Keep up this vital work Bettina. So very important. May the tide turn and justice prevail!

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My comment was simply to state the judge’s findings. There was no question that a crime was committed and the offender jailed.

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Genuinely strong independent thinking women dont threaten others in mobs behind the mask of fake feminism.

This is what cowardly & unhinged useful idiots do.

Good for you Bettina for being a courageous independent thinker.

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A well deserved break by all accounts.

I don’t do hero worship Bettina, I’m too battle scarred and cranky for that crap … but if I were ever to succumb you are definitely at the top of the list mainly because of your sheer doggedness and decency!

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May I just make the observation- we seem to treat the endless threats and intimidation by feminists which erupt whenever people try to gather and speak about issues affecting the lives of men and boys with a casual disdain. It is in fact a disgusting and all too common tactic employed by these hateful bigots and it is time for more of an outcry about it.

When Cassie Jaye's documentary The Red Pill was released here in Victoria and all around the country, there were threats made to venues and lies spewed about the actual content of the film which the media promoted as fact. The result being most venues cancelled their original agreement to screen it.

People who wished to attend the venue showing the film had to go ridiculous lengths of secrecy to go to the screening for fear it would be disclosed and a feminist mob would descend and cause havoc and violence.

This took place in Melbourne Australia. Good citizens who wished to attend a well made film about important issues impacting the lives of men and boys were treated like criminals and had to see the documentary in a hideout like skulking pedophiles trying to view kiddie porn.

This is outrageous, yet no media outlet has ever written about or condemned these thuggish tactics. Can you imagine a mob of men standing outside a theatre or conference centre preventing women from attending a presentation about issues concerning women and girls? It has NEVER happened, yet men are painted as the toxic, rage filled, violent haters. Feminists do this routinely. When my wife and I attended a march for men in Melbourne a few years ago we were once again threatened by an angry mob of man hating feminists. A huge police cordon was the only reason we were not physically attacked.

We live in a broken world. Masculinity has been criminalized.

It was with great relish I listened to the news today and learned that one of those media maggots who helped promote the myth that Cassie's film was all about defending rape apologists and wife beaters, Andrew Okeefe, (former white ribbon ambassador) had his appeal turned down over his domestic violence and assault charges. What a filthy hypocrite as are all of those virtue signaling wankers.

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Thank you Mark. I wish you were mistaken, but sadly your accounts are spot on. Having 'lived' in Melbourne 21 years I know first hand what you speak of. Leaving the Kingdom of Woke is the best decision my wife & I ever made.

Your Andrew O'Keefe tale is too true. When he was still on 7, I lodged a complaint with management about a particular stance he had. My gripe was not re his opinion, but that the man was 100% wrong while insisting he was right!

Chris, NSW Bush

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The story of Andrew OKeefe is an example of what a man has to do to survive in the feminist pro women media , he has to become a yes man to his feminist superiors. But it’s a warning to others ,the feminists will tolerate men as long as they tow the line but will throw them to the wolves for the slightest transgression .

Could we now expect to see OKeefe have some sort of crisis of conscience and speak out about the bias against men in the main stream media ?

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"we seem to treat the endless threats and intimidation by feminists which erupt whenever people try to gather and speak about issues affecting the lives of men and boys with a casual disdain...it is time for more of an outcry about it."

You need to remember that for millions of men like me, it's simply not our problem. MGTOW means we've escaped the feminists and their war on men and boys. It's only married men like you who need to worry. Why should we fight for you? After all, you're part of the problem, not the solution. If all men chose the path of MGTOW we would defeat the feminist state without lifting a finger.

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While I understand mens caution in being involved with the modern day feminist the answer is not for millions of men to vacate their post completely.

Nature created men & women to yearn to be together & to create happy families.

Its up to us to continue to defend our healthy natural instincts, for ourselves, our children & humanity.

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"the answer is not for millions of men to vacate their post completely."

So what is the answer? Do you have anything constructive to offer? As opposed to vacuous motherhood statements?

MGTOW is the ONLY way to defeat the feminist regime and mount a political movement capable of winding back the grievous excesses of feminism in our laws and institutions. Everything else is just so much hot air.

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Bettina is defending the natural relationship between men & women.

If you support her & others like her, hopefully more women will reject the nasty side of feminism .

That would make more apoealing women available to you & your group.

You could also try widening the parameters of what you think an attractive woman might be for you.

Many men overlook good women because they dont fit the current steryotype of attractiveness but are actually attractive.

It is better imo if men like you make allies of good women who also want to put toxic feminism back in the box

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Sep 11Edited

"Bettina is defending the natural relationship between men & women."

LOL you make her sound like some kind of New Age relationship counsellor-cum-wellness guru.

"If you support her & others like her, hopefully more women will reject the nasty side of feminism."

I support Bettina because she's been sounding the alarm for years about the punitive Family Court system that ruins men's lives and drives them to suicide, and more recently about the weaponization of laws surrounding sexual consent, domestic violence, and the war on men and boys in general. It is my hope that more young men will heed the warnings of Bettina and others like her about the dangers of relationships with women in the West, and join the growing ranks of men like me who have sworn off Western women for life - firstly as a matter of self-preservation, and secondly to push back against the feminist state. Your Pollyanna suggestion that we simply hope that "more women will reject the nasty side of feminism" (as if there's a nice side) is beyond ridiculous. There is no "Women Against Feminism" movement in Australia. Australian women will march in the streets against "toxic masculinity" and "rape culture", they'll march in the streets for abortion rights, they'll march in the streets for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, they'll march in the streets for Palestinians, they'll even march in the streets for George Floyd. But the one thing we can be certain they will NEVER EVER march for is justice for men.

"You could also try widening the parameters of what you think an attractive woman might be for you. Many men overlook good women because they dont fit the current steryotype of attractiveness but are actually attractive."

Sure, I could probably widen the weight parameters from 70kg to 150kg and the IQ parameters from 100 down to 50. That would certainly increase the pool of available women in Australia. But it wouldn't change anything when she decides to drag me through the divorce courts and falsely accuse me of domestic violence. I'll still wind up broke and in jail.

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May I suggest an attitude overhaul may be of some benefit in attracting a good woman into your life.

Because you have had a bad experience with a Western woman does not mean that all Western women are the same.

If you are as toxic in your attitude re western women as toxic femimists are towards men, you are just as bad as they are & will cause as much damage.

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I spent 7 years as a legal advocate for families being desteoyed by the Family Court /Child Protecton system including those who recieved unfair treatment due to toxic feminist ideology .

I also spent 4 years convincing whistleblowers to go to 2 Parliamentary enquiries on the problem of feminist ideology in the Family Court & Child Protection System & writing a 30 page evidence based submission to push for structural changes. Some were implemented.

What have you done?

What have you done ?

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That's a ridiculous comment. My wife and daughter are as passionate about men's rights a s I am. There are many male feminists and there are females who fight it. I fell in love with a woman who has done nothing but care for me and stand by my side my whole married life.

I also love kids and grandkids and would not have them if I didn't have my wife by my side.

If your lifestyle works for you then good for you. Don't expect others to follow. I also think the idea that you only fight an injustice if it affects you personally is a pathetic way to live your life.

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Sep 10Edited

"I also think the idea that you only fight an injustice if it affects you personally is a pathetic way to live your life."

Feminist injustice no longer affects us personally because we made a deliberate choice to fight back, by going MGTOW. You are the one not fighting. All you do is bitch and whine, and admire the problem: "We live in a broken world. Masculinity has been criminalized." But you want to have your cake and eat it too. You're like the Nazi collaborators living comfortably in town, while the partisans take to the forest to mount a Resistance, forgoing all the things you cherish - "love with a woman"..."kids and grandkids"..."a wife by my side". You're in no position to lecture anyone about "a pathetic way to live your life."

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Thanks, Bettina. You are a warrior. Enjoy your well earned break.

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So glad I was there! I agree, most wholeheartedly, that it was a resounding success.

Very well organised and implemented, giving each speaker space for their important message.

For those attending it was a long day, but rivetting from start to finish. The bumper attendence at the pub for drinks afterwards was a testament to how we were still going strong at the end of the day.

Rushcutters Bay, in Sydney on the first day of spring, also turned it on for us!

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Zalli Burrows bullied, threatened & intimidated by feminist, who would of thought

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Yep. Really displays how they want to control an Agenda and nothing to do with giving all females a voice.

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Look at the numbers this YouTube video is getting! 0ver 125K! https://youtu.be/KXca2vjnr5M. And over 1,000 comments. Please help me spread it around.

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Over 130,000 now.

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Congratulations Bettina, and thanks for being our champion

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Good. morning Bettina, congratulations on the conference last Saturday. I am in awe of your energy and perserverance in the face of so much vile/evil lies, malicious opposition, and unmerited attacks.I was so very distressed to hear the crushing injustices visited on innocent men, where a glance or an eyebrow quirk, a joke or a compliment can be pretzeled into sexual assault. Professor Augusto Zimmerman was visibly affected by what he had to tell the conference goers and provided little comfort in light of the testimony of family members so devastated by the perfidy they endured. There are glimmers of hope which with patience and persistence will grow and put an end to the attempts to turn on its head the hard-fought foundation of civilised living -- the persumption of innocence.

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Bettina, huge respect for your determination and courage. I don't know anyone who does it as well as you do. I hope this is a big step forward in changing the ugly system.

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I watched all of the guests speaking, I was impressed with McKenzie friends, would love to get involved after what happened to my son. Locked up on remand for 2 years in qld prison for non physical DV. We learnt a lot from mistakes along the way, such as trusting a bad lawyer. No presumption of innocence with Qld magistrates.

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Congratulations Bettina on presenting a first rate conference which was filled with vitally important messages for everyone. The speakers resonated with their challenging and confronting stories. We have a country to save and not just for the sake of the parents but also our children too.

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My video is going viral! Exciting....


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I'm pleased Bettina.

YouTube asks me to sign in and I don't have a YouTube account.

Is this just for me living in Switzerland or everyone is faced with this?


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It opened for me in a "private" browser, ie. no login, in Australia.

Maybe Switzerland requires a login, either by mandate from YouTube or the Swiss government?

This URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXca2vjnr5M

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Than you Steven.

ALL the links are working now 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

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Thank you, Bettina. I travelled over from New Zealand to attend because the complete disregard for men's experiences in the "Family" Court and Criminal Courts are exactly the same here as they are in Australia. And if Australia does try the flip the burden of proof onto the defendant rather than the State, New Zealand will follow suit. Although NZ didn't follow Australia's change to shared cared being the default starting point in parenting cases. The loss of income for single mothers collecting child support was far too much for the Femocrats (thanks Bettina, that's my new favourite word !) to deal with.

Once again, thank you Bettina.

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