This case is not over . It is really about to start . The Pot of Lawyer Gold will now open . Higgins should be charged on numerous counts , mainly Contempt of Court .
This case is not over . It is really about to start . The Pot of Lawyer Gold will now open . Higgins should be charged on numerous counts , mainly Contempt of Court .
There needs to be a specific crime of making a false allegation or accusation of rape or sexual assault and those found guilty should face a very long term in prison, perhaps twice the sentence their victims would have been given, followed by confinement for life in a secure psychiatric institution.
That is the only way to destroy the false rape accusation culture in which we now live.
This case is not over . It is really about to start . The Pot of Lawyer Gold will now open . Higgins should be charged on numerous counts , mainly Contempt of Court .
There needs to be a specific crime of making a false allegation or accusation of rape or sexual assault and those found guilty should face a very long term in prison, perhaps twice the sentence their victims would have been given, followed by confinement for life in a secure psychiatric institution.
That is the only way to destroy the false rape accusation culture in which we now live.