Kay, I'm sure all mothers would agree with you. The cost of sueing is enormous. With the large pockets of those backing "the handbag Brigade" and those who have publicly supported Brittany despite the fact that they should have remained silent, one would not be sure of success. The legal system is letting every Australian down when it is…
Kay, I'm sure all mothers would agree with you. The cost of sueing is enormous. With the large pockets of those backing "the handbag Brigade" and those who have publicly supported Brittany despite the fact that they should have remained silent, one would not be sure of success. The legal system is letting every Australian down when it is glaringly obvious that Bruce has not been considered innocent until proven guilty. Why on earth have these people not been disciplined at the very least?
Kay, I'm sure all mothers would agree with you. The cost of sueing is enormous. With the large pockets of those backing "the handbag Brigade" and those who have publicly supported Brittany despite the fact that they should have remained silent, one would not be sure of success. The legal system is letting every Australian down when it is glaringly obvious that Bruce has not been considered innocent until proven guilty. Why on earth have these people not been disciplined at the very least?