There is a worrying breakdown in the vital concept of rule of law applying to all citizens. Sexual offences, Cardinal Pell, police charged with murder defending the public, corrupt DPP's, judges, arrogant politicians misusing their corruption watchdog (yes I'm from Victoria), weaponising Violence orders.
I can't believe how blatant lies are run by the media, politicians. They continue to run them even when called out. E.g. the Voice. Or they just refuse to answer legitimate questions.
Thanks for your efforts. I'm sure you get plenty of abuse but these are vital issues.
I am confident and pray that the public is beginning to wake up. Democracy is fragile.
Thank you so much for all you have done to help these poor men, some of the tens of thousands who have had their lives destroyed by phony #MeToo accusations. It is the only type of "crime" where the accused is deemed guilty until proven innocent, in practice if not in theory.
What concerns me the most is that without Bettina, none of this would have come to light because of the mass-hypnosis brainwashing by feminists over the past 50 years.
Thank you Bettina, for battling against the odds. I can't believe Covid was an accepted reason for moving the trial date. Any man who gets involved with a woman who has been to university in these hetero-male hating times, has rocks in his head. I went MGTOW 3 years ago, and I've never been happier, I live a peaceful fulfilling life with no one gaslighting me with their victim mentality, while the living the most privileged life of any group in history.
Bettina, once again, thank you so much for your by now VITAL, NECESSARY work. One question though. In every account you give of the various cases, you never specify details about what is done or not done to the perpetrators of the false accusations AFTER the ordeals. I mean the actual women who start it all. I appreciate you fight the institutions and bureaucracies that support those, but the “evil” intention and actions are first engendered by those LIARS. Whose lies destroy human male lives. Why do your accounts of events always seem to stop with the rehabilitation of those men, following a long hard process? What about the ensuing prosecution against the liars? Are they or aren’t they subsequently prosecuted for perjury, as they should? I am writing from Italy so chances are my naivety on all things Australian is forging these questions… but in any normal judicial world, after an acquittal of a falsely accused, prosecution needs to immediately happen of the person who destroyed a life and wasted thousand of the tax payers money, i.e. the false accuser !!??
Luca you are correct. But from my experiences the females who lie seem to 'get away with it' Courts are told "to tell the whole truth"; oaths are sworn on the bible, yet there seems to be now no investigation to determine the truth. It is a cost to the tax payer one way or another. We have not seen the whole cost yet. The children of mothers who have lied to police, courts, schools, churches, neighbors have not grown up yet. We have not seen the anger from these children yet who were denied the fathers love and support.
Thank you Bettina, you are the only one who knows what it is really like for males unfortunate enough to have fallen in love with one of these women, fathered children or a child to them, to have it ripped away by lies. To battle daily to have the truth known.
Absolutely. They should be dragged over the coals, and then thrown in the clink. How they get away with it is beyond me. Look at the Higgins Lehrmann case that Bettina covered brilliantly, as an example. I steer clear of Australian women, I've had it up to hear with them. In fact, all western women have lost the plot. Good luck with following the 0.000001% mantra that work and the material possessions it buys, will make you free.
As I have explained before, police are under orders not to take action against false accusers - it rarely ever happens. Read this blog which explains what is going on -
…but can the police not be bypassed? After acquittal, can the not-guilty person sue the false alledger directly, having a lawyer send a suing notification to the courts directly (as happens in many other countries) ?
Everyone talks about legal action as if this is easy! It is so costly and risky to sue someone. Most of these guys are totally broke after dealing with the criminal cases against them- and emotionally wrecked! They haven’t a hope of finding pro bono lawyers to take action against their accuser and chances are they will lose and be up for costs of the other side. That’s why I have never sued despite being defamed many times.
Sorry, but I am not following entirely. Why do you state, “chances are they will lose”? They cannot lose, they have just “won”? They have just been acquitted BECAUSE the woman lied. From a “logic” standpoint, it makes no sense?
Woman accuses man of A. To do so, taxpayers spend X, and accused spends 10X, plus adjacent costs (ruined life, career, etc etc, so say 100X). Man is found not guilty of A, MEANING THAT Woman lied about A, causing everyone trouble that is estimated at 1000X, therefore, woman has to reimburse everyone for lie AND be indicted for perjury and impeding course of justice and all that jazz, ie prison and/or costs.
It’s like in movies:
John tries to drown Jack. Jack survives because the “community” finds out about John’s plot, then the community turns to Jack and locks him up. Simples. It’s math. It’s “normal restoration of right vs wrong”, no? Or isn’t it?
So how fucked up is a justice system that , instead of completing ALL the steps in any given case, restoring justice fully, only completes , say, 2 out of the 3 steps that the “restoration of the initial state of justice” entails and requires? Are we in a surrealist novel by Kafka, here? Some sort of nightmare, where John tries to kill Jack, fails to do so, and then we’re all satisfied that Jack survived BUT WE LET JOHN GO notwithstanding the attempted murder?
If feminism has fucked Australia up to such an extent, an extent that resembles a surrealist scenario, why isn’t the international community all over the world trying to do something about this?
I know you’re busy like no other, Bettina; you really don’t have to answer this. But I’m hoping someone in this thread will find the kind patience and time to enlighten me. As I said before, I’m not from aus so perhaps I’m a bit “lost in cultural translation” here… Or perhaps you ARE living in a nightmare, a surrealist scenario, and I just cannot bring myself to believing all this?
No, it is not true that the woman must have lied if the guy is found not guilty. Maybe the evidence was not sufficient to convict. There’s a huge legal difference.
I guess what I am trying to ask is, why does the state itself not process the perjury as a matter of course? A crime has just been committed, someone has just lied about something extremely serious, causing all involved a lot of work and expenditure….. so why does the state not process this as soon as the woman has been found guilty of perjury? The man has not assaulted SURELY MEANS the woman has lied about it, no? This is what I meant by “math” and “logic” in my post above.
If I decide to state that A is white even though I know A is black, causing with my statement a lot of pain and costs, but then A is found to be black, then surely I have to pay for the unjustly caused costs of my false statement?
Kay, disgusting, isn't it. I hope the public now realize that 'ethical standards' are an organization within police to tick boxes for the police service when needed, and there to lie to brick an officer if needed. No wonder we have so many mental health issues now.
I agree with you Jamie, politicians who are found to have lied should be jailed! They may think they have got away with it, but have they? The public have a good memory - look at Bridget McKenzie, every time I read where she is trying to question Alan Joyce, a member of the public says "sports rort". She would be so much more effective had she not lied. We, the public have to keep on; telling all we will not cop their lies, double standards and ripping the public off. Look at the victims of crime, marching on the Qld gov to take action. I'm encouraging us all to continue to speak out.
It’s called the Nuremberg Defence you know the old excuse “ you can’t blame me I’m just doing my job”
But the legal profession makes a huge amount of money from sexual assault and DV cases so do they really want to kill the golden goose ?
A friend of mine spent 10,000 dollars on lawyers defending a DV order taken out against him by his vindictive wife, there was no reason for it as he had done nothing to her , but he still lost.
ah ok i understand what is happening. one problem with capitalism is that judgement is swayed by the desire for profit. eg taking out every kid's tonsils years ago. however if everyone works for the state they do as little work as possible. looks like the only solution here is to find more powerful people who have more to lose if this rort continues ie our elected representatives.
Right , I did represent myself with varying degrees of success , I realized quickly that Magistrates do not like this so you have to be as devious and underhanded as they are. Judges are more professional but still would rather you had a lawyer.
This is the problem with the justice system it is not user friendly and must be improved.
You are right about DV laws and the bias against men . I wrote a submission to the Family Court Senate inquiry about the WA laws the number is SUB 828 name withheld., it's on the internet. If you can read it I'd be interested to hear what you think , the situation in Queensland is similar no doubt, call me on 0418 698026 , thanks.
The lawyers only want the man to negotiate and accept what the woman offers. They get their $30,000, and that's just what they want, nothing else. It's not as easy defending yourself, but I agree it would not be hard to do a better job.
Bettina, in your article I clicked on the link (first paragraph) "Sydney University" and noted two stand out features:
1. The headline referred to the number of "assaults, sexual harassment" etc with no qualification that they were in fact alleged. It is common when journalists stipulate in their reporting that anything of a criminal nature there should exist a proviso, such as "the reporting of the case does not mean that this publication infers guilt, merely that we are reporting what has been alleged". Why then is this apparent departure from AJA ethics and advice not, in this case, adhered to?
2. The statistics provided in the body of the article report that out of 100 cases, 66 occurred off campus! How many "kangaroos" does the University employ to deal with 100 cases and are the kangaroos allowed, legally or otherwise, to venture off campus and into the homes of the 66 students who were not at Uni when the allegations took place? Is it time for a cull?
Sydney University is often a preferred academic choice for those contemplating a Degree in Law. I wonder what the Heads of that faculty make of this "alleged" contemptuous behaviour from their very own employer.
Great work Bettina . , It will only need the Voice" yes "vote to win the Referendum and I'm off to join the Chinese army , I'm already a member of the Taliban ...
Thank you for your work, Bettina. The stories are depressing, but I can’t imagine the emotions of the poor unfortunate men at the centre of the maelstrom which engulfed them.
I note that WA is embracing “respectful relationships” and I’m sure I’m not alone in wondering how any feminist can claim that men are respected by the institutions upon which they are entitled to rely.
University administration, police, courts and of course, the press. All genuflect to feminism, and it is hard to avoid the conclusion that they fear repercussions unless they conspicuously jettison the presumption of innocence and assume male guilt.
I think this is a good suggestion. "going public" always seems to draw the public's attention to it. Also, any genuine politicians can become involved. My concern is women using the system to destroy the father. - to get her own way!
It would be great to think how to get some exposure for the issue of the vulnerability of Asian men. How about some letters to Vice Chancellors asking for figures on the race of males being accused?
GoFundMe, aka Go F**kMe&You, have been busy telling people how to think and spend THEIR own money.
Well done Bettina,
There is a worrying breakdown in the vital concept of rule of law applying to all citizens. Sexual offences, Cardinal Pell, police charged with murder defending the public, corrupt DPP's, judges, arrogant politicians misusing their corruption watchdog (yes I'm from Victoria), weaponising Violence orders.
I can't believe how blatant lies are run by the media, politicians. They continue to run them even when called out. E.g. the Voice. Or they just refuse to answer legitimate questions.
Thanks for your efforts. I'm sure you get plenty of abuse but these are vital issues.
I am confident and pray that the public is beginning to wake up. Democracy is fragile.
Bless you Andrew
Thank you so much for all you have done to help these poor men, some of the tens of thousands who have had their lives destroyed by phony #MeToo accusations. It is the only type of "crime" where the accused is deemed guilty until proven innocent, in practice if not in theory.
What concerns me the most is that without Bettina, none of this would have come to light because of the mass-hypnosis brainwashing by feminists over the past 50 years.
Thank you Bettina, for battling against the odds. I can't believe Covid was an accepted reason for moving the trial date. Any man who gets involved with a woman who has been to university in these hetero-male hating times, has rocks in his head. I went MGTOW 3 years ago, and I've never been happier, I live a peaceful fulfilling life with no one gaslighting me with their victim mentality, while the living the most privileged life of any group in history.
Yes, that's what I meant, thanks for pointing out my clumsiness, much appreciated.
Bettina, once again, thank you so much for your by now VITAL, NECESSARY work. One question though. In every account you give of the various cases, you never specify details about what is done or not done to the perpetrators of the false accusations AFTER the ordeals. I mean the actual women who start it all. I appreciate you fight the institutions and bureaucracies that support those, but the “evil” intention and actions are first engendered by those LIARS. Whose lies destroy human male lives. Why do your accounts of events always seem to stop with the rehabilitation of those men, following a long hard process? What about the ensuing prosecution against the liars? Are they or aren’t they subsequently prosecuted for perjury, as they should? I am writing from Italy so chances are my naivety on all things Australian is forging these questions… but in any normal judicial world, after an acquittal of a falsely accused, prosecution needs to immediately happen of the person who destroyed a life and wasted thousand of the tax payers money, i.e. the false accuser !!??
Thank you.
Luca you are correct. But from my experiences the females who lie seem to 'get away with it' Courts are told "to tell the whole truth"; oaths are sworn on the bible, yet there seems to be now no investigation to determine the truth. It is a cost to the tax payer one way or another. We have not seen the whole cost yet. The children of mothers who have lied to police, courts, schools, churches, neighbors have not grown up yet. We have not seen the anger from these children yet who were denied the fathers love and support.
Thank you Bettina, you are the only one who knows what it is really like for males unfortunate enough to have fallen in love with one of these women, fathered children or a child to them, to have it ripped away by lies. To battle daily to have the truth known.
Ros, what a great comment, and beautifully put. Thank you.
Absolutely. They should be dragged over the coals, and then thrown in the clink. How they get away with it is beyond me. Look at the Higgins Lehrmann case that Bettina covered brilliantly, as an example. I steer clear of Australian women, I've had it up to hear with them. In fact, all western women have lost the plot. Good luck with following the 0.000001% mantra that work and the material possessions it buys, will make you free.
As I have explained before, police are under orders not to take action against false accusers - it rarely ever happens. Read this blog which explains what is going on -
…but can the police not be bypassed? After acquittal, can the not-guilty person sue the false alledger directly, having a lawyer send a suing notification to the courts directly (as happens in many other countries) ?
Everyone talks about legal action as if this is easy! It is so costly and risky to sue someone. Most of these guys are totally broke after dealing with the criminal cases against them- and emotionally wrecked! They haven’t a hope of finding pro bono lawyers to take action against their accuser and chances are they will lose and be up for costs of the other side. That’s why I have never sued despite being defamed many times.
Thank you Bettina. The truth.
Bettina, thank you so much, as ever.
Sorry, but I am not following entirely. Why do you state, “chances are they will lose”? They cannot lose, they have just “won”? They have just been acquitted BECAUSE the woman lied. From a “logic” standpoint, it makes no sense?
Woman accuses man of A. To do so, taxpayers spend X, and accused spends 10X, plus adjacent costs (ruined life, career, etc etc, so say 100X). Man is found not guilty of A, MEANING THAT Woman lied about A, causing everyone trouble that is estimated at 1000X, therefore, woman has to reimburse everyone for lie AND be indicted for perjury and impeding course of justice and all that jazz, ie prison and/or costs.
It’s like in movies:
John tries to drown Jack. Jack survives because the “community” finds out about John’s plot, then the community turns to Jack and locks him up. Simples. It’s math. It’s “normal restoration of right vs wrong”, no? Or isn’t it?
So how fucked up is a justice system that , instead of completing ALL the steps in any given case, restoring justice fully, only completes , say, 2 out of the 3 steps that the “restoration of the initial state of justice” entails and requires? Are we in a surrealist novel by Kafka, here? Some sort of nightmare, where John tries to kill Jack, fails to do so, and then we’re all satisfied that Jack survived BUT WE LET JOHN GO notwithstanding the attempted murder?
If feminism has fucked Australia up to such an extent, an extent that resembles a surrealist scenario, why isn’t the international community all over the world trying to do something about this?
I know you’re busy like no other, Bettina; you really don’t have to answer this. But I’m hoping someone in this thread will find the kind patience and time to enlighten me. As I said before, I’m not from aus so perhaps I’m a bit “lost in cultural translation” here… Or perhaps you ARE living in a nightmare, a surrealist scenario, and I just cannot bring myself to believing all this?
thank you, all.
No, it is not true that the woman must have lied if the guy is found not guilty. Maybe the evidence was not sufficient to convict. There’s a huge legal difference.
I guess what I am trying to ask is, why does the state itself not process the perjury as a matter of course? A crime has just been committed, someone has just lied about something extremely serious, causing all involved a lot of work and expenditure….. so why does the state not process this as soon as the woman has been found guilty of perjury? The man has not assaulted SURELY MEANS the woman has lied about it, no? This is what I meant by “math” and “logic” in my post above.
If I decide to state that A is white even though I know A is black, causing with my statement a lot of pain and costs, but then A is found to be black, then surely I have to pay for the unjustly caused costs of my false statement?
THank you very much 😘 🙏
Kay, disgusting, isn't it. I hope the public now realize that 'ethical standards' are an organization within police to tick boxes for the police service when needed, and there to lie to brick an officer if needed. No wonder we have so many mental health issues now.
I agree with you Jamie, politicians who are found to have lied should be jailed! They may think they have got away with it, but have they? The public have a good memory - look at Bridget McKenzie, every time I read where she is trying to question Alan Joyce, a member of the public says "sports rort". She would be so much more effective had she not lied. We, the public have to keep on; telling all we will not cop their lies, double standards and ripping the public off. Look at the victims of crime, marching on the Qld gov to take action. I'm encouraging us all to continue to speak out.
Thank you Jamie
Continue your work Bettina and send the occasional account
How can the members of the legal profession AND the relevant government representatives sleep at night while this travesty of justice continues?
It’s called the Nuremberg Defence you know the old excuse “ you can’t blame me I’m just doing my job”
But the legal profession makes a huge amount of money from sexual assault and DV cases so do they really want to kill the golden goose ?
A friend of mine spent 10,000 dollars on lawyers defending a DV order taken out against him by his vindictive wife, there was no reason for it as he had done nothing to her , but he still lost.
ah ok i understand what is happening. one problem with capitalism is that judgement is swayed by the desire for profit. eg taking out every kid's tonsils years ago. however if everyone works for the state they do as little work as possible. looks like the only solution here is to find more powerful people who have more to lose if this rort continues ie our elected representatives.
Right , I did represent myself with varying degrees of success , I realized quickly that Magistrates do not like this so you have to be as devious and underhanded as they are. Judges are more professional but still would rather you had a lawyer.
This is the problem with the justice system it is not user friendly and must be improved.
You are right about DV laws and the bias against men . I wrote a submission to the Family Court Senate inquiry about the WA laws the number is SUB 828 name withheld., it's on the internet. If you can read it I'd be interested to hear what you think , the situation in Queensland is similar no doubt, call me on 0418 698026 , thanks.
The lawyers only want the man to negotiate and accept what the woman offers. They get their $30,000, and that's just what they want, nothing else. It's not as easy defending yourself, but I agree it would not be hard to do a better job.
Heartbreaking story.
Thanks Bettina, keep up the necessary and important work.
Bettina, in your article I clicked on the link (first paragraph) "Sydney University" and noted two stand out features:
1. The headline referred to the number of "assaults, sexual harassment" etc with no qualification that they were in fact alleged. It is common when journalists stipulate in their reporting that anything of a criminal nature there should exist a proviso, such as "the reporting of the case does not mean that this publication infers guilt, merely that we are reporting what has been alleged". Why then is this apparent departure from AJA ethics and advice not, in this case, adhered to?
2. The statistics provided in the body of the article report that out of 100 cases, 66 occurred off campus! How many "kangaroos" does the University employ to deal with 100 cases and are the kangaroos allowed, legally or otherwise, to venture off campus and into the homes of the 66 students who were not at Uni when the allegations took place? Is it time for a cull?
Sydney University is often a preferred academic choice for those contemplating a Degree in Law. I wonder what the Heads of that faculty make of this "alleged" contemptuous behaviour from their very own employer.
Great work Bettina . , It will only need the Voice" yes "vote to win the Referendum and I'm off to join the Chinese army , I'm already a member of the Taliban ...
Russia might also be an option - I hear there are whole western communities springing up around Moscow.
Thank you for your work, Bettina. The stories are depressing, but I can’t imagine the emotions of the poor unfortunate men at the centre of the maelstrom which engulfed them.
I note that WA is embracing “respectful relationships” and I’m sure I’m not alone in wondering how any feminist can claim that men are respected by the institutions upon which they are entitled to rely.
University administration, police, courts and of course, the press. All genuflect to feminism, and it is hard to avoid the conclusion that they fear repercussions unless they conspicuously jettison the presumption of innocence and assume male guilt.
And we are told we live under patriarchy!
Yes, we hear that ll the time from the leftists, here's the reality.
Suicides 73% men
Homelessness 80% men
Worse health men
Imprisonment 87% men
War dead 99% men
Longest work hours men
Least university enrolled men
Manual labour injuries men
Also, more the victims of violence
Most serious sport injuries men
more drug, alcohol, smoking addiction,
The world needs more Heroes.
Bettina is Australia's Hero of the Year!
Thank you for your important work and realise that the tide is turning, just look at the massive increase of red pill and mgtow posts
I think this is a good suggestion. "going public" always seems to draw the public's attention to it. Also, any genuine politicians can become involved. My concern is women using the system to destroy the father. - to get her own way!
It would be great to think how to get some exposure for the issue of the vulnerability of Asian men. How about some letters to Vice Chancellors asking for figures on the race of males being accused?