"I was due to appear on a panel discussing the Brittany Higgins case, hosted by the Sydney University Conservatives Club, when the NSW Young Liberals demanded I was excluded from the event." Correction: the issue isnt that you were excluded by a student group. Years ago, I attended a university event featuring Dick Cheney, controversial former US vice president. Students protested. The university allowed them to protest and also allowed the event to continue. Everyone was passionate but respectful. It didn't happen, but I have no doubt obnoxious protesters would have been whisked away by security. What's changed is the university leadership, including their composition and ideology. Not that long ago, blatant disrespect and cancellation attempts would have been discouraged and punished. Now they are encouraged.
Bettina I just love your work! The young including the ‘Young Liberals’ have been indoctrinated by left wing group think which explains why the liberal party is a train wreck! They are becoming a version of the former Australian Democrats! trying to please both sides of politics and ultimately failing! You’re my hero
It looks like a bribe to stay the course and allow one political party to oust another political party. I’m guessing hush money. In regards to the investigators and police, let’s face it. It’s a self licking ice cream. The outcome is decided before hand and they try to make the narrative work. I don’t understand why she wasn’t fired for accessing a secure premise ( got to wonder how insecure the government is and how much spying occurs ) drunk, naked and passed out, damaging property ( the couch got steamed cleaned) destroyed evidence , manipulating evidence. Insanity, complete insanity. These people should all be locked up for racketeering, it’s all one big game at the tax payers expense.
Keep up the good ... not make that *great* work. I can't imagine the amount of negative feedback you must wade through every week, but if everyone on the sensible side of things remains silent ... well the only direction this country will be heading is down.
Thank God you do not Bettina - we men all appreciate your efforts - I sent the video about romance in the digital age in search of LOVE to my four sons - all aged in there early mid to late thirties to watch (with their respective partners - if they agreed) - was such a great video to watch!
One interesting outcome of all this, is a revelation of the way in which "blame and shame" is adapted to various efforts toward social control.
The irony of the current iteration lies in how it is being used to control the speech and reach of one of the pioneers of teaching self-acceptance to ordinary people.
Self-loathing is a vulnerability readily exploited by those seeking wealth and influence. The problem with teaching self-acceptance in a realm as fundamental as copulative behaviors and ideation, is that the inculcated methodology is adaptable to other aspects of self-conceptualization.
In other words, teaching self-acceptance imperils access to an easily-exploited locus of manipulative control.
And that, dear lady, is what makes you a threat.
When regarding your career trajectory from afar, a distillation of the underlying message appears to have been honesty with oneself and others. It would seem that such a transgression is simply "not on."
How truculent of you, this refusal to enthusiastically preach self-deception.
Maria Kovacic a Liberal Party senator , and feminist no doubt. This again shows what we have known for a long time, that the Liberals also have a strong feminist faction , it is not only the left of politics ,ie Labor /Greens which has this affliction .
Is it any wonder that feminist policies triumph and men suffer , there is little or no opposition to them .
It is getting worse , women are replacing men in top jobs and politics at a record rate , look how many state Premiers and ministers are now women, company CEOs etc. even the Reserve Bank .
The feminists and their apologists would of course say this was a good thing , but as Bettina has reported women in high places such as the legal profession can be very lax when it comes to the very important subject of abiding by principles and ethics .
No surprise there, women have historically proved themselves very willing to abandon said principles in their own selfish pursuits.
What she really wanted to say was women should not be subject to ANY laws.
Hard to believe but true , many feminists actually think that womens prisons should be closed and women NEVER imprisoned , no matter how serious the crime.
There was a campaign in the UK by feminists to close womens prisons.
Had I not been shocked into silence I might have suggested that under such circumstances women would lose any protections those laws might provide. Be careful what you wish for.
Maybe the so called “primitive” societies had the right idea, in that they clearly separated mens lives and issues from womens issues .Our own Aboriginals had “secret womens business” ,
Is this the way forward for Western societies ? If women are angry and unhappy about being bossed around by “ mens laws” , well give them their own justice system for women only , why stop there , how about a Women only Parliament , separate entirely the lives of men and women , would they be happy then?
Along with many others, including those who do not look at podcasts but do catch the news now and that, I am grateful for Bettina, Janice Fiamengo, Tom Golden, Paul Elam, and others who give the woke a taste of what they most fear, which is articulate, reasoned, and dedicate opposition.
Nice. I’ll be sure to listen to those podcasts next chance I get. And wait with baited breadth your analysis at the end of Bruce lehrmans defamation trial.
Let's hope we are celebrating. This poor guy has been really struggling to survive for the past few years, while his accuser swans around the world using taxpayer's money.
Yes we can not forget the 3 MILLION dollars of taxpayer money given to Higgins , there was no reason for that. Very unfair when you consider the many innocent people , mostly men who have suffered with years in prison and loss of their wealth who got no compensation or a pittance .When eventually exonerated they then face an uphill battle to even get back their costs.
But when the Feminists have power they are very generous with other peoples money provided it goes to their “friends” .
Julia Gillard as Prime Minister gave 350 Million dollars of our money to her “friend “ Hilliary Clinton .
In my experience in the corporate world, part of the problem is the internal lawyers (add the pollies are mostly ex solicitors). they panick; they like to catastrophize (to feel important). And the like action of a high profile case. How was gov considered responsible for a girl who drinks too much.
Imagine if she was a strong independent woman that had the courage when she woke up on that couch and reported to the security guard that she thought she may have been raped? I guess she needed to figure out if there was any money in this before making the allegation. 3 million is a small amount to sway an election in your favour I guess
You must question the principles and morals of women like Higgins , she has none that is obvious , otherwise she would have refused to accept such an exorbitant amount , knowing it came from her fellow countrymen.
Higgins is a typical modern day young feminist, arrogant and self obsessed , full of attitude , a narcissist trapped in a childhood fantasy world where she is the centre of attention.
If this is what feminism does to young women then it is has failed badly.
What I don’t get is how the government is liable for the allege criminal behaviour of an individual that wasn’t in work time and was not allowed to be in the work place. How is the country responsible to the tune of 3 million. Fairy tales are real by the looks of it
Selective enforcement of the rules. Some of us call it double standards. The optics look terrible and these are the people that are given the responsibility of running the country.
Many unanswered questions here and as taxpayers we have a right to know.
Why were they there anyway? Were they working? Surely this was the ONLY legitimately reason, but it was after working hours and both under the influence, no way indeed for high paid government employees to behave.
And whose office where they in ? A Ministers? Did this minister know they where there?
This has been an insight into the workings of the Federal Parliament , the most important public building in the nation, it is disgraceful to think those who work there could treat procedures with such disdain.
New rules are needed, the first could be a total ban on alcohol and no admission to anyone affected by alcohol .
We are not far off the situation where the feminist thought police will be classifying Bettina as a "virtual male" based on her rejection of woolly ideas, the agreement with which the sisterhood defines one as being a female.
You also made an appearance on Slouching Towards Bethlehem (relatively small beer I do realise!)....."I started calling myself a ‘feminist’ as a young woman in the 1970s after reading Germaine Greer’s The Female Eunuch, ironically whilst working a university vacation job as a Hertz Rent-a-car girl, dressed in my bright yellow perked cap and mini skirt, flirting with American tourists. I convinced myself that feminism was all about equality, about creating a level playing field where women could take their rightful place in the world, embracing opportunities once denied to them. But then I watched with increasing alarm as the current misandrist culture took hold, with the male of the species as the punching bag......" https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/shall-we-dance
Methinks these activists "cannot handle the truth". What sort of society do they want to live in? To be "cancelled" shows that Bettina and colleagues are on the mark and all I can say is "good on them".
I see Julia Gillard is picking up on some of your ideas realising feminists have left younger men out of the picture and that needs readdressing.
Keep up your highly significant research and publicity.
"I was due to appear on a panel discussing the Brittany Higgins case, hosted by the Sydney University Conservatives Club, when the NSW Young Liberals demanded I was excluded from the event." Correction: the issue isnt that you were excluded by a student group. Years ago, I attended a university event featuring Dick Cheney, controversial former US vice president. Students protested. The university allowed them to protest and also allowed the event to continue. Everyone was passionate but respectful. It didn't happen, but I have no doubt obnoxious protesters would have been whisked away by security. What's changed is the university leadership, including their composition and ideology. Not that long ago, blatant disrespect and cancellation attempts would have been discouraged and punished. Now they are encouraged.
Bettina I just love your work! The young including the ‘Young Liberals’ have been indoctrinated by left wing group think which explains why the liberal party is a train wreck! They are becoming a version of the former Australian Democrats! trying to please both sides of politics and ultimately failing! You’re my hero
It looks like a bribe to stay the course and allow one political party to oust another political party. I’m guessing hush money. In regards to the investigators and police, let’s face it. It’s a self licking ice cream. The outcome is decided before hand and they try to make the narrative work. I don’t understand why she wasn’t fired for accessing a secure premise ( got to wonder how insecure the government is and how much spying occurs ) drunk, naked and passed out, damaging property ( the couch got steamed cleaned) destroyed evidence , manipulating evidence. Insanity, complete insanity. These people should all be locked up for racketeering, it’s all one big game at the tax payers expense.
Keep up the good ... not make that *great* work. I can't imagine the amount of negative feedback you must wade through every week, but if everyone on the sensible side of things remains silent ... well the only direction this country will be heading is down.
Thank God you do not Bettina - we men all appreciate your efforts - I sent the video about romance in the digital age in search of LOVE to my four sons - all aged in there early mid to late thirties to watch (with their respective partners - if they agreed) - was such a great video to watch!
One interesting outcome of all this, is a revelation of the way in which "blame and shame" is adapted to various efforts toward social control.
The irony of the current iteration lies in how it is being used to control the speech and reach of one of the pioneers of teaching self-acceptance to ordinary people.
Self-loathing is a vulnerability readily exploited by those seeking wealth and influence. The problem with teaching self-acceptance in a realm as fundamental as copulative behaviors and ideation, is that the inculcated methodology is adaptable to other aspects of self-conceptualization.
In other words, teaching self-acceptance imperils access to an easily-exploited locus of manipulative control.
And that, dear lady, is what makes you a threat.
When regarding your career trajectory from afar, a distillation of the underlying message appears to have been honesty with oneself and others. It would seem that such a transgression is simply "not on."
How truculent of you, this refusal to enthusiastically preach self-deception.
Don't ever change.
Maria Kovacic a Liberal Party senator , and feminist no doubt. This again shows what we have known for a long time, that the Liberals also have a strong feminist faction , it is not only the left of politics ,ie Labor /Greens which has this affliction .
Is it any wonder that feminist policies triumph and men suffer , there is little or no opposition to them .
It is getting worse , women are replacing men in top jobs and politics at a record rate , look how many state Premiers and ministers are now women, company CEOs etc. even the Reserve Bank .
The feminists and their apologists would of course say this was a good thing , but as Bettina has reported women in high places such as the legal profession can be very lax when it comes to the very important subject of abiding by principles and ethics .
No surprise there, women have historically proved themselves very willing to abandon said principles in their own selfish pursuits.
"Women should not be subject to 'Mens laws'"
- Jocelynne Scutt, Australian barrister, author and feminist academic.
and to a significant extent they aren't ...
Bruises heal. Social and psychological damage never really do.
What she really wanted to say was women should not be subject to ANY laws.
Hard to believe but true , many feminists actually think that womens prisons should be closed and women NEVER imprisoned , no matter how serious the crime.
There was a campaign in the UK by feminists to close womens prisons.
Had I not been shocked into silence I might have suggested that under such circumstances women would lose any protections those laws might provide. Be careful what you wish for.
Maybe the so called “primitive” societies had the right idea, in that they clearly separated mens lives and issues from womens issues .Our own Aboriginals had “secret womens business” ,
Is this the way forward for Western societies ? If women are angry and unhappy about being bossed around by “ mens laws” , well give them their own justice system for women only , why stop there , how about a Women only Parliament , separate entirely the lives of men and women , would they be happy then?
Along with many others, including those who do not look at podcasts but do catch the news now and that, I am grateful for Bettina, Janice Fiamengo, Tom Golden, Paul Elam, and others who give the woke a taste of what they most fear, which is articulate, reasoned, and dedicate opposition.
You will prevail Bettina because truth always does.
Nice. I’ll be sure to listen to those podcasts next chance I get. And wait with baited breadth your analysis at the end of Bruce lehrmans defamation trial.
Let's hope we are celebrating. This poor guy has been really struggling to survive for the past few years, while his accuser swans around the world using taxpayer's money.
Yes we can not forget the 3 MILLION dollars of taxpayer money given to Higgins , there was no reason for that. Very unfair when you consider the many innocent people , mostly men who have suffered with years in prison and loss of their wealth who got no compensation or a pittance .When eventually exonerated they then face an uphill battle to even get back their costs.
But when the Feminists have power they are very generous with other peoples money provided it goes to their “friends” .
Julia Gillard as Prime Minister gave 350 Million dollars of our money to her “friend “ Hilliary Clinton .
In my experience in the corporate world, part of the problem is the internal lawyers (add the pollies are mostly ex solicitors). they panick; they like to catastrophize (to feel important). And the like action of a high profile case. How was gov considered responsible for a girl who drinks too much.
Imagine if she was a strong independent woman that had the courage when she woke up on that couch and reported to the security guard that she thought she may have been raped? I guess she needed to figure out if there was any money in this before making the allegation. 3 million is a small amount to sway an election in your favour I guess
You must question the principles and morals of women like Higgins , she has none that is obvious , otherwise she would have refused to accept such an exorbitant amount , knowing it came from her fellow countrymen.
Higgins is a typical modern day young feminist, arrogant and self obsessed , full of attitude , a narcissist trapped in a childhood fantasy world where she is the centre of attention.
If this is what feminism does to young women then it is has failed badly.
What I don’t get is how the government is liable for the allege criminal behaviour of an individual that wasn’t in work time and was not allowed to be in the work place. How is the country responsible to the tune of 3 million. Fairy tales are real by the looks of it
Selective enforcement of the rules. Some of us call it double standards. The optics look terrible and these are the people that are given the responsibility of running the country.
Many unanswered questions here and as taxpayers we have a right to know.
Why were they there anyway? Were they working? Surely this was the ONLY legitimately reason, but it was after working hours and both under the influence, no way indeed for high paid government employees to behave.
And whose office where they in ? A Ministers? Did this minister know they where there?
This has been an insight into the workings of the Federal Parliament , the most important public building in the nation, it is disgraceful to think those who work there could treat procedures with such disdain.
New rules are needed, the first could be a total ban on alcohol and no admission to anyone affected by alcohol .
We are not far off the situation where the feminist thought police will be classifying Bettina as a "virtual male" based on her rejection of woolly ideas, the agreement with which the sisterhood defines one as being a female.
You also made an appearance on Slouching Towards Bethlehem (relatively small beer I do realise!)....."I started calling myself a ‘feminist’ as a young woman in the 1970s after reading Germaine Greer’s The Female Eunuch, ironically whilst working a university vacation job as a Hertz Rent-a-car girl, dressed in my bright yellow perked cap and mini skirt, flirting with American tourists. I convinced myself that feminism was all about equality, about creating a level playing field where women could take their rightful place in the world, embracing opportunities once denied to them. But then I watched with increasing alarm as the current misandrist culture took hold, with the male of the species as the punching bag......" https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/shall-we-dance
The exclusion by uni Libs is beyond belief. Amr, former liberal member who will vote against them in next election.
I sincerely hope you never shut up!
Methinks these activists "cannot handle the truth". What sort of society do they want to live in? To be "cancelled" shows that Bettina and colleagues are on the mark and all I can say is "good on them".