It must be very confusing to be a young woman today following the advice of the social construct du jour. On the one hand, selling your bits on only fans is empowering and a hard earned right of the feminist movement. On the other, being stared at by lecherous dudes in a pub is physical violence and removes your rights to existence.

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The 275 assaults every week was repeated on the Insiders program on 17/9 by Clare Armstrong. She repeated with emphasis "Every week". She then added that $1.5 million was given to Universities Australia to promote 'respect' and awareness of consent and complained that nothing has been spent since.

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Feminism is a man hating misandrist hate cult. It seems to attract a herd mentality to conform to demonising boys and men ( they must have brothers and fathers etc and no empathy, psychopathic !) In the eighties Margaret Thatcher experienced feminists calling them poisonous to society and she was aware of their hatred towards her. How perceptive

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

Boy! .... another informative article by Bettina that just made my piss boil to read more about this femo-nazi conflation. Sometimes I have to pinch myself, dig deep, keep mindfulness firmly in front of me and not be sucked into a vortex of ill directed anger about this truly Kafkaesque nightmare for society in general and men/boys in particular. It can just colour my day otherwise. The maths that went into this figure of 275 assaults per week would be a giggle if it weren't so damn serious! Coincidentally I read an artricle in "The Conversation" (yes some journos there are tainted with DV poison theory but many articles are equally well researched too IMO) about #GirlMaths in action and I thought "bingo!" see here https://theconversation.com/girlmaths-a-seemingly-innocent-and-fun-way-to-justify-expenses-that-can-have-serious-financial-consequences-211903. Of course the authors couldn't help themselves by countering their amusing article by providing some sage analysis .... "First, the term is unnecessarily gendered. Gendered language operates to reinforce societal expectations with a particular gender and can promote stereotypes, biases and binary categories....." they say. Yawn.

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When Katie Roiphe wrote "The Morning After - Sex, Fear, And Feminism"

decades ago it was perhaps the beginning of what is now taking place of campuses all around the world.

Janice Fiamengo in her interview with Paul Elam, spoke about how intoxicating it was to be part of the "Take back the Nights rallies". She spoke about how it might just change the chemical makeup in the brain and she is right. Research show that the hormone "Oxytocin" is released.

The protesting students get high on "Outrage" because being part of a protest releases a number of chemical mediators and my hypothesis is that these chemical mediators are the same ones that "thrill seekers" experience.

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The real rape is feminists raping rational minds with distorted facts. They have to keep doing this to maintain a victimhood mentality.

The brilliant Camille Paglia is right when she said "stop blaming men." It's getting rather tedious at this point isn't it feminists? Looking rather pathetic these days?

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"The Commission stressed the respondents were “self-selected students who were motivated to respond” which means these responses “cannot be regarded as representative of the Australian university student population as a whole.”"

The studies/surveys are heavily promoted in certain settings guaranteeing a bias in the numbers. I've spent time around rape crisis services in which they are promoted constantly. I'd expect it to saturate certain "womens services" in universities.

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How can girls and women manage to hold onto the pipe dream that they are perfect in all ways? It must drive them crazy.

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What is more scary Chris is that after "enjoying" an ability to accuse males, with a degree of impunity whilst at Uni, they will, in future relationships, be more inclined to use that undergraduate-acquired skill to manipulate partners, especially through hard to defend coercion etc.

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yes, that certainly is a concern. Their university 'education' sets up a lot of couples for failed marriages, to be sure.

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They are already doing this, and it will only likely get worse.

Coercion is a real difficult one. Controlling money is so difficult and if one person spends without care and the other tries to stop it my limiting access to money, is that coercive control or straight out financial abuse? Again, it must be real difficult to live at a time where perfection is considered normal for women.

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I I hope things worked out well. Sad that people now have to be so careful and keep records to protect themselves, and by that I do mean both men and women.

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Ironically Kay, the "odds" were finally with her, without her even laying a small wager.

In two-up parlance; heads she won, tails he lost.

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One well-meaning Vice Chancellor who decided to personally monitor a SASH hotline found herself confronted with late night emails from girls complaining boys were staring at them.

Heaven help us.

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Interesting point and why would girls complain about being "stared at" by boys? A girl or young woman out late at night dressed up and made up, must surely be in the market for a romantic encounter.

The boy who stares at her might be her "Mr Right", but because she sees it in a negative way she will never know. Feminists brainwashing of young women has created this, women afraid of any encounter with strangers.

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Its like the girls that go to a mixed gym wearing active wear, which is actually as close as person can get to being naked, without being naked, and then they complain that men look at them. In reality they are deliberately manipulating the situation to their own advantage

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"Its like the girls that go to a mixed gym wearing active wear"

Bait and switch.

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Thanks Bettina - I read a crazy article today about a fact checking unit caught censoring the No case on Facebook saying they had to be part of some fraudulent self-appointed international fact checking association (??). People who used to be called journalists were responsible for checking their own facts. Looks like those days are long gone, particularly at the taxpayer-funded ABC.

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023

Read my article the Future is Female at Online opinion that has my criticism of the ABC.

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Great news. A man has sued the judge after being falsely imprisoned and won! The man who was wrongly jailed by Judge Salvatore Vasta has been awarded more than $300,000 in damages after he took the rare step of suing the judge personally. A father who was wrongly jailed by a judge for an alleged contempt of court in a family law case has been awarded more than $300,000 in damages after he took the rare step of suing the judge personally.


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That's great Bettina! All this confirms what I've long suspected - that universities and the school system in general are targeted by extremists to make them as hostile environments for males as they possibly can make them. This is a classic case of the one-way political ratchet. The idea is to make up an outlandish figure when there is nothing suitable that is available and then to use allies in the media to give it wide publicity to pressure political parties through use of emotional blackmail to take draconian measures against these artificially manufactured threats. Any correction, if it does come is given minimal publicity by comparison and is often long after the legislative damage has already been done.

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Can you imagine, up to 40 sexual assaults per day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year??????? If this was true, just imagine the police presence, there would be barbed wire fences at all the girls dorms!! The numbers they claim are intoxicatingly frightening, absolutely extreme, that is unless you count unwanted looks as sexual assault.

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I think that there would be enough over and or protective fathers out there to reduce the push back on such arguably unsubstantiated claims. In addition to this, we now live in a world where we try to mitigate any possible danger or risk to our personal safety believing that we are actually making things safer for all, this is not always the case though. There is also the danger of standing up, should anyone stand up to the social doctrine they then stand to make themselves a target for vitriolic retaliation, Bettina Arndt has seen some of this, so have many of us who follow and support her.

I believe that the percentage of parents who actually believe that these statistics are true and correct is actually quite low, however to speak up against them would be social suicide.

My wife and I are actually on the same page, we both see a existing and increasing problem for men and especially for our two boys. We know that there isn't much assistance out there for boys at the moment, much less support for when they have issues. We are constantly having to teach them how best to protect themselves from the situation. We both see that their lives will be harder and possibly less successful because of the issue. We also run a business, one which we are desperately trying to grow into something that will provide a career for our two sons, yet we cannot divulge our reasons for doing so. That is the very definition of oppression and suppression.

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Thank you.

It is somewhat of a sad reality, the story we are all being told is that in the recent past women were oppressed and they had terrible lives that were fraught with danger from men. The reality now is that there is a current clear danger for men. I really wonder how all this will play out over the next few decades.

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Thank you.

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You are so right, Joe. I'd love to see some of my readers writing to the ABC and other media sources who are promoting the 275 figure and point out it is grossly inflated. It would be interesting to see what the ABC fact checkers did with this one!

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I believe that the ABC fact checkers (RMIT) have been defunded!

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Or at least have lost accreditation from Meta (Facebook) for unreliable "checking"

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Correction, the accreditation was suspended, but now reinstated I believe.

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Media Watch might be a good start.

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It is a good point. Universities have gone down a rabbit hole. It’s like the workplace, do employers want to be responsible for people choices in private. Uni’s would be best promoting sensible or no consumption of alcohol, and the no violence. No UN sanctioned parties on campus. Most sh&t takes place on the booze with young people and that includes poor behaviour by women. I know two blokes glassed by women at bars. One convicted, the other ran off.

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The role of alcohol in society is a subject which is never given enough debate and it would be a good idea to ban alcohol completely from universities , students have proven they are not mature enough to cope with it. But no doubt there would be outrage from them , only proving my point.

Another reminder of the moral decline started by Gough Whitlam's Labor government of '72.

he lowered the age of adulthood legally to 18 from 21, coinciding with the permissive society, young people where told they could have it all and take no responsibility, but few where mature enough , nothing has changed .

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Well the uptake of zero alcohol beer is maybe some positive sign. Not sure though as I can only think young people of swapping for illicit drugs but I am not sure on that. Aussie culture is real men drink. Not just here, but a lot of Europe too.

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It is embarrassing journos besides Bettina don’t review data before they interview/promote a topic, particularly where the HRC has cut down the assertions.

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There's actually research proving the link between high alcohol consumption and sexual assault. I once grilled the experts on this and most were too nervous to be quoted about the research.

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It appears that certain "leaders" within the Universities have their heads' in the sand when it comes to evaluating complaints, let alone making determinations on the outcomes of those allegations.

One of the ironies in all of this concerns the Universities disregard for empirical scholarship, at least from those servile Departmental folk who are charged with ensuring such rigour exists in the first place. How can they claim such achievements when their own behaviour is divorced from those ideals?

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I'd love to get this blog posted in places read by the higher education sector. Please help me post it far and wide.

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