
Some people are having trouble accessing the link to the text message that Baxter wrote to Clarke. If so, use the link below. (Note, it was never actually sent to Clarke, but rather was found on Baxter's phone.)


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Very revealing. Interesting they record the call. Well when I worked at lifeline they did but I never thought you could ever get access. Anyhow, yes quite revealing. So strange how they don’t reveal the triggers like human beings just have marital breakdowns for zero reasons. So strange people are not adult enough to tell and report the truth. So she was chasing another bloke. Then felt rejected her middle child chose dad (not sure the timing of things). When I studied psychology subjects, studies said leading cause of violence against women was jealousy over infidelity.

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Thanks Tina, Sorry I just emailed you about this before I got to the end of the article...

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Reading the results of the inquest was quite embarrassing in that it was just emotion and not factual/professional. Shows how even judges etc are fallible and succumb to social media pressure (or perhaps are advocates for the right cause). The talk of pushing people hard at the gym at indicating his predilection to being violent etc. was pretty light on evidence. Also no mention of what access he actually had to kids. If zero, say it (which was implied). I know they recommended his charges should have been harsher (not sure circumstances around charges). Also note QLD will implement all recommendations- so going through FC now, means things just got a whole lot harder. Not one recommended to help men - so strange. They investigate why men join Islamic extremism and do so with a judgmental helpful slant is UK etc. but here it’s he is Evil (which straight away set off a red flag this was not a proper inquest).

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Thank you again Bettina. Your persistence rewards us all; and hopefully will improve life for all fathers, children and extended families: especially mothers who accept the reality that a father in the life of a child is the best for that child psychologically. So many things that happened to RB and in the Dan Jones case are just unbelievable. The human cost is just so dreadful.

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Thank you Bettina. I have for 2 years been seeking in the media more details on the facts of the case, rather than opinion. It was a relief to finally see primary data sources. There still exists questions for me. What ignited the petrol that day? Did Baxter light a match or was it the petrol, perhaps, leaking down to the car exhaust? Is the Baxter letter mentioned the unsent message to Hannah or was there a separate suicide letter and, if so, is it available to the public? If Baxter had week about access to the children (i.e. 50/50, not 70/30) would there have been no DVO and therefore no escalation and the family would be alive today? Were any of Baxter's allegations of Clarke investigated and determined true or false? If Hannah informs the police that her name is "Hannah Baxter" why does the press refer to her and the children as "Clarkes"? If Mensline had put Baxter in touch with Dads In Distress - dids.org.au - that meet weekly in Logan (no 12 month delay, just fathers helping fathers to cope and retain hope) would the family be alive today? ALP MP Graham Pettit has a private members bill that seeks to reform the Family Law Act to remove the verbiage of "shared parenting" as it angers parents who believe they should get equal time - would his reforms have saved the family? Other minor political parties advocate for a rebuttable presumption to equal shared parenting time - would 50/50 (week about access) have meant no DVO for Baxter and therefore the family would be alive today? Was there comment from Officer Kent about her DVO on Baxter and is she OK or herself traumatised by the snowballing affects of her decision? "Why? Because Baxter was evil" is an unsatisfactory answer to conclude the inquiry, thus we have the death of Obi Stanley (and others) and they will continue until we properly interrogate all the touchpoints (government or otherwise) prior to filicide & suicide. Bettina, thank you for taking a great deal more care than mainstream media on this important case and hopefully, as a nation, we can find real lessons from this tragic event as the full picture emerges - we owe this to the deceased and to future generations. Thank you.

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James, re your question of 50/50 access, from my experiences, it is more a case of an ADVO causing the father to have no access to the child without it being restricted. That being followed around by a person writing down everything said during the visit. The person recording is paid by the organization who is paid by the mother to essentially ensure the child is protected; but essentially limits the child being told the truth of why the father has disappeared from the child's life. That is up to whatever the mother decides to tell the child. (very one sided) re your question re Graham Perrett's private members bill, I fail to see how he can represent families who have been mistreated by the Family Court as the Senate review/enquiry into families did not hear or directly contact people who provided submissions to the review or enquiry. People waited in good faith trusting they would be contacted to give evidence. Was Officer Kent traumatized? Well you might question is every officer who serves a domestic violence order on a father without due investigation in trauma? Why not question why a serving police officer would NOT investigate, why would they not ask for evidence of domestic violence? Are you aware that in NSW no investigation is allowed? A woman only has to say she fears, and a father is forced to leave his home and child within an hour. Not only that but he is denied any compensation for his living costs. He could have been in the same situation as a woman who was sole carer, with the man in whole control of bank accounts and yet he is not granted the same 'rights' of a mother who was full time carer. He is virtually on the streets, homeless. The way "the women's organization attacked" Det Inspector Mark Thompson after he promised a fair investigation is an indication of what happens.

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It horrifies me to read that despite lies by police, prosecutor, DPP and perjury by a police officer they get off virtually scott free. What do our aspiring Prime Ministers think of this?? Scott Morrison should be more accountable than most, and should be absolutely disgusted; and determined to see justice served. It is not until MP's see this happen to their family that they will act. We all know that they would be pulling strings behind the scenes well before they coughed up a dime, so their family would never experience this. BUT the public are well and truly tired of hearing about people in high places ignoring the facts.

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For a coroner to conclude that this tragedy occurred because Baxter was "evil" is worrying and looks very unprofessional. The coroner tried to avoid any deeper discussion on the case by making a simplistic finding which had a distinct finality about it.

IE the man was EVIL, end of story no more discussion !

This coroner should not be allowed to do this and should be taken to task, where are the devils advocates here, to question his ability to be unbiased and thorough.

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James, thanks for your long and considered comment. I can't answer many of the points you raise but will alert my contacts who were part of the community at the time who might have some responses. I am nervous of the Perrit private members bill because even though there is a problem of unreal expectations due to the "shared parenting" language, removing it is likely to further damage fathers' prospects of proper shared custody. I don't trust Labor at all on Family Law issues, having watched them systematically undermine Howard's reforms, including consequences for perjury. Re the rebuttable 50/50 presumption... we virtually had that and then the feminists introduced endless measures to prioritize protecting children from violent fathers, incentivizing mothers to make false allegations which then removed any chance of shared care. Nothing will change until we have a system where evidence for violence allegations is examined immediately, before fathers are removed from homes and alienated from their children. I'd love to hear how we might make this happen.

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That's right, the fact that AVO/DVO/VRO's are made so eagerly by our court system is scandalous and is the main reason for the Clarke/Baxter tragedy.

As it is now any person can go to a Magistrates Court and tell lies or exaggerate the facts and a restraining order is given without any prior enquiry by the court or police .

Why can't a police or court investigation of alleged violent acts be done BEFORE any order is made?

This question has been asked many times but is never answered and no doubt excuses of " not enough time or manpower" would be made, but this is not good enough and how many more cases like this take to change things.

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Hi Bettina, I too would love to hear how Australia might reform family law! Like around a thousand other parents I had my submission to the Family Law Inquiry flagged 'Confidential' and so hidden from public scrutiny. As I had no case afoot with the Family Court of Australia I asked that my submission be made public but was told that it was administratively challenging as there were so many parent contributors asking same. (I can share the APH correspondence if you wish). Like a lot of parents (and Pauline Hanson) I was disappointed by the recommendations of the inquiry as the fundamental right of a parent to their child and their child to them (lest rebuttal with evidence and due process) was ignored. I am a member of a minor political party that has a policy position on fixing family law; the Liberal Democratic Party. Here is the LDP reply to an email I sent them last year at the conclusion of the family law inquiry:

"Thank you for your email.

The Liberal Democrats believe in freedom of association, freedom of contract, self-ownership and equality before the law. None of these principles are reflected in the Australian Family Law system, which is broken and in need of reform. A fair family law system would seek truth, recognise contracts, encourage low-conflict relationships with both parents for children of divorce, and adhere to the principles of natural justice.

Our policy proposals are as follows:

Make shared (50/50) parental custody the rebuttable presumption in custody disputes

Recognise and enforce Binding Financial Agreements (“prenups”)

Absent a Binding Financial Agreement, make a 50/50 split of all property accrued during marriage (excluding inheritance) the rebuttable presumption in divorce disputes

End spouse maintenance (“alimony”)

Require a court order from a final hearing to compel the initiation of child support

End compulsory child support in cases of shared care (at least seven nights in fourteen)

Decriminalise for-payment birth surrogacy

Require the applicants of Apprehended Violence Orders (“AVOs”) to vacate the premises where the subject of the order is the title or lease holder and the applicant is not

Require any AVO used as evidence in a custody hearing to have been issued on more substantive grounds than uncorroborated testimony

Commission the Productivity Commission to capture information on the direct and indirect costs of family separation – including the measurement of any and all government touchpoints linked to cases of infanticide and suicide – and to make recommendations on how laws may be improved"

Bettina, I think the LDP policy makes a lot more sense than the current family law act and the policy position of the LNP, ALP and ALP MP Graham Perret (which profits the family law industry) - and so I have agreed to run for the party in the division of Macquarie (jamesjacksonldp.com.au) but, given the public's exploding scepticism of government COVID mandates the party's election focus will be on a Royal Commission into the state and federal governments handling of the pandemic, amongst other freedom issues (ldp.org.au/freedom).

My own 2 Australian children were unilaterally relocated to the USA by their mother, then hidden in 2015. I took my conclusive kidnapping recorded evidence to the (US) police and, only recently, saw a response directed to the mothers attorney that in that lieutenants personal opinion I was possibly another DV perpetrator using "coercive control". Appalling! Fatherlessness is at epidemic proportions in the USA but with weekly family law disbursements over USD1B per week only a small number of US Governors have passed 50/50 shared parenting time reform bills (such is the lobbying power of the Bar Associations).

My strong hope is that this election people vote for change, for one of the freedom friendly minor parties and vote the majors last!

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James, thank you very much for posting DLP's policy position on family law. I appreciate it! Party policies on this issue will definitely determine my preferences this election, as will covid response policies. I will definitely be putting all the freedom parties ahead of the majors, with Labor and Greens last.

Bettina, heartfelt thanks for your passionate, hard and sacrificial work for men's justice and well-being. I am the mother of a young adult son whose young daughter was effectively kidnapped from him at 9 months of age. My son and our whole family have not seen her for 3 years. The pain and injustice are indescribable.

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If only we could bring together the hundreds of thousands of grandparents like you who are suffering as a result of the license given to mothers to behave in this way. That would be a force to be reckoned with!

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Yes so true, Bettina!

I do feel inspired to meet up with others and fight for this cause. Other cruelties and injustices in history have ended as determined people persevered!

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Penny, you are so right. We know we can't trust the politicians. It is so dreadful because I have heard so many say "the women lie to get an advantage" and yet people who are so bright to have a doctorate in law can not see it and refuse to do anything.

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Rowan Baxter, played rugby league, a football game where players are of huge risk of experiencing Chronic traumatic encephalopathy, which can only be diagnosed on autopsy. Did the pathologist examine Rowan Baxters brain and what were the findings if they did?

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Did anyone care about Rowan Baxter? Are his parents still alive?

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I have just read the text and wow, what is Hannah's relationship with that police officer?

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The fact they were both women was enough and raises the question of bias against men in domestic violence divisions of police forces.

From the evidence it seems this police officer could see no need for a DVO until Hannah complained of her husband wanting sex every night. The cop then twisted this to fit the

" coersive control" grounds for a DVO.

This is outrageous and considering the chain of events which followed this police officer has a lot to answer for and to say she has " blood on her hands" is justified.

But just what business does a police force have in the intimate relationships of citizens?

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A symptom of a sick society on the verge of collapse... When the state gives over reaching powers to the police to enforce political narratives you know you're in a socialist hell hole, Australia's is just as ugly as Venezuela's but our politicians put a lot of makeup on it to keep you placid while they take every right from you.

You can put lipstick on a pig... It's still a pig.

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The only value of ADVOs is typically to protect the backside of the police.



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Hannah Clarke told police on the day of her murder, ‘ I have a protection order’. This proves if someone wants to murder, a piece of paper won’t stop them.

I believe a solution to custody problems is if a parent withholds the children make this illegal and charge the parent. A police officer told me mum’s and dad’s would not risk going to prison if they were charged.

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The Family Court does not, will not, enforce its own orders. Call that the voice of experience...

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I was referring to criminal charges, I understand what you say about Family Court, they are toothless tigers. I am aware of a mother who breached the family court order numerous times still keeps the children from the father.

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The wording of child abduction in the NSW Crimes Act 1900 very closely captures, going from memory, conduct to keep a child from lawful parent. Never been used to best of my knowledge.



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Peter, I am aware how police cherry pick what legislation they use, Qld police received a complaint of a mother secretly recording what a father said to his son and produced it to court as a domestic violence breach to take the son from the father. The prosecution was fully aware of the legislation regarding illegal recording and yet presented it to the Magistrate. Police received a complaint from the father, did not take a statement and did a nothing investigation and result was nothing here. In NSW. Gary Jubelin was convicted of illegally recording a suspect, the law is clear but police Cherry pick what laws they want to apply.

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I believe in Gary Jubelin's case the NSW law is different to Qld's. As in NSW police are not allowed to investigate a complaint of a Fear of DV & serve an ADVO with no investigation.

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Shame the people who study "mental health" are not involved with laws to protect people who invest everything in their children. The unfairness of the whole situation is also just so hard to comprehend. Surely this is where governments can make a difference. Has society progressed? Similar happened 30 years ago in our community. Rowan more than likely was pushed too far and could not cope or understand where he found himself> maybe just a friend who cared could have saved everyone.

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deletedMay 18, 2022·edited May 19, 2022
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Yes Robo debt is a perfect example of that. At first I thought the person was responsible for not paying. As I gradually heard people account experiences with the debt, there was no doubt in my mind. Now re read the new PM has taken steps. How many have suicided?

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The idea, sociality, would be to NOT make people want to get you...

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Reading Michelle Jones account of what happened to her son and how so many people let them down, failed in their duty of care, were untruthful and acted against justice. The tax funded civil servants protected their own, ignored the wrong and never intended to hold wrong doers to account. I wonder if the terms of reference are the reason obvious corruption is never punished?

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Very thought provoking article, once again. It has opened my eyes again. I see exactly what you mean by powderkeg men, and how such tragedies evolve in our current bureaucratic system. As a young kid growing up with a father suffering mental illness the Hanna Clarke tragedy has a number of similarities to my story; which you've eloquently unwrapped. Suffice to say i don't think our family would be alive today if my 'ill' father was subjected to the current DV bureaucracy and bias. In those days (late seventies) biplolar disease hadn't been diagnosed, our family and community handled it as best they could (with 'practical' police help) and i survived. However, my father didn't and dad took his own life, but not that of anyone else. He has been at peace now for 40+ years and so has our family. Not exactly a win-win outcome but the best for a potentially powderkeg tragedy. My advice to those at risk, is look in the mirror first, see the heart in every person (not the behaviours) and don't delegate responsibility (and control) of your life/situation to incompetent and indifferent authorities. Be careful what you wish for in other words)! There is no simple fix and i would rather be the one pulling the strings than those without resources, experience or empathy.

You are a strong and passionate person to speak out rationally on what is an emotive and irrational debate and very indifferent public and media. You are the epitome of a genuine values-driven professional. For the most, our once esteemed professions are now puppets and cheer leaders for vested interests, mediocrity and big government/business. You are light in the dark helping everyone to see what is constantly being shaded.

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Thank you Butch for your contribution. You are a very wise person.

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Couldn’t agree more Butch. Bettina Arndt is seemingly the only one with the courage to address this in a way that makes authentic sense. Exposing truth in all it’s complexities - not some dumbed down manufactured response that over simplified the human condition and ultimately dies nothing to advance the issue.

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I've always wondered what the accurate story of Rowan was, yes he did an horrendous act that can no way be justified in any sane rational persons mind, but there is the tell he was in no way sane or rational when he committed those abhorrent acts, I am sure he was driven to this culmination of a situation he found himself in with (in his mind) no way out poor bugger and poor Hanna and the children, of course authorities don't want the full story out in the public forum, the Police, welfare officers, councillors all have a share of blame in the tragic tale, the authorities know full well that the way they are dealing with Domestic Violence and Male Female relationships is totally wrong and all it achieves is to inflame an already highly emotional time in these peoples lives and ensures its going to end in tears without a shadow of a doubt.

My own experience proves that to me, I have never been in trouble with the law ever in 50 odd years on this planet, until one day I had an argument with my partner and raised my voice at one stage in sheer frustration, the neighbours heard us arguing so called Police they attended spoke to us and left, only to come back 5 days later with a summons for me to front court on Stalk and intimidation charges !oh and an AVO against me even though my partner didn't even know about it, the charging officer actually apologised to e saying she had fought this action being taken but the domestic violence team had pushed and bullied it thru to charge me.

So then it was a nightmare from there on in, they asked her to meet with the councillors and domestic violence team who proceeded to school her what to say in court and to keep a diary of each day etc etc, convinced her she was in danger so she moved out ( we had been together 7 years ) she was young and impressionable though and believed every word they said.

she started manipulating the situation making it worse and I remember feeling completely out of control of my own lifer had no where to live, very little money (legal fees broke me) it kept piling on and on until I was so furious I wanted to really hurt someone luckily I have a son who is 6'4 and built like the proverbial; who talked and shook some sense into me, but I now have complete disdain for law enforcement in this country and its courts for railroading me so effectively when I had done nothing wrong in the first instance.

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I wholeheartedly agree and relate to your situation David. My divorce was escalated from similar actions whereupon police pressured my ex wife to file an unwarranted AVO, I was made homless, monitored and made feel like a criminal. At 65 years of age had no criminal or mental history, and now have no respect for police and the justice system. I pity the current generation of men in dealing with relationship issues. The cards are stacked against them.


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I feel for you Alan, for people like you and I it is like landing on a totally hostile planet! A complete nightmare.

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My sentiments to you also David.

Yes, Men are from Mars. Some women from a hostile Venus!

Life goes on.

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Surely eventually our politicians need to think about the corrupting effect on our society of this running sore. It matters that our law enforcement services are held in such poor esteem by the hundreds of thousands of men like you who have been treated so appallingly. And many like you are told by members of the police force that they don't agree with the actions they are forced to take. Every man in your circumstance has friends and family who have witnessed this shocking misuse of our laws, who also have become cynical about our law enforcement services. The public disquiet eventually has to reach a tipping point.

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I am told that if a child does not have two parents in their life they will have psychological damage. Not 'if'---they 'will' have. Especially when the child had a good relationship with the father and it was taken from him.

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Ahh Bettina,

I do hope you'e right but I'm afraid it will never happen! Look at the the Hanna & Rowan case that started this whole conversation we are having right now, if something as horrendous as that can not cause a tipping point or at least get them soul searching and perhaps asking questions then what will?? It will be buried and shouted down what an the person broaching the subject denegrated like that Detective.

I remember thinking at the time that happened that he was completely in the right the way he was going about investigating that crime, but they shut him down as hard as they could and that's where any rational balanced, impartial viewing of events leading up to the murders of Hanna and the Children ended, and also an opportunity to look at the system and perhaps try another tact or at least change the way it is run at present, so you dot have thousands of men with locked up anger at the system and society its not healthy.

a couple of years ago I looked at Domestic violence statistics to see if any of these new draconian laws or the way that the accused were treated were making a difference (Ie serving as a deterrent ) Not one iota! in 10 years the figures have not gone down a fraction of a percent if anything violence has increased, now one would think that the powers that be in charge would look at these figures and say hmmm there's something wrong here nothing is working if anything its getting worse, what can we change or do to try and improve the situation and save lives??

Well that's what you hope that any reasonable logical person would do, but it doesn't happen with means there isn't anyone like that in charge and that's really scary from my way of thinking.

To me one way to trying to make a start to change things is a really basic and sensible move (well to my way of thinking) instead of when two people argue or yell and scream at each other in the heat of the moment because it is a highly emotional time for most people, you don't come along and stop all communication between the parties involved and make it a serious offence if the man breaks that AVO because for a start it gives the other warring party an enormous advantage over her Ex all she has to say is he tried to call me, weather its true or not its off to jail for him no questions not getting both sides of the story, trying to see how it has ended up where the relationship now is, trying to bring some peace or middle ground to a volatile situation not even counselling. Well not for the male anyway, he receives very little help, he is ostracised, loses his job a lot of times (no money trapped) not listened to, Police are under instructions not to take his situation or story into consideration at all they are to charge him and lock him up and fight tooth and nail to ensure he stays locked up until his court date its diabolical, but there is so much money and funding and poor plays involved there is no chance of any change being possible, from what I can see men are an endangered species these days and I don't think I'm being melodramatic either as sad as that is.

I really do hope I am very wrong and a change will happen I will be as happy as anyone for future "victims" from both sides to have an easier time of it all, good god I rave on sometimes my apologies! I've just seen how long this post is! haha! hopeless

Cheers Bettina take care Dx change?

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The facts were not looked at honestly! The fact the counsel called him evil explains why. Everything is out of control. Everyone protects their own back.

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Apr 23, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022

Typicalof the way they manipulate everything that doesn't fit in with their party line

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Rowan Baxter did not want to do what he did. He was "Boxed-in" to killing his children, or as the inspector said "Backed-in". Having been treated so badly, he was broken, and having exhausted every option to see his children, he made the terrible conclusion that his children would also be treated terribly for their whole lives. Sadly concluding, doing what he did quickly, would protect them from a lifetime of pain.

Even those involved will now see what their actions did to create this terrible situation. These deaths can be prevented! The current direction is making it more likely people and innocent children will be harmed or die. For those that want to know, the full explanation of other side is available on www.solvingdomesticviolence.com with videos/movies of and it explains how he progressed to the logical conclusion of doing what he did. This material is actually for separating and alienated fathers to use as a tool to change the alienating parents behavior. There is information on how the situation could have been prevented in the Baxter family case.

Desperate fathers now have a new option when all others are exhausted.

The evidence in the inquest actually confirmed he was "Boxed-in", rather than an inherently violent and controlling man acting out his evil. People just accept the story they were told at the inquest. The information was provided to the inquest and it wasn't even accessed. So it is confirmed they selected what suited the conclusion they wanted.

Bettina, I previously invited you review and potentially represent it in Australia. I would be happy to extend that invitation again. If you provide me the best contact (as email did not get a reply previously) I will provide access and we can discuss. The first movie length video has totally changed those that see it.

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It’s interesting you say that about protecting from a life of harm. Psychology research on infanticide show that the sees that without them there the children will suffer, so take them with them. Not good, but the motive is different from revenge killing or to maximize harm. I do those question whether his method was to inflict pain.

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I have friends connected socially and commercially to Hannah and Rowan. The evidence they gave to police wasn’t used. They sat in furious silence through what they referred to as a “disgrace of an inquest”

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Jul 11, 2022·edited Jul 11, 2022

I note the comment by the coroner or someone in the inquest that his family/friends said he was pushed to do with it, they responded by commenting “which sadly are thoughts reflected in society” or something to that affect. It can’t even allowed another side to the story!

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This is not surprising, the courts are not interested in the truth and no doubt this coroner was afraid to rock the boat by blaming the courts and police for the AVO put on Mr Baxter.

He was a " powderkeg" man and the justice system should have been more careful in handling this . But as usual they arrogantly assume that their orders will solve the problem but in this case it caused 5 deaths.

If instead of being " hit" with a court order and losing his kids, Baxter had been approached in a respectful and courteous manner by police or court officials and asked to give his side things would have been different .

Now the cowards of the justice system are trying to cover their tracks instead of owning up and looking for ways to stop it happening again.

Any wonder there is little if any respect for the justice system.

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I gather there was a great deal of evidence given to the police which was deliberately withheld from the inquest. So frustrating for people who knew the family and wanted the truth told.

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I know of a male who met his ex partner at work, we heard 11 years later his best friend observed her almost stalking him at work. His work colleague didn’t tell him that she had previously had a brief affair with a work colleague, she found out he was married, she relentlessly harassed this man and his family when she found out he was married. This male started seeing the woman, the signs were there early, she isolated him from his family, convinced him to buy a home, got pregnant without his knowledge. She then started isolating from his friends to the point where all he did was work and look after the children, he lost contact with everyone. He was miserable, when he came home from work his ex would be passed out drunk, the house unlocked at night with the children in the house. This woman controlled everything and the male was miserable, she convinced him to get engaged, he couldn’t bear to ask her, he gave the ring to the children to ask her. She announced to her Facebook friends she was engaged. Weeks later he came to his senses and separated from her. That is when her revenge started, false allegations of bad parenting, false allegations of non physical domestic violence ( coercive control and financial abuse) strategies she learned from her work. Then came allegations of stalking, she was relentless, police found allegations unsubstantiated. This male was warned by police she would not stop, she convinced police she was being stalked. Now this male has been locked up for 12 months, denied bail many times, prosecutors have lied, police have lied. They are trying to mentally break him into a guilty plea. He is staying in jail and pleading not guilty, he has to, this woman will not stop until she wins. He has not seen her since 2020, yet she acts the victim and the qld police enable her. This male has amazed us all, he has so much inner strength and is determined to expose her at the trial. Evidence is there she and her family have lied, his family and friends can’t wait for her and her family to be exposed as a liars.

To all males out there, don’t fight for child custody just walk away.

Thanks Bettina for your story, women use there children as weapons for revenge, in the future we will have another stolen generation.

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Appreciate the article. Didn't know anything about this (I'm from the States) but am not surprised the coverage has been black and white, man-bad, woman-good and innocent, when the reality is much messier and ugly. While nothing can justify what he ultimately did, what she did to him is a 'good' example of female evil: violating their marriage, then destroying him and detaching him from his children, by lying about him.

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Thanks for your hard work exposing what really is going on. Well done.

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