Is anyone aware of a support network in QLD for men going through custody battles with no access to children?

Question from concerned aquaintance:

Could you advise of any mens support/ advocacy groups in Queensland for men who have no contact with their children due to court proceedings?

Hmmm, will see, we have some contacts - Brisbane, or regional?



Brisbane it think, this dad is really getting fucked over, thankyou xx


replied to Hazel

it is a horrible experience

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Well done Bettina but after thinking through this story I believe it raises far wider and serious issues.

When same sex marriage became legalised after a one-sided manipulative public campaign, it gave legitimacy to fatherless families and motherless families. No longer does every child have a right to a father and a mother.

The term “marriage equality” became the new jargon that most people signed up to. But the truth is that marriage used to mean a special relationship that provided a father and a mother to biological children. It wasn’t an issue of equality at all. In fact it fundamentally changed the entire understanding of marriage and family.

It then became just a short step to dispose of the desirability for children to have both a mother and a father, together. But this is an old, and perhaps discredited view. But where will it lead.

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Well said.

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Terrific, a fast track divorce system for any woman who claims to be a victim. Another incentive for false allegations.

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Hi everyone, Hopefully I will be writing about the Lehrmann Toowoomba case in the next few days. Echoes of the mad Drumgold, interference from the powers that be, unreliable complainant - amazing stuff. Coming soon.

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Can’t wait to hear Bettinas takes on the next Bruce Lehman trial. I smell the elites and feminists devo they lost round 1 and want to get him. Or some women knowing the dollars Higgins got. Sorry still don’t believe it. Cops may also want the fame of a high profile case.

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Oct 26, 2023
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The 'stealthing' laws could only have been dreamt up by a woman who has never worn a condom. Unless the judiciary is ideologically corrupt, or the defendant confesses to having commiitted a crime, there should be zero chance of a conviction. The arrogance of these know-it-all women is only matched by their breathtaking stupidity and hypocrisy. They'd be outraged if men started telling them how to use tampons.

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Lol so right. They guy can’t really move on again with his life. On the face of it, the Case seems flimsy. I would assume Police would shave had a media storm if they didn’t charge. The dragging of trials for years is scandalous. Justice system is a joke.

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So much to keep up with! We elect our politicians to do the right thing! To deal with this stuff responsibly and on our behalf. Yet once elected, they seem to be able to do so much that we wouldn't ask for. Or, they seem to be able to look the other way, they don't, or won't step up. We have seen it with the Voice, the Misinformation Bill and Family law. What next?

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Interesting study just completed in the UK on men being suicidal because of the family court system.

Over 40% (41.9%) of men who approach support services during family breakdown express suicidal thoughts. https://www.uwl.ac.uk/research/research-impact/lost-dads?redirect=1&source=lostdads

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It is absolutely shocking. In my city of Brisbane this week, when they just went looking for one father who had committed suicide, they accidentally stumbled over another dead man who had leapt from the same same cliff who they weren't even looking for! At the same time, the government purposely worsens the one factor that they know causes male suicide. They cry crocodile tears about the THOUSANDS of dead each year, and then worsen that huge problem in order to supposedly address a domestic violence problem that kills 50-60 women per year. This disgusting action has really galvanised me to start doing something in real life about this. I am really keen to know what organisations to get involved in, if any exist.

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That's the problem. So few organisations are really tackling the issues that matter. I know Dads in Distress does good work.. they now come under the banner "Parents beyond Breakup" - in an attempt to appease the feminist bureaucrats. I'd love to hear people's recommendations of other groups/organisations which are making a difference.

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Thanks, I'm going to look into it. I do think this change is so patently unfair that it makes it easier to speak up in any environment - such as political party meetings, social events, even work gatherings, because it so clearly cuts against the prevailing ethos of sexual equality that we are ear-bashed with daily, often from those same groups.

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look at this, people. ABC celebrates denying divorced fathers care of children.


They are sickening!!

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Definitely one sided. I have seen plenty of instances where females use the kids to manipulate the father.

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(Thank you Bettina for the work you do)

Once I realized that the Family Courts are unjust I began and continue to advise my family (nephews, younger brothers, cousins) & young male friends to not have children here in Australia as the risk is too high unfortunately, and if they do to take as many precautions as possible. It's almost funny.

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I agree...but kids aside, the property settlements are enormously weighted to females as well, then there's de facto...watch out for the 'two year' trap! Then, who oversees the cottage industry of family lawyers all rubbing their hands together at the income that's coming their way? The family law act and the system that supports it is deplorable!

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Well my relationship was 7 years, lived together, engaged and had a baby and the Family court gave me 20% of the financial pool saying we weren’t a defacto. And lawyers and barrister saying after 5 years spending, “we can appeal” .. I ran out of money… corruption. You’ll find it difficult to go into marriage knowing it can happen to anyone.

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What state?

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NSW, Sydney

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I was gobsmacked by the LNP response to the bill, particularly Michaela Cash voting in favour. Even if the LNP were in power, I can't see this being reversed. Nearly all our politicians don't have the courage to vote for anything that is "pro" male for fear of being labelled as soft on domestic violence or a rape apologist. Family court judges supported this because they don't want anything that limits their powers.

The reality is that with this, and other woke causes, the narrative is being controlled by a small cabal of non representative activists. Unlike women's rights, there are no votes to be gained in supporting mens' rights, which is astounding considering we are half the population. So the question is how do men get a Voice?

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I agree, a lot of us are stunned by this. Also, the disgraceful silence of men in the media. I really suspect that men have a genetic unwillingness to stand up for anything that will be seen as negative towards women. I wonder if natural selection has caused this, because the only voices for men are a small group of women.

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I think men have been silent for a few reasons, 1. they genuinely believed in equality on some level for women (their wives, their daughters, sisters etc) 2. They need to give it time to see how things would work, 3. the evolution of things has made it a dangerous place to speak up. Unfortunately, men have given oxygen to the feminists (males and females) who have created a world where all men are bad, and now a man speaks up publicly at great personal risk. Family law has been hijacked by feminist (activist) interests, as has education and politics. It is time for men to start speaking out against this mal-treatment.

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Honestly, boys go to day care (all women); Kindy/primary 80% women; HS 65% women. They only get women authority figures (outside the home) until at least 13. Could be something there? Also the can’t fight with a call starts young. Very different to machismo societies. In some ME countries men get full custody.

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I question how great the risk of speaking up really is. I think if you were arguing for role division, which goes against the public ideology, then there would be some risk. But in this case, you are really arguing FOR equal rights. It's hard to see how anyone is going to take action against you for that. I think men just hate any risk that they will be unpopular with women.

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Agreed, and much of the risk is probably perceived

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The usual crap about "protecting" children is again wheeled out and we are all expected to react appropriately with self righteous indignation toward those men accused of even the most trivial cases of so called 'child abuse'.

This works every time and men need to call the feminist's bluff, play the devil's advocate and say "we don't care "

Children are overprotected and mollycoddled in western societies , so much that it is making them fearful and neurotic.

This is the work of the Feminist/ Marxists whose aim is to weaken societies, what better way than to ensure a generation of children grow up with no experience in self reliance or character building . A nation of dependent serfs who will do as they are told.

This is what we are heading toward, and at least some countries such as Germany are letting their kids take risks and learn .

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I listened to PH passionate speech and the smug labor minister made me so mad. Reading the bill and the proposed amendments makes me feel so powerful against these people (and I won full custody). But I just feel for the children (who will see little of their dads); fathers who will spend their life savings and get little spend-time; and society who have damaged children who grow into adults.

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Edit* I meant powerless 😬 Hard to watch all the forums on this. Ex FC judge Forrest said at nsw law society said “it will be harder for the dads to get equal shared parental responsibility, and if they want it the burden will be on them to prove they can cooperatively parent, that they can communicate well, are best interest focused, that they will promote the other side’s relationship, they won’t talk badly about the mother to the kids etcetera...:” all men are evil. These pompous guys. Do they have sons or male friends??

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It breaks my heart and sends my bowels into convulsions each time I read the latest treachery by our politicians when it comes to men's rights. How do the spineless scum purported to be males in parliament sleep at night?

Do they not have fathers, brothers and sons?

I have given up on women who with rare exception are self-interested or entirely apathetic about any issue not negatively impacting women (when was there ever such an issue in our political sphere?)

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I know how you feel. While generally ok if a parliament has a fair rep of M-F if those blokes are weak willed and cuck to the Greens then what is the point. The corrupt lawyers were big part of this. They were so bias for it cause they know how much more messy it will get with allegations getting so much more weight.

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This retrograde step will damage families. Families include 2 parents and children. Why on earth are Labor and Greens doing this under the false guise "best interests of the children"? How often do we hear so many of our disenchanted and sometimes criminal or drug addicted youth cite to the courts that they grew up having little contact with one of their parents, usually the father, as their excuse and plead for leniency? What is wrong with our politicians that they can't see the damage this alteration to the Family Law Act will do to Australian community. And for those that know and abstained vote, I say to you that you lack backbone and principal. You have let us down.

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Australia is going backwards in promoting equality of opportunity for the children of separated parents. Is our government aware of the large body of studies showing how important fathers are for children? It seems policy makers have been blinded & captured by identity politics & are marginalising men instead of promoting respect between women & men. Thanks for your article & tireless work Bettina, as shown in your latest piece "Parliament votes for more fatherless children".

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