Thanks to all of you who are trying to donate. Now we are having problems with my website, which is constantly being hacked. You may be receiving warnings of possible phishing problems and not be able to get through. In this case please use this link to donate through PayPal - https://www.paypal.me/bettinaarndt. Or else write to me and I will send you the bank details for the account where I am collecting money for Chris. If you don't have my email use this one - https://www.bettinaarndt.com.au/contact/. Please don't give up. Chris faces a huge ordeal and needs every possible contribution.

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Chris has written an email to thank all of the people who are supporting him. I thought you might like to read it here:

Hi All,

I wanted to reach out and express that I am genuinely surprised but immensely grateful for the support of everyone.

I cannot shake the feeling of shame because of the social presumption of guilt in such cases. I do not expect people to believe me, nor am I looking for sympathy. All I can say here is that I have always behaved by the book, so to speak, and been actively and overtly cautious to avoid such incidents occurring to myself.

As Bettina has already stated, the process I originally trusted with the university seemed to me to be unfair from the beginning (after being immediately told to pack up and leave). That's why I feel the need to challenge this treatment. What I want is for the truth to be openly shared, especially the evidence I can give that has not been taken into account, and for people to decide for themselves.

I want to again thank everyone, including Bettina. I have never felt this sense of genuine care and community that I now do. I am so humbled by how Bettina has endeavoured in every avenue to provide me support. And the support I am now receiving as a result.

Further, I want to have everyone assured that I want to be above board and transparent with these donations. Bettina and I intend for these to be used only for legal fees and such processes, which I unfortunately can not afford at this stage. It goes without saying, that it will now be immensely difficult for me to apply successfully to any occupation.

This has been a very dark and depressing time for me and will undoubtedly have long lasting impacts on my life and my loved ones. And I want to say to everyone that your support has been so crucial to pull me out of despair. This has been the greatest good I have experienced because of this matter.

Thank you again everyone.

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Jan 3, 2022
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Kay, I hope you know about Mothers of Sons, which we set up to bring together women like you who are fighting for justice for their sons. Take a look at our website. https://www.mothersofsons.info/

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Jan 8, 2022
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Such a familiar story. I am so sorry your family is dealing with all this. I hope you know about our Mothers of Sons website, set up to highlight how false allegations are destroying families. Take a look. https://www.mothersofsons.info/

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Check out GiveSendGo.com the gofundme replacement. Available in 40 countries and a platform that stands for freedom against woke ideology.

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For those who are all keen to go completely electronic with money, stop and consider what's going on here. Imagine if the only way money could be transferred was through state appointed (or global) electronic clearing banks. They will have complete control over how you spend your money and complete traceability of who you decide to support with it.

Sorry to hear of the poor start for 2022, Bettina. It won't carry on this way, it will get worse yet!

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I fear you are right.

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How do you keep from exploding, Bettina? The disgusting corruption and blatant gender bigotry in our society is truly nauseating. I commend you on your ability to maintain your composure while still fighting the good fight. I do not have the ability to control my emotional response to such blatant hatred and deceit.

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You should have heard me when I read the gofundme email! Not always so composed.

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Glad to hear you are human.

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WOW GoFundMe setting itself up as another Kangaroo Court (with all the inherent lack of due process and transparency) to prevent Kangaroo Courts being exposed

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Yes, there's a lovely irony in all this.

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Hurrah, we have almost $4,000 donated so far! Thanks to all of you generous people for supporting Chris.

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Bettina, you are a champion for fairness freedom and rational debate. Thank you for your courageous defence of men and free speech. ANDY MAC

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Andy, thanks for those kind comments. I know most people are behind me.

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I suggest we stop using gofundme for its hypocrisy & uber woke behaviour. This is simply funding to support someone who, in our opinion, has been wronged. So I pledge never to use gofundme & will recommend all my friends to do the same.

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Good idea. And please get people to write to them to complain. They also cancelled my other fundraisers raising money for Dan Jones and his family and Mothers of Sons.

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Yet another sad indictment of who we (Australians) are and what we've become.

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Total wimps!

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GiveSendGo is the gofundme replacement. They operate in 40 countries around the world. They will not take your campaign down. They stand for freedom.

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" Conflict of Interest?"

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Time to get together and found another funding service.

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The big picture problem is the details of workings of a democracy. In current times, organised pressure groups are free to bully the object of their displeasure (close pubs serving beer manufacturers they have a beef with for example). Is this democracy? The issues are never put to the whole voting population so that they can vote them down. The threat of reprisal against a business which does not comply with the strident minority group's demands is nothing but the old mafia style protection racket. Do what we tell you or we shut you down. It is time that the law was used to control these thugs , not support them.

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They get away with it because the silent majority has been cowered. We have to take them on.

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Hi Bettina

Sorry to hear your go fund me has been blocked I am finding with the media especially the Conservative and particularly the Murdoch media that Any opinions that do Not agree with them are Not published or ridiculed by their reporters may I recommend The New Liberals a different type of Political Party that desperately need some publicity because of pressure from the major party’s.

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Outragous. I have donated $20 using your detail account details $10 of which is for Chris.

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thanks, Dean. Will keep track of that.

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something reminds me of a pointed stick and a hill!

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Hi Bettina

You should get an account on Telegram or GETTR which are not run by MARXISTS and they support free speech

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yes, I will look at Telegram. I have put all my videos up on Rumble which was a huge effort and no one is looking at them! So it is hard to know whether it is worth setting up on new platforms. Am thinking about it.

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