I wish I could send you the analysis of the 2015 infanticde study that took 12 years to be published. With a different objective in teh analysis of the data you can see that a child has a x9.8 time greater chance of dying in teh custody of the birth mother.
I did a spread sheet of the data with a different aspect at the data. That aspect was infanticide of gendered cutodial access. Custody at the hands of biological father & biological mother. (by males total males are worse, but only 2% of male infanticide are by biological fathers).
This is why the narrative MUST include the term ....Blah....Blah.....Blah and their children.
Shooting the breeze. I gave a lot of thought to this (nearly every day). I want to be more outspoken on these issues, family law, justice, relationships, equality, a better deal for men. I have recently been through a second, and reasonable expensive breakup, well stiffed by lawyers. I can't afford to lose my job (last chance to rebuild). It took me a little while to realise, I'm actually fearful of being economically disabled by my employer, the government, society for expressing my point of view. Neither I, nor anyone else should be manipulated into feeling this way.
What a horror.. the biggest horror being when a Government turns from 'protecting citizens' to 'acting like a gang member for their own power'.. in this case supporting injustice against men/citizens... others ...
Absolutely, I need to get past this personally, I wonder how many other men feel this way? It might sound dumb, but it took a bit of soul searching for this to sit comfortably with me
I suspect there are quite a number of men who feel how you do but like you are afraid to speak out. It takes courage to speak out as a man despite some blaming men for being weak and not speaking out!!
I wouldn't blame you, in your position, that you get on with your life and rebuild it, as you say, and speak out when it is very safe and/or you somehow support people like Bettina when and where you can. I've mostly come to terms for myself that I am no big activist about to change the whole world so I do what I can do when I can (I am a gay man that thinks the injustices from those in power is wrong and that is why I am reading these articles, to re-write my script).
I like that Bettina focuses on the injustice being carried out, because it is one of the biggest problems I think we face in this day and age. It is the job of Government to ensure that all are treated fairly before the law.
This might come under your plans to remove DEI, but as part of your top 10 list I'd like to see reform of the NSW Anti Discrimination Board (or Human Rights Commission?) which permits sex discrimination against males. Examples include:
1. Quotas eg. NSW Fire & Rescue
2. Extra super for women only eg. ANZ
3. Lower university scores for women eg. UTS
4. Additional support for unemployed women eg. after COVID women could get up to $5000 assistance
The link below provides a list of all the current exemptions. It's lengthy!
so if I understand this.. read it quickly.. there are exemptions that then mean discrimination against others because all are not treated Equally and yet there is an outcry for Equality but only when it suits... mmmmmmmmmm
That’s partly the problem , women are quite happy with double standards it seems , as long as THEY are the beneficiaries of the inequality.
In this respect at least it must be said that women in general are childish , self centred and narcissistic . Lacking morals and principles but then expecting to be the leaders of society, can someone tell them they can’t have it both ways , gender equality means just that, men and women equal in ALL ways.
Bettina - congratulations on yet another tireless year of standing up not just for men, but also for basic fairness, a core Australian value.
What a disgrace this Chinese man had to endure such a nightmare. Again we see an attempted lynching of an innocent man by an angry woman making false allegations, aided and abetted by the police and legal system.
And I suppose that as per usual, the despicable woman who decided to go after him will always have her ID kept under wraps, and will bot be prosecuted for making false statements let alone lying in her evidence to the Court, both which are crimes carrying jail sentences.
As for the family court system in Australia, put a fork in it. Ever since the FCFCOA was formed, it has fast become an even more bureaucratic and ideological minefield for men.
Get this - an astonishing 95% of recent appointments to judicial and quasi-judicial positions have gone to females. Almost all are employed by females. Not a peep about this epic example of 'gender imbalance' or lack of 'diversity' in Australian media, though. Of course not.
Now, not all of these female judges, registrars and judicial registrars are misandrist ideologues, of course. However, you can bet your bottom dollar that the vast majority are - ESPECIALLY the ambitious ones. After all, getting drunk on misandrist koolaid is a rite of passage for these mostly very privileged, very wealthy and very entitled women.
It's not hard to see where this is leading, in terms of fair outcomes for men & their families in family law situations. It's a disaster.
As a good family lawyer recently told me, men in family law situations should avoid that court "like the plague". Men also need to understand that they're on a losing wicket in Australian family law - guys, sadly you are not going to get fairness from the current system. Ergo, don't be dumb and fight : it's a waste of your time and energy. Be smart - settle with your -ex out of court as fast as you can, as soon as you can, and move on with your lives.
And always tell your kids that you love them, every day, no matter what.
95%. Is a definite gender bias , if it was the other way favouring men, the media would make a big deal about it . But the feminists run the Media and even Sky News is showing a reluctance to air stories about bias against men . A double standard such as this would be a good story you’d think.
In Queensland there was a Family Court magistrate who sent the gentlemen to jail, his words were ‘ I hope you bought your toothbrush’! The gentleman's crime was he had not provided all the documents for the Family Court. His lawyer argued for extra time & despite the ex wife’s plea not to send him to jail, he did anyway. Whilst incarcerated he was assaulted, he successfully sued the Magistrate and was awarded $300,000. The Magistrate appealed and the outcome is unknown. Media has mentioned that the legal fraternity were arguing for Magistrates to have exemption from Civil Litigation.
I did mention he was male if you can read, I said ‘he’ not ‘ she’ did send him to jail anyway. The Judge is still working. So much for being hauled over the coals, hey. Everything is verifiable, he lost the Civil case, the gentlemen was awarded $300,000 as he was found guilty on the balance of probabilities. This was widely reported his name was Judge Vasta. Unlike you I am on the side of the fathers who are discriminated against constantly.
Judge Vasta destroyed my family last week, ripping my 4 year old step son from a loving family and allowing a vindictive jealous women to get exactly this outcome- propped up with false allegations against my husband and myself. He is a disgrace of a human being and should be removed from his duties immediately.
I’m so sorry, this is so wrong. It’s nothing but child abuse when a Judge can just take a child away without considering how damaging it is for the child. Like most Judges are cruel and heartless.
<Inquirer has discovered that the ACT government’s clenched fist is pressing down on one end of Lady Justice’s scales to lift sexual assault conviction rates. And it’s doing this with no apparent evidence that sexual assault convictions are too low.>
The insidious erosion of human rights for the male gender to becoming the "persecuted" by the political system.
Yep, interesting article, read it. Jane is another victim of trolling attacks and attempted cancelling by the woke brigade. Yet she is incredibly incisive, well researched and above all courageous. Always look out for her articles, she is not afraid to call it for what it is, a rare breed of journalist.
Great article Bettina. I was appalled at Craig's treatment and similarly Geoffrey Rush. It would also be good to outline your own story (if you have already please send a link), but you also appear to have been cancelled for asking a perfectly sensible question. What kind of country do we live in?
Excellent work- the family law system is outrageous. But for those in the system it is just like the air we breath, so they cannot see the iniquity and absurdity it perpetuates.
The case of the Chinese students is similar to the Kevin Ibbs case from WA , he was dubbed the “30second rapist “. Kevin always said the his case was a test case and he was right . The idea that consent for sex can be withdrawn at any point by the woman and that it then becomes rape is an outrageous proposition.
Women can now use the justice system as a weapon against any man who refuses to comply with their wishes . But why did the police charge the Chinese student in the first place ? It must have been obvious to them what was happening, the ugly truth is that police are controlled by feminists.
NSW taxpayers should be enraged at the waste of public resources and money prosecuting a case like this , given that both students were not Australian citizens ,only temporary residents ,it could be argued that public funds should not be wasted on what was just a trivial personal vendetta .
It was outrageous but this case wasn't really about withdrawn consent but rather a malicious, crazy woman who deliberately had sex with him and then accused him of rape to punish him for not wanting to resume their relationship.
That’s right ,and as I said it’s hard to see how the police could not have known this, they let themselves be fooled by a teenage student with limited English, how embarrassing ,do the NSW police have no pride.
Police investigations are the filter to weed out false complaints , how could a modern police force with all the experienced officers not be able to tell that the girl was making it all up?
And the cost of all the court time ,prosecutors,jails ,etc. paid for by taxpayers, at a time economists are warning that government spending must be reduced to avoid a recession.
Wonderful to read some good news for a change. Many, many thanks for all the great work you do Bettina. Have a lovely, restful Christmas - and the same to all your readers.
but it seems that the Australian Authorities break the:
Universal Declaration of Human Rights : UNITED NATIONS
Article 07 All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
Article 09 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
Getting rid of Labor won't solve anything if the Liberals do not have any worthwhile policies and the balls to implement them.
I wish I could send you the analysis of the 2015 infanticde study that took 12 years to be published. With a different objective in teh analysis of the data you can see that a child has a x9.8 time greater chance of dying in teh custody of the birth mother.
I did a spread sheet of the data with a different aspect at the data. That aspect was infanticide of gendered cutodial access. Custody at the hands of biological father & biological mother. (by males total males are worse, but only 2% of male infanticide are by biological fathers).
This is why the narrative MUST include the term ....Blah....Blah.....Blah and their children.
T-H-A-N-K. Y-O-U, Bettina. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Shooting the breeze. I gave a lot of thought to this (nearly every day). I want to be more outspoken on these issues, family law, justice, relationships, equality, a better deal for men. I have recently been through a second, and reasonable expensive breakup, well stiffed by lawyers. I can't afford to lose my job (last chance to rebuild). It took me a little while to realise, I'm actually fearful of being economically disabled by my employer, the government, society for expressing my point of view. Neither I, nor anyone else should be manipulated into feeling this way.
What a horror.. the biggest horror being when a Government turns from 'protecting citizens' to 'acting like a gang member for their own power'.. in this case supporting injustice against men/citizens... others ...
Absolutely, I need to get past this personally, I wonder how many other men feel this way? It might sound dumb, but it took a bit of soul searching for this to sit comfortably with me
I suspect there are quite a number of men who feel how you do but like you are afraid to speak out. It takes courage to speak out as a man despite some blaming men for being weak and not speaking out!!
I wouldn't blame you, in your position, that you get on with your life and rebuild it, as you say, and speak out when it is very safe and/or you somehow support people like Bettina when and where you can. I've mostly come to terms for myself that I am no big activist about to change the whole world so I do what I can do when I can (I am a gay man that thinks the injustices from those in power is wrong and that is why I am reading these articles, to re-write my script).
I like that Bettina focuses on the injustice being carried out, because it is one of the biggest problems I think we face in this day and age. It is the job of Government to ensure that all are treated fairly before the law.
Thanks Jamie, well said too
This might come under your plans to remove DEI, but as part of your top 10 list I'd like to see reform of the NSW Anti Discrimination Board (or Human Rights Commission?) which permits sex discrimination against males. Examples include:
1. Quotas eg. NSW Fire & Rescue
2. Extra super for women only eg. ANZ
3. Lower university scores for women eg. UTS
4. Additional support for unemployed women eg. after COVID women could get up to $5000 assistance
The link below provides a list of all the current exemptions. It's lengthy!
so if I understand this.. read it quickly.. there are exemptions that then mean discrimination against others because all are not treated Equally and yet there is an outcry for Equality but only when it suits... mmmmmmmmmm
That’s partly the problem , women are quite happy with double standards it seems , as long as THEY are the beneficiaries of the inequality.
In this respect at least it must be said that women in general are childish , self centred and narcissistic . Lacking morals and principles but then expecting to be the leaders of society, can someone tell them they can’t have it both ways , gender equality means just that, men and women equal in ALL ways.
Given the noise feminists have made about the witch hunts it's amzing how little respect they have for the presumption of innocence.
Bettina - congratulations on yet another tireless year of standing up not just for men, but also for basic fairness, a core Australian value.
What a disgrace this Chinese man had to endure such a nightmare. Again we see an attempted lynching of an innocent man by an angry woman making false allegations, aided and abetted by the police and legal system.
And I suppose that as per usual, the despicable woman who decided to go after him will always have her ID kept under wraps, and will bot be prosecuted for making false statements let alone lying in her evidence to the Court, both which are crimes carrying jail sentences.
As for the family court system in Australia, put a fork in it. Ever since the FCFCOA was formed, it has fast become an even more bureaucratic and ideological minefield for men.
Get this - an astonishing 95% of recent appointments to judicial and quasi-judicial positions have gone to females. Almost all are employed by females. Not a peep about this epic example of 'gender imbalance' or lack of 'diversity' in Australian media, though. Of course not.
Now, not all of these female judges, registrars and judicial registrars are misandrist ideologues, of course. However, you can bet your bottom dollar that the vast majority are - ESPECIALLY the ambitious ones. After all, getting drunk on misandrist koolaid is a rite of passage for these mostly very privileged, very wealthy and very entitled women.
It's not hard to see where this is leading, in terms of fair outcomes for men & their families in family law situations. It's a disaster.
As a good family lawyer recently told me, men in family law situations should avoid that court "like the plague". Men also need to understand that they're on a losing wicket in Australian family law - guys, sadly you are not going to get fairness from the current system. Ergo, don't be dumb and fight : it's a waste of your time and energy. Be smart - settle with your -ex out of court as fast as you can, as soon as you can, and move on with your lives.
And always tell your kids that you love them, every day, no matter what.
95%. Is a definite gender bias , if it was the other way favouring men, the media would make a big deal about it . But the feminists run the Media and even Sky News is showing a reluctance to air stories about bias against men . A double standard such as this would be a good story you’d think.
In Queensland there was a Family Court magistrate who sent the gentlemen to jail, his words were ‘ I hope you bought your toothbrush’! The gentleman's crime was he had not provided all the documents for the Family Court. His lawyer argued for extra time & despite the ex wife’s plea not to send him to jail, he did anyway. Whilst incarcerated he was assaulted, he successfully sued the Magistrate and was awarded $300,000. The Magistrate appealed and the outcome is unknown. Media has mentioned that the legal fraternity were arguing for Magistrates to have exemption from Civil Litigation.
See what Dad’s are up agains.
That isn't correct.
First, the family court doesn't have magistrates.
Second, it was a MALE judge who made the comment. The judge was rightly hauled over the coals for what he did, too.
Sorry, but do better. What you just posted was BS and easily verifiable too. It doesn't help the cause. Check your sources before posting things.
I did mention he was male if you can read, I said ‘he’ not ‘ she’ did send him to jail anyway. The Judge is still working. So much for being hauled over the coals, hey. Everything is verifiable, he lost the Civil case, the gentlemen was awarded $300,000 as he was found guilty on the balance of probabilities. This was widely reported his name was Judge Vasta. Unlike you I am on the side of the fathers who are discriminated against constantly.
Judge Vasta destroyed my family last week, ripping my 4 year old step son from a loving family and allowing a vindictive jealous women to get exactly this outcome- propped up with false allegations against my husband and myself. He is a disgrace of a human being and should be removed from his duties immediately.
I’m so sorry, this is so wrong. It’s nothing but child abuse when a Judge can just take a child away without considering how damaging it is for the child. Like most Judges are cruel and heartless.
Furthermore for Bettina’s supporters Inside Story has done a story On the Family Court Judge, words used in story was ‘ Australia’s Worst Judge’
We all know that Magistrates should not be held above the law.
Good for this guy suing.
The perfect storm for injustice brews in the ACT
<Inquirer has discovered that the ACT government’s clenched fist is pressing down on one end of Lady Justice’s scales to lift sexual assault conviction rates. And it’s doing this with no apparent evidence that sexual assault convictions are too low.>
The insidious erosion of human rights for the male gender to becoming the "persecuted" by the political system.
Yep, interesting article, read it. Jane is another victim of trolling attacks and attempted cancelling by the woke brigade. Yet she is incredibly incisive, well researched and above all courageous. Always look out for her articles, she is not afraid to call it for what it is, a rare breed of journalist.
We need more journalists like her.
Thank you Bettina and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a fruitful 2025 to you and your assistances..
Great article Bettina. I was appalled at Craig's treatment and similarly Geoffrey Rush. It would also be good to outline your own story (if you have already please send a link), but you also appear to have been cancelled for asking a perfectly sensible question. What kind of country do we live in?
Excellent work- the family law system is outrageous. But for those in the system it is just like the air we breath, so they cannot see the iniquity and absurdity it perpetuates.
Hi Brett, I was cancelled for receiving an honours award from the Australian government for my work for men. The feminists didn't like that at all. See here...https://www.bettinaarndt.com.au/the-campaign-to-cancel-bettina-arndt/
The case of the Chinese students is similar to the Kevin Ibbs case from WA , he was dubbed the “30second rapist “. Kevin always said the his case was a test case and he was right . The idea that consent for sex can be withdrawn at any point by the woman and that it then becomes rape is an outrageous proposition.
Women can now use the justice system as a weapon against any man who refuses to comply with their wishes . But why did the police charge the Chinese student in the first place ? It must have been obvious to them what was happening, the ugly truth is that police are controlled by feminists.
NSW taxpayers should be enraged at the waste of public resources and money prosecuting a case like this , given that both students were not Australian citizens ,only temporary residents ,it could be argued that public funds should not be wasted on what was just a trivial personal vendetta .
It was outrageous but this case wasn't really about withdrawn consent but rather a malicious, crazy woman who deliberately had sex with him and then accused him of rape to punish him for not wanting to resume their relationship.
That’s right ,and as I said it’s hard to see how the police could not have known this, they let themselves be fooled by a teenage student with limited English, how embarrassing ,do the NSW police have no pride.
Police investigations are the filter to weed out false complaints , how could a modern police force with all the experienced officers not be able to tell that the girl was making it all up?
And the cost of all the court time ,prosecutors,jails ,etc. paid for by taxpayers, at a time economists are warning that government spending must be reduced to avoid a recession.
Wonderful to read some good news for a change. Many, many thanks for all the great work you do Bettina. Have a lovely, restful Christmas - and the same to all your readers.
Men’s rights policies should always include
Human Rights and the presumption of innocence
Laws should allow for compensation for those falsely imprisoned.
False allegations, laws should be applied equally.
Police should be held accountable for Abuse of Office.
Parental Alienation should be legislated its is in some countries.
I’m told that in Switzerland it is impossible for parents not to have 50/50 custody ‘unless’ something is really bad 🤷♂️🤷♂️
Correct me if I'm wrong,
but it seems that the Australian Authorities break the:
Universal Declaration of Human Rights : UNITED NATIONS
Article 07 All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
Article 09 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
But, as I read a booklet by a German man, he declared: The “United Nations” are not at all United!
One sentence: "National are special-interest representatives, of which it can be maintained that they indeed are not united."
In Australia Human Rights are ignored when it comes to men.
What an uplifting way to end the year! So many green shoots.