr so we can all avoid the pill heads practice/ hospital?

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NotreallyPeter is lucky that he had the foresight to get it on video as this no doubt helped the jury decide. But that in itself could be called sexual assault, some years ago in WA a man was charged and convicted of sexual assault for secretly filming himself and girlfriend having sex.

The girlfriend later found the video tape in a drawer and went to police, this was very unfair as the man had no intention of selling the film or using it against the woman.

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Bettina a couple of years ago a women falsely accuse her partner of dv.

She was the woman who was caught on video in a lift punching her in the face on the way to report her partner for dv. Do you know if she faced any consequences?

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Apr 10, 2022
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Yes this the one.

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It is almost 30 years ago when I first read "Not Guilty In defense of the Modern Man" by David Thomas and I have recently started rereading this book, and much of what he wrote about still exists today. Neil Lyndon author of "No More Sex War" in his article "Return of the Heretic" wrote about his experiences in being cancelled and ostracised.

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Below is a conversation I had with my then wife in 2014, she had run out of the Tramadol she was talking daily as an appetite suppressant and the euphoric feeling it gave her. When she ran out she would have shakes and sweats and become rather irritable, In this exchange she offered to write me a script for sleeping tables while clearly self prescribing herself Tramadol and offerreing so have sex with me at westmead children's hospitals, on call room in return for expoditing the drugs to her as she was withdrawing. In court,she denied prescibing Tramadol to me.

WIFE, aka facebook user - Can u check my bedside chest and see if there's a script for tramadol?

I ran out and I don't think I'll make shops after work

8/28, 6:05pm


No script

8/28, 6:05pm

Facebook User

Top and bottom drawer?

8/28, 6:06pm



8/28, 6:06pm

Facebook User

Saw it in there the other day

In a folded card

Typed printed version

Folded in half

8/28, 6:12pm


Two scripts

One for yaz

And one for ointment

8/28, 6:22pm

Facebook User


8/28, 6:33pm

Facebook User

Ok got a hospital script. Want me to write u one for sleepy tabs as well

Have u run out?

8/28, 6:38pm


Ok yeah thanks

U gonna email it to me?

8/28, 6:39pm

Facebook User

Don't think I can...will have to speed home

8/28, 6:41pm


Email it to me and I'll print it of

8/28, 7:02pm


Or I take it in in the morning

8/28, 7:17pm

Facebook User

But then how do u get it to me?

Sexy time in the on call room?

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Great article Bettina, this case reminds me of the case of the late Kevin Ibbs in WA 1988, he was called the 30 second rapist because the woman he was having consenting sex with wanted to stop the intercourse, she timed it well as Kevin was not able to stop and continued for 30seconds.

Most people thought this was some sort of joke that he was even charged and it was controversial at the time but he was found guilty and jailed.

The court " found" that he should have stopped the sex when asked and as such the rape charge was proven.

Kevin always said his was a " test case" and he might have been right. The same question comes up " why do police and prosecutors continue with cases like these? " when it must be clear after first investigation that the case is very weak.

Police often use the old excuse for NOT prosecuting of not having enough evidence to win , but this does not seem to make a difference in rape cases , they go head and make up the shortfall in evidence with lies and corruption.

It is clear that political pressure has been put on police forces in this country and it must be stopped

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Thanks, Ken. The tragedy is this man killed himself even after he was let out of prison. He'd lost everything, his business, all his assets and obviously his faith in our justice system. At least in this case, the ex-wife who set him up by having her girlfriend seduce him, actually went to prison - briefly.

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Yes I think both women were jailed and the truth wouldn’t have come out if they had not gone around bragging about what they had done . Also the case in ACT you helped expose and seen on 60minutes that woman was jailed so why can’t the woman in this case be charged at least? And if police encouraged her to lie they should also be charged The justice system needs an overhaul

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Nadia who writes for News/com wrote this "Nadia Bokody: Grammy win proof men aren’t ‘ruined’ by sex abuse claims"

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The fight for men's right is unfortunately also fight against peace and abundance. A man's value is his ability to die or work to death, when neither is in demand, then it is women that is valued by society. They more women are comfortable and supported by the "system", the more they will be willing to procreate which inadvertently creates more tax payers.

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It is a new form of sexism to place women on a higher level than males - a reworking of the female on a pedestal which was common in the patriarchal age. How little we humans change.

Men are particularly vulnerable, in my view, because women are by their nature more considered and calculating in the sexual arena, for good and for ill.

The historical belief was that women were innocents, which really meant cretins or childlike, and therefore if any sexual encounter took place, it was the fault of the male. One would have thought we left that sexist fantasy behind long ago but it seems not. Human evolution is nothing if not slow.

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Vivre la difference! I believe is such a thing as biological imperative. Generally men are more powerful physically and women even the scales with skills of manipulation. Young women can be credulous. How else would we seduce them? Young men lose their minds when in love. In the end the species continues and when the two skill sets combine individuals become a formidable team; a cause for celebration of God (or Nature if one prefers).

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Yes, I agree, celebrate differences and while men are more powerful physically, women are more powerful emotionally and that dictates outcomes most of the time. There are exceptions of course. There are always exceptions, but when a woman sets out to get a man you can be sure her chances are greater than when a man sets out to get a woman.

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Thank you Bettina. This is such an important issue and I can't believe how long it has been going on. Women who lie have to be punished and it is ridiculous to say that the genuine cases will not come forward. Liars are hurting the genuine cases by being so numerous. And the men these women lie about are the real victims who should have some protection.

My husband and I have friends who have been accused of child abuse so the mother can get custody. It is frighteningly common for women to lie in court and the system to encourage it.

I appreciate all you wrote but especially your comment about all those 'wrongly accused fathers, deliberately alienated from their children' as it affects my own family. Thank you again for your sane voice in an increasingly crazy world.

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Bettina, I've loved pretty much everything you've written for decades now, and especially all those years ago when you were part of the libertarian feminist critique of cultural feminism. Wasn't that a shining hour for the left-of-centre mainstream press to publish you back then!

When I opened your blog and saw its title: "Evil Genius at Work" and then the accompanying graphic, I immediately thought you might be giving us your thoughts on Krazy Klaus and transhumanist sex, whatever that might amount to, because the figures in the graphic did look decidedly less than real humans, I'm sure you'll agree. And if anyone was going to give us the real inside poop on transhumanist sex, I'd want to hear it from you.

By the time I realised it was just a fairly lame graphic, I was already on the job imagining as you asked the reader to do. My imagination threw up two insights: because of the absence of any truly sensual engagement in the graphic, it seemed to me to stand as some sort of monument to the death of really enthusiastic sex in the brave new world of "enthusiastic" consent; and when I imagined a bit more, I thought I could almost hear the woman figure saying: "You know, I'd rather be humping my pillow than this poor, sleeping bag of a man. And whoever gave me this cute ponytail, why didn't they put me in a position where, at the very least, a man might take me by surprise and excite me by giving my ponytail a really nice pull?"

There's nothing I can add to your mastery of the subject of lying women riding roughshod over our broken legal system, so I'd just like to mention in passing that recent incident regarding now deceased Labor senator Kimberley Kitching and the three Labor "mean girls".

Obviously, at least one woman or as many as three are lying. What's certain is they can't all be telling the truth. So, there's a conundrum for you. You would think the feminists would stay true to form and side with the woman making the allegation. But no-one did their usual Krakatoa panto act. Then it just seemed as if the Labor Party waved their collective wands and all of a sudden there was nothing to see. And there wasn't. Pure magic.

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Love your humping scenario. Yes, I think we all need to mourn the loss of enthusiastic sex. It is getting far too risky. And you are right about the mean girl saga. That was very revealing about Labor's mean girls. I am sure I don't need to remind my supporters that they were exactly the same women who persuaded the Senate to vote for lies condemning me two years ago. Keneally and Wong are very, very dangerous.

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Yes, I remember well that unedifying pile-on from all the usual suspects, and even some who weren't normally part of the suspect class.

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The adversarial feminist movement’s leveraging of both the judiciary and parliament has been malicious and effective, but cannot be sustained long term.

As history has repeatedly shown, any social or political ideology that is built on a foundation of misdirection and untruths, and ultimately manifests in injustice, will eventually be exposed, forcing reform and a realignment of values.

While there is a vocal chattering class of woke idealists who are intent on tearing society apart using catalysts such as gender and race, mainstream society still has a fundamental sense of justice. What is lacking is any real awareness of the truth.

For as long as digital and mainstream media continue to project a cultivated woke narrative, and our political leaders fail to stand up for what is right, little will change, and public awareness will remain low of the injustice that is inflicted on men by a judiciary that should be protecting them, and the propensity of aggrieved women to lie in order to inflict petty revenge and malice.

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I'd like to think the current state of affairs cannot be sustained. But I am at a loss as to how we are going to break through the stranglehold feminists have on MSM and inform people about what is going on. Still.... we have plans underway. We will see.

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I agree, Bettina. While the current media environment prevails, and our parliament remains filled with politicians that fall in deference to woke ideologies rather than stand for their convictions, there is very little hope of imminent change. But I do live in hope that an inflection point will be reached that ultimately translates into a catalyst for change. Injustice can never stay in the shadows forever.

Culturally, Australia has devolved into a facsimile of the US, responding almost in real time to that nation’s cultural manifestations. But there is also a very significant undercurrent of cultural and political discontent that is playing out in the US, with ‘critical theories’ receiving heated and very public pushback as they are imposed on the public through recent federal and state legislation.

If the US federal polls are any indication, an inflection point may very well be near, with a potential flow on effect in Australia. At the very least, hopefully it will start the same cultural and political conversation about ‘critical theories’ in Australia that America is having right now.

Perhaps one of the most significant indicators that cultural change may be afoot, is that the predominantly leftist defenders of woke ideology - the New York Times and Washington Post - have recently begun to change their stance (albeit ever-so-slightly), and in some cases, even challenging woke rhetoric and Critical Theory. Amazing how a crumbling circulation can force an editorial policy change.

The MSM has enormous cultural and political influence, but it also has a social contract with the community that is built on trust, and when they move beyond the scope of morality and justice that society deems acceptable, the media’s influence can evaporate in a heartbeat.

Unfortunately, the cesspool of digital media is an untamed beast that will continue to wreak havoc for many years to come. But even this media sector is starting to face significant scrutiny. And it needs to be challenged. We have at least two generations of young minds that need to be saved from themselves.

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Some are a lost cause, I fear.

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Something I would also like to know is why the OIC (officer in charge) decided it was permissible to send my credit card information, (three of them) to my ex wife, he also provided her with a letter that she took to my bank, in an attempt to gain my then current financial information. None of this was relevant to any changes however we were selling a house at the time. The actions of the police were utterly repugnant. 

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That is certainly repugnant behaviour by the police, and in particular, the OIC. It is hard to accept that there was any legal precedent for providing that information to your ex-wife. Surely the right to access those accounts should have been determined by a court, not the discretion of a police officer.

I can only begin to imagine how utterly frustrating and disempowering it must have felt to be treated by the Police in the way they treated you.

You certainly have my best wishes for the future.

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thank you Peter! It was quick shocking to be honest.

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I hope people take notice of this further example of the police's shameful behaviour. I couldn't tell all Peter's story but the list of wrongdoing towards him was absolutely huge .

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Apr 7, 2022
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Sounds horrible and one sided, luckily for me we did not have kids, but we did have a house.

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Forgery is a crime when she forged prescriptions for a narcotic opiod.

Falsely obtaining controlled drugs is a crime.

Perjury is a crime.

Which of them is going to be prosecuted?

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Personally I would be happy if she was charged with anything at this point. The police seem to want to double down and not charge the actual criminal. My former wife bought dozens of tablets in Thailand on multiple trips. She asked me to visit the pharmacy and send a photo of the (behind the counter book) so she could see what she could buy. She then showed that screen shot to the  police and accused me of buying prescription medications. Of course none of this raised concerns about the authenticity of her story for the police. 

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Have you spoken to the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission, or your state Police Minister regarding the police apathy in regards to criminal charges against your ex?

While the Police wont raise criminal charges against your ex-wife, does your lawyer believe you have a civil case against her?

You have proven that she perjured herself, and her intent was malicious. It would provide some relief at least to sue for damages, assuming the case would stand up in court.

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No, not LECC or the minister as yet. The civil case was brought at the same time as the MALPOL case against the police. I have outlined around 54 moments in the transcript where it's demonstrably clear she perjured herself. I might list a few of these soon.

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That's an interesting point

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Well spotted, and doctors themselves are normally held to a higher standard of integrity. It looks as if the crime of "forgery" is offset by claiming "rape", even if the claim is false. They seem to be saying "Just let the poor woman go".

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What saddens me is the silence of fair-minded women, the mothers of the men you are defending - just look at the gender bias of the comments below. Don't women get your news letters?

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Yes, women are reading this and often send me emails...but many are reluctant to comment in public places. It's the same on newspaper comment sections. Feminists are always furious about how few women get published in opinion columns but that's because they get hardly any submitted from women. See, we are clearly still basically a shy and retiring lot - apart from the ghastly, noisy feminists controlling our media.

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John Stagg I am at the stage now where I don’t talk to Australian women anymore because they are so belligerent the Polish and Ukrainian women still have the right values.

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The problem is that when some (not all) of these women come to the West, they quickly learn how to wield the power of the system. Allege abuse, get residency, take all your stuff. No downside to being caught in a lie. Even those that don't go through with this can threaten as much, which means that they are now sole "in charge" in the relationship.

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There are legal firms out there busily recruiting newly arrived women to make false violence accusations to gain permanent residency.

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Exactly! Well spotted on two counts...

1. When "when some (not all) of these women come to the West, they quickly learn how to wield the power of the system. ". I know a man who's Russian bride did exactly that - walked out as soon as she got permanent residency. He was broken hearted. The dumb-ass then did it again, and then a third time... (Russia, Ukraine, China). Little sympathy with him for the second and third time.

In recent times, with the increasing success of the dv industry, she doesn't even have to put up with him for the two years. The Australian system now assists her to leave early by encouraging her to claim "domestic violence", and then aiding her all the way. Thanks, both Labor and LNP! Bettina has a video from about 2018 with an Aussie man who had exactly this happen to him. To him it was a genuine "marriage" and he invested heavily, both financially and personally, but the woman (Asian) made false claims of dv to escape early and was assisted by the dv industry, who were waiting in court, like "ambulance chasers". It nearly destroyed his life (by wiping out his accumulated assets and threatening prison) except that he was able to *prove* the claims to be false.

2. 'Even those that don't go through with this can threaten as much, which means that they are now sole "in charge" in the relationship.' So true (!), and not just for foreign brides. When the conflicts arise in a marriage both parties know that all the power is with the woman. She doesn't need to "threaten" as they both know that the moment he even looks at her with a temper, or says "No" to an expenditure or insists on anything wrt to the household or the kids, that she can claim "domestic violence" and wipe him out. And he realises with sad resignation that this is the rest of his life, and starts appeasing.

So much for Duluth!

This second is a very, very important point, which is rarely mentioned in all the debates about false allegations, gender symettry (or not) in dv, etc. The slide from "happily married" to wife "in charge" happens regularly and the relentless intimidation from the dv industry, funded by the taxpayer, only makes it worse every year.

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