I note Bettina’s reference to trauma-informed practice. It relates to something that bothered me during Judge Lee’s delivery on Monday. IMHO he spent more time per word on Higgins’s trauma and memory than he did on average for all other topics. Why did he labour this point? Who do you think fed him or referred him to that junk science? Another puzzle: Who linked up the mad man from Channel 7 with Stiles, lawyer on the Channel 10 side for that last floorshow?

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Men are all presumed guilty. The absolute bias that is shown here is no worse than my own case. Female Magistrates. Prosecutors judging a man fighting for his life against the false accusations of a woman and her tyrannical. Feminist supporters This is the nature of our society today.

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What a revealing and really quite scary article Bettina. How do the zealots like Yates get into these positions of power where they can incessantly erode our value systems and force their whacky ideas on society generally? I understated better now how some of these crazy LGBTQI++ ideas and others are able to be forced upon our schools and other institutions. These unelected activists infiltrate our institutions and and stack them with like minded fellow travellers and militants who then work from within where It would seem that their power is beyond the reach of even the most well meaning elected representative.

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This instagram is very interesting https://www.instagram.com/thetinmen/

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An outstanding article again Bettina. Salem Witch Trials, McCarthyism and now Feminism. All ideologies which lead to systemic support of false accusations motivated by personal gain.

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"Enhanced convictions" for decades the way trials in allegations of sexual assault have been conducted has slowly been changed with the main aim of convicting more men, regardless of the evidence.

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I am quite taken by the inciteful summary from Jamie below. I applaud your openness and honesty, your admission of being gay, yet distancing yourself from this self-centered and quite dangerous government official called Yates misusing her powers. I am also grateful to Bettina for exposing the truth about this repulsive scam against us, Australian citizens, who place our trust in this government, only to find out later that we have been hoodwinked. More than a gender issue, I see this as a sad indictment on our judicial and political system, that this young woman Higgins was rewarded for her crimes. And no, not for being drunken and disorderly, but for her lies. I too, like many of us hope that Sofronoff has the intestinal fortitude to say it as it is, and that Albo acts to right these wrongs. That to me would be true leadership.

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Her overt bias should result in her dismissal

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I was kind of captured by Heidi Yates.

She remained cool and calm.

I'm a gullible fool sometimes...

But when she smiled that smile we see in the image used for this article, I slowly woke up out of my dream. She is a human being and we all have our ways, but in the end I started to think she is [and I do not mean to insult snakes here] like a snake in the grass!

Also, when she said: "Yates responded that she was simply concerned about getting Higgins through her stressful day and wasn’t focused on her speech" or "When asked whether in retrospect she should have acted differently, she said “she would not have made a different decision" and maybe others - I did watch her being cross-examined.. I then realised we were being stitched up.

Heidi Yates reminds me of a woman I once worked for and many of my colleagues would suggest: it is a wonder she isn't trying to be the CEO? But, I think - like Heidi - she had placed herself in the position that actually gives her more power and access to peoples lives than if she was the CEO. This is how I see Heidi Yates: why not be a highly successful Lawyer/Barrister? It is too much hard work. She can influence more people with her own zealotry where she currently sits!!!

Bettina this article has really made me see how brave you are and how you put your name and life right in the middle of it all.

The likes of Heidi Yates is one of hiding behind organisations and using her influence to achieve what she wants for herself rather than society and whilst she appears to be 'out there' she is using other people to achieve her aims.

It is because of your writing and others, that I start to question some of the use of organisations on this planet.

As a gay man fast approaching his seventies I can honestly say: I have never authorised or voted for the likes of Heidi Yates to: "She had years of advocacy for LGBTQI organisations ". I see clearer and clearer how the LGBTQI 'label' is used to further some peoples political stance or idelogies without asking people, that consider themselves part of the community, 'what do you want' ?

I see how 'any fool in the street just claims LGBT....' to further their own cause and never speak to the people who make up that 'so called community'..

I see these people are doing 'the cause' more harm than good... and in the future, I'm going to start asking friends more questions about their beliefs...

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I knew of an 18/19 year old woman from Johannesburg, 2010/2011, who did a Practicum at the UN in Geneva. I'm sorry that I cannot remember every detail. She was hoping to 'change the world' but found that it would never happen with the UN and went back to Johannesburg feeling disappointed with that organisation. I've lost contact since those years and maybe she has changed the world but way back then she was happy to work with her mother in their own Catering Firm!!!

Going forward to 2019, I read this report from swissinfo.ch https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/international-geneva_cashflow-crisis-looms-over-un-in-geneva/45289628

Things might have picked up for the UN in Geneva since this report of 2019. I have not and will not bother researching this. It was enough to know that this 'bastion' of the world with the name 'United Nations' was not reflecting a 100% 'united front' from world government and that says a lot!!!

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I love this Bettina. So well captured and written.

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💯 Bettina. The media refuse to state to absolute obvious. All this corruption, injustice and lack of ethics to pit it mildly, is born and carried along by the ideology of feminism. It is feminism.that is at the core of all of this and it won't be addressed until people call it out for what it is. Which is why your efforts are so vital. Thank you Bettina.

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Great work Bettina.

Thank God someone is doing it.



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Very much hoping for Sofronoff’s report to at least acknowledge the difficulties this case suffered due to Higgins/Sharaz bombarding the media, and selected politicians, with full details of the alleged offence prior to filing a complaint with police. This, imo, is why the case needed to have been permanently stayed. Instead we ended up with a circus….

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That's it, I'm cancelling my trip to Canberra.

Honestly, how can this happen, ACT is now a dangerous place for a man to go! Time for all men who work in the ACT to either stand up and just leave the state. Then we will see what happens.

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"Stinking ideological swamp", corrupted to the brim morally and otherwise.

Great piece thank you!

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