Ok. The only way, without question, to make the provision of grants as fair as possible, is to completely remove any gender from the grant application and approval process. This would kill all the gender problems from the application stage right up to the approval stage. Anything else would be and is used to sway gender bias.

If what you are doing is unacceptable if gender is reversed, then what you are doing is unacceptable.

If what you are saying is unacceptable if gender is reversed, then what you are saying is unacceptable.

If what you believe is unacceptable if gender is reversed, then what you believe is unacceptable.

What can't people accept this, why does it always have to be one gender against the other? So fucking sick of this, I wish my kids were both girls.

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Great article, it seems women won't be happy until they have pushed all men out of every institution and industry, or more specifically "white men" and the racial and gender discrimination against white men is increasing.

But it should be said that white men have proven to be the most ingenious and inventive sub section of the human race in all the short time humans have existed. As a minority white men have given so much more to the advancement of technology etc. and maybe this is the problem with the feminists, they are jealous .

Virtually without exception ALL of the most significant inventions and developments of the modern age in any field you could mention have been achieved by white men, The industrial revolution was started by a white man, James Watt invented the steam engine.

Scientific advancement will suffer if women control the institutions like they are rapidly gaining control of government, Canberra is a feminist stronghold and the PM is just their puppet as was the previous one.

I mean no disrespect to women or people of other races but the facts speak for themselves and considering the great contribution white men have made to civilization they deserve more respect surely.

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Hello Alan, I am very impressed that your family has been in Australia for 170 years. Must have been fairly early settlers. We have what they call "positive descrimination". It is in almost all of the big institutions. People don't get the jobs because of their abilities but because they are from an Ethnic Minority or are female. The BBC is very keen on this. We have a thing called the Environment Agency, they look after rivers and flooding Etc. They had a job advert that actually said "white males need not apply". I was astounded that it was legal. My friend was interested in the job but couldn't apply, he had all of the qualifications.

I am sorry to hear about your Daughters in their different ways. We have a system where people are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty but in sexual cases the Home Office (In charge of Police) issued a guideline saying that all men should be assumed to be guilty at all times. If a man gets falsely accused he is now assumed to be guilty, there is no balance, they will not even look at the case in a balanced way. The Police go out and out to prove the man is guilty. I suspect there are many innocent men in our prisons because of this. It is so sad.

On our TV adverts almost every advert has to have an ethnic minority person and a women. We are expected to pity coloured people because of slavery. I pointed out to a well known BBC news person (coloured) that in days gone past the African 'Barbary Pirates' used to raid the south of the UK and take away white slaves. There were over a million. He just said he didn't know anything about it. Well he won't because it is buried.

I don't want an all Male society, I like Women too much and not all are Feminist. There are good examples like Bettina but I just don't know why the Feminists get so much influence. If a Man and a Women go for a job, the best qualified/experienced should get it.

I am like you, I just don't undestand this modern world, the Men that support the Feminists are like Turkeys voting for Christmas!

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Excellent. Bettina, please create an award with a prestigious historical scientist name for universities that promote "correction of the gender discrimination and imbalance in the fields of Education, Nursing, Biology, Nutrition, and Medical departments" both for gender balance of the student body as well as gender balance in the tenured faculty.

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I don't even know what to say anymore. Clown world is upon us.

Bravo to you, Bettina, for shining a light on this complete insanity at least. :@/

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When I trained as an Acupuncturist in the UK, about half of my class were men. We used to get undressed to our underwear in class so we could locate the Acupuncture meridians on each other. There were no 'sexual' comments. This helped us to understand how to develop a Professional attitude. The next year there were two women who wouldn't get undressed and had to have a seperate tutor in a different room. We all thought this was a bit weird. I don't know what happens now but when I went back to College for Continuous Professional development last time, I was shocked to find the new class was 2 men and 30 women! Men are now too scared to train because of the possibility of false allegations and the lack of support from the Police. This is happening in many other professions and is very sad.

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The first part of this article.... Ive no words.... So embarrassing... The water.. And the Athena medals... One qstn, how the hell do they even come up with this stuff? . .also, I have GOT to write that letter re Bruce lerhman! Those of you who've written and sent it, GOOD ON YOU! TINA WILL BE PROUD! We all are! 🎂🥳😎

I'm hoping to become a paying subscriber soon btw🥰

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While I generally have a bias in favor of women, it is fair to say that some are batshit crazy. For example the Karen, a person that loses any control over what they say, as their aggrieved emotion is reason enough. This is not new, Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew". In response to believe all women, its quite evident that some women will say or do anything if it suits them. Most women however bemoan the lack of "real men", that is they want a dominant male. Equality is not what women really want, that's just a game to test men. It seems Nietzsche was right. Our society with women off the leash will go to disaster. The fact that these mediocre narcissists are forcing their way into essential industries like science and medicine promises our undoing from within.

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😂😂These examples crack me up. I'm in favour of men. I feel sorry for men in general because y'all are being targeted by my species in general lol I "internalise misogyny" LOL i do hope you're not some covert feminist. Seriously.

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Thanks Dotti, women have helped my career and I've had a couple who were great bosses. To be clear I support a merit based system, perhaps job applicants personal details should be suppressed to enable this. The problem with quotas and favorable treatment is that it brings into question all female appointments. We have all these ads about how women and girls need to be helped into careers. This seems a form of narcissism. Anybody in any position should look at it as service to others not status. The question is what have you been able to achieve and how has it helped others or the corporate objective. ScoMo let us all down when he dumped on the former CEO of Blackmores Christine Holgate, and forced her out of Australia Post. She had a good corporate record and what she did was totally legitimate, even cost effective, in rewarding executives with a token rather than a massive cash bonus.

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I agree, being anti feminist doesn't mean being against women at all. That's a whole other extreme, that's a patho-psychological issue. It's silly, seeing as this powerful #mentoo movement is lead by a WOMAN. What you said reflects a plethora of bettinas teachings. Basically, it's about the ROLE, not the person that covets it. It's simply about WHAT is right and WHAT is wrong, and not a blame game AT ALL. Feminists out there just make it a blame game via convenient statistics. And those good women you speak of, they relate to our dear bettina. The feminist movement in the 70s was necessary, they achieved what they needed, the whole bra thing was a bit silly, they got excited lol my issue is the label. It's devisive. Eg black lives matter, it's a statement. Clear and to the point. There's no label in it. Feminists just use the 70s movement as an excuse to appease, as you said, their narcissism.

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Jordan Peterson says there is an implicit tension between men, if the boundaries are crossed it becomes physical. The problem with women is that they have a special status and when they step outside that men don't know what to do. I've also known several women who feel they can say anything to me, and while I have to bear their insults, I'm not allowed to comment. At other times they are quite nice to me. Society seems to have run up the white flag with these activists and the things they are getting away with are ridiculous. Jordan Peterson Men can't control crazy women, brief clip here talking with Camille Paglia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL3Hrwg3A3w

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I can't watch the link. Re your comment, yes I've witnessed this myself. Even from nurses, during and after I gave birth, believe it or not. It doesn't always get physical between guys lol rarely actually. It's a myth. Except when drunk or stoned etc lol Otherwise we'd see it every other week. Men are just not emotional when it comes to boundaries. It's all logic, reasoning, whatever makes sense. Cause and effect. We women are emotional, we actually have bigger egos in comparison. The shitty women are the wilful ones, the ones that LIKE their big egos. Whereas women like us actually respect ourselves and CARE about right and wrong and admit to our mistakes etc we try to avoid hypocrisy. I believe feminism is our tool to identify those bad things in order to practice LOL ie understand the enemy to learn to avoid their shit.

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Well the opposite myth to "The Taming of the Shrew" is "Beauty and the Beast". I think neither sex wants to be blamed for the excesses of members of their sex, its better to see them as anti social personalities, neurotic or even psychotic, rather than toxic males or females. Personally I am guided by Stoicism, what is important is we need to find some happiness in life, and the rest is irrelevant.

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Another welcome expose of the inglorious corruption of academia which has been going on in the background since at least the 1970s. There are many other things that come to mind not the least of which is the scandalous incompetence of forensic science in Queensland that we're reading about at the moment. The apparent political appointment of Cathy Foley as Australia's "chief scientist", the political appointment of Lisa Simmons as Australian of the Year to promote girls in STEM and the 337 taxpayer-funded government programs that are currently going on designed to facilitate the meritless promotion of female scientists revealed in a recent government publication are just the tip of the iceberg. Unfortunately, it makes that well-worn line about equality of opportunity look more than a bit lame. All of which makes me wonder whether Einstein would stand a chance of getting a research grant for his theory of relativity in this day and age. What's that saying about a snowball's chance again?

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There is a whole lot of junk research.

"More than 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments, and more than half have failed to reproduce their own experiments. Those are some of the telling figures that emerged from Nature's survey of 1,576 researchers who took a brief online questionnaire on reproducibility in research.

The data reveal sometimes-contradictory attitudes towards reproducibility. Although 52% of those surveyed agree that there is a significant 'crisis' of reproducibility, less than 31% think that failure to reproduce published results means that the result is probably wrong, and most say that they still trust the published literature."


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That's very interesting. Thanks for the link.

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I think many research project have the result in mind before the evidence is gathered. Tony Heller has documented on his YouTube channel that the same scientific bodies now have completely different climate graphs and have eliminated previous trends that diverged from the narrative. This all started happening after the year 2000 and climate levelled off. Most graphs begin in the 1970 which is convenient as that was cooler than the 1930's and so a misleading trend of global warming is achieved by starting the graph from the 70's. Universities are now so ideologically driven that this sort of chicanery is likely common in contentious subjects. 1. You won't get an appointment if your are not an advocate for the cause. 2. Your papers won't get published or will be held up in endless peer reviews, if your research doesn't support the cause. 3. Career death in most cases such as Peter Ridd in regard to the health of the Great Barrier Reef. 4. As we have just found from Elon Musk, shadow banning, that is reducing the reach of unpopular political opinions on Twitter, even from top medical scientists that disputed lockdowns such as Dr. Jay Bhattacharya Professor at Stanford, a real expert blacklisted by Twitter. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11528005/Elon-Musk-invites-Stanford-epidemiologist-Twitter-help-doctor-discover-firm-suppressed-account.html

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The girl I married almost 62 years ago is today my inseparable companion in old age until death do us part.

I have nothing but admiration for her choice to be a full-time mother to our three children, to nurture them from helpless infancy to modest but growing independence in their late teenage years. Today they have young adult children of their own from whom we derive much pleasure. No, I was not a highly-paid professional or corporate executive during my working years.

Cupidity of the modern female is breathtaking. By no stretch of the imagination is it a noun to be applied to my beloved, and others of her generation I venture to say.

The modern female’s lust for money is self-defeating. In the West she is not breeding at anywhere near replacement level. The ethnēs – nations - into which these self-entitlees were born are declining and if current trends continue will sooner than later cease to exist.

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Were you high when you wrote this.

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Thank you for keeping on fighting great lady, have a lovely Christmas 🌲

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Without the "boys" they would still be carrying buckets from the river (some countries still do).

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The science scam is bad enough but to hear that lying piece of work Higgins has been rewarded for destroying a man's life made me feel physically ill. I believe the woman who accused Tudge was married and happily sleeping with a man of power and influence but was miffed when he pushed her out of bed one morning and this led to her to the realization that she was in fact a subjugated victim of a patriarchal system and not in fact an adulteress wife who slept around behind her husband's back.

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Thanks Bettina. They used to accuse science (logic) of being "phalocentric thinking" and touted "Women's ways of knowing" as a superior approach to science. I guess they still do.

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Bettina Another good artical.

Through the stalking horses of “affirmative action”, “sanctioned gender discrimination”, “political blackmail (a.k.a. compensation)” and other government endorsed strategies /revenue generating complexes (family law and DV sectors), orthodox modern feminists seek to turn Australia in a “gynocracy”; a matriarchy that rewards the new elites (feminists) but which only pays lip-service to equality and universal rights.

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Exactly same UK railway. HR depts, top heavy, infested with radfems who ‘work from home’ making insane DEI policies shadow banning men (especially white men) from the workplace. A company I know of recently has taken on four women and 2 people of colour. In the first year 2 women got pregnant, one failed. One of the men left after hardly ever turning up to work and the other is long term sick. My mate is the manager and he’s been told to “get used to it” by the HR commissar. If you delve into the history of Soviet Commissars it ports quite well to what we are seeing now with woke HR departments. Everything is falling, everywhere. People need to wake up.

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