Your observation of the diversity inherent in the photograph set up the back story to your incisive article.

I'm reminded of the saying, "If it wasn't for double standards, the left would have no standards at all."


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A picture speaks a thousand words, eh? I thought that was a hilarious photograph. It turns out almost all of these women's deputies are also female. Very telling for people with such responsible positions in the tech industry where men still greatly outnumber women. The bureaucrats really are totally shameless, because they know no one will dare call them out.

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Can you imagine what kind of men they might employ if they were made to equalise their own shop.

There is no way a dissenting voice, let alone a rational thinker, might be entertained as a possible employee

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Absolutely agree 100%. If this team were to employ a male to fill the quota, they wouldn't choose one who disagreed with their plans.

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They are helping level the pay gap, hehe.

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The phrase domestic violence industry jumped out.

It's easy to see where the money is in this industry. The boys are targeted by unscrupulous exploiters who are covered for by smiley-faced unscrupulous exploiters in "the industry." Thanks Bettina for exposing it to the light of day.

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Great article , but for one snearing line "claiming new types of villainy – psychological, emotional, financial, “threats” of abuse, and their latest coup, coercive control." .trust me , that is not something to be sneared at , I (male ) went through all of those at the hands of my ex (female) . It's just as bad as physical violence .

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As a male victim, you would know. Thank you for making that point. My cynicism stems from knowing that mixed in with genuine violence requiring real help are many false allegations and the expansion of categories of violence to include "threats of violence" which require no proof has been incredibly damaging to the male victims of these false allegations and given malicious women enormous power.

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Just look at ABC TV programs and total presenters male vs female. It is becoming ridiculous. Just one example last weekend was three females discussing and giving their insights into men's NRL football matches that had been played that weekend. Not one male out of three discussing the games which involved only males. I would love to see three men discussing the netball results (no women there) and wait for the ruckus that would follow.

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What about the female head of emergency services? What are the chances this woman has ever done any of the work currently being carried out by the brave men out there in the floods?

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Bettina, in Queensland we have a female Police Commissioner who left the police to become head of Emergency Services, needless to say her expertise on fires etc would have been very limited. This woman then applied for Police Commissioner when the position became vacant, she was given the position over many who were within the Police. In recent times we now see crime at all time high ( probably because all police do is spend 40% of their time on alleged domestic violence complaints) and morale within the police at an all time low. She was quoted as saying she was deserving of the job and her pay and performance bonuses of $1 million dollars. Unfortunately in Queensland females are appointed on their gender not their ability.

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>> Just look at ABC TV programs and total presenters male vs female.

It's not just the ABC! The BBC are just as bad, and from what I've seen of the commercial stations it happens there, also.

However, the ABC stands out for the number of females that dominate not only in the proportion of presenters, but also in the news items, commentary and panels as well. If there's a male there will look on deferentially, and make sure he toes the line on whatever the women are saying. If a "women's issue" happens to come up, as it regularly does, the long faces and lectures are nauseating. In my observation, BBC are just as bad as the ABC here also.

I can't make these comments among my affluent and educated friends, but I can with blokes I meet at the gym and they agree. They can see what's happening.

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A friend of mine (in the vegan/holistic crowd) and I discussed the issue of women not being taught to check their own ability to do violence. Men are taught to keep physical violence in check - and when they don't, jail time is a real possibility. But when women do verbal violence or 'emotional' violence, there are no consequences. We've been taught that we're victims, but we are actually powerful. I say women have had a greater impact on civilization than men can even dream of. More powerful than any war because we birth and traditionally raised the children. There is a tremendous amount of responsibility in that. I am in my 50s. As a child of the 80s, I never assumed any position was out of my reach. Yet women have been brainwashed that there is sexism everywhere. I had a brother that was groomed from a young age and became a play thing to male teachers in high school. Young males need just as much protection - if not more - because they become too ashamed to seek help. Right now, I sadly say, heaven help us from these women. They are satan in drag.

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I too am a child of the 80s, now 55. Most if not all of the girls in my years at school are very successful in their careers. None that I am aware of have suffered ingrained sexism.

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Exactly. It wasn't even discussed. In law school the top student in our class was a woman. We gave no thought to it. When people are bored they look for problems.

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Inman should also celebrate having her own TV show, by proxy, The Drum, which specialises in presenting women as victims, and as noble global saviours; and immigrants from Asia and Africa also as victims; yet who are also intellectually superior to Australians, especially men.

Murdoch and the Rockefellers must be smirking.

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The Drum. the ABCs version of Sunrise.

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Thanks again Bettina, your article is timely as Inman Grant has also received a lot of deserved criticism about her advocacy for political censorship as a speaker during the recent World Economic Forum gabfest for elites. It shows the importance of getting enough information to make sensible comparisons. To its credit, The Australian recently broke the media's taboo of not ever mentioning the word "boys" when commenting on the controversial topic of aboriginal children in detention. Although the figures have fallen we can see that aboriginal boys aged 10-17 are locked up at 8 times the rate of aboriginal girls and non-aboriginal boys aged 10-17 are locked up at 7 times the rate of non-aboriginal girls in 2020-2021. I don't think that would've been printed during the time of the Don Dale royal commission not so long ago. Turnbull and Cash have a lot to answer for when it comes to discriminatory policies. Cash was the easily the most conflicted minister in the Turnbull government, simultaneously minister for employment (private sector employment), minister for the public service (public sector employment) and minister for women. It is hardly surprising that such a heavily compromised agency was created under the Turnbull government and Cash ministry.

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I did notice that speech from Inman Grant at Davos, where she said “So I think we’re going to have to think about a recalibration of a whole range of human rights that are playing out online, from the freedom of speech to be[ing] free from online violence,” she added. Indeed, that is ominous stuff.

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What you've provided is further proof as if we needed it that the best way to ensure something persists is to name a whole government department after the thing you're supposed to be eliminating - hence we get the Orwellian named eSafety Commissioner when the focus is really to undermine personal safety for unfavoured sections of society. Apparently, boys are not entitled to be safe online according to this bureaucracy.

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My view is that delivering a male baby into this world is the crime of ABUSE. To deliver a boy in this culture makes him a target, of anti male abuse, denial of opportunity and exploiting him. Further he will be the default 'beast of burden' and RESPONSIBILITY taker, whereever both sexes gather. I have given up arguing for EQUALITY of RESPONSIBILITY taking, as well as Rights etc. It is time females had to be ADULTS too. All that being true and amply proven every day, everywhere, I say it should be compulsory to abort all pregnancies carrying a male baby. That way we stop the opportunity to denigrate, discriminate and exploit male children too - EXCEPT it is obvious that after a time, girls will only have homosexual associations on offer. Also the species will not breed, and will become extinct - so the greenies be happy for that. And women will finally have their Feminist utopia - safe spaces - where there is NO VIOLENCE (ask Boris Johnson). This view may seem a tad 'way-out' but it really is my opinion, a result of seeing so many boys, men cruelly discriminated against without cause. I recall women bleeting on about how most GP's were men, and they wanted female GP's. I think most men thought that idea 'fair enough'. But now what about men? If we want to be served by other males . . . Woh betide any who discriminate agsinst females by requesting a male. Feminists claim they want EQUALITY - I wish the had real EQUALITY - see how long they last. . . .

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About a decade ago I watched a gaggle of nurses laughing at me because I asked for a male nurse.

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Yes indeed. That is their definition of "Equality". They are Blind, Deaf and dumb when it comes to the existence of their sons - after all we are all "sons" and also the "Enemy". There are some females who I trust and respect greatly, but to my experience most avoid responsibility. Like children, they expect to be excused and forgiven without penalty. But still expect males to perform stereotypical roles - even though they rebel against female expectations. But you will know that.

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No standards of behaviour may be applied to women nor shall they be obliged in any way.

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Okay - if your reply as it comes across to me is sensible, then you must also say that No standards of behaviour may be applied to males either. But you live in the same world as me and yo know that males are constantly villified just for being male. Wordse if they are white males, and worse again if they arer boomer white males. Come on, I think you either have blinkers on, or are being mischievous.

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It isn't meant to be sensible but it is the emerging state of play. One day I'll learn to be a little less facetious..

The faux progressives want stronger than Victorian era standards of protection AND responsibility for women.

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Yes, well. I would be stupid to even try to unpick the faux progressive matters. Its the provrebial "can of worms, and the "Goal posts" are moved unpredictably according to some random will. My comments often miss putting my view sufficiently. It is a trade between being brief, and making my point. The origin of all my arguements relating to the gender war is a fact that seems never mentioned - we men are all son's of women. Too many of us arre raised by females while our fathers are excluded for no legitimate reason - and too often he is under false allegations used as a weapon. So I long for the day when Women are held to the same requirements as men - same time for the same crime. Equal in terms of responsibility. All women arer chamelions, in that they have such variety of options, and escape clauses that their sons do not get. examples that I have seen in the news and in my life - a woman kills a male, so to avoid punishment, she claims he was violent , while he is unable to speak to his own version. Women must be believed. Another is around a couple having sex and consent. Even if she has given consent in writing, he never the less becomes guilty of Rape should she change her mind during. and the list goes on and on - Matrimonial property etc. None of these are our story exactly, but I have looked at a rifle pointed at me by a neighbour. He imagined the woman was truthful in labelling me a pedo, so that white night was to get rid of me. Kids behind me terrified and screaming. The woman lied because I snubbede her advance. So white-knighth males are a part of the problem too. Woould be good if they paused to verify their information before grabbing fire-arms.

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Very good article. Further insight might be started at https://nsc.crawford.anu.edu.au/department-news/20214/celebrating-women-national-security

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Thanks, that is very helpful. Would readers please send through other examples of the endless promotion of women, particularly in the public service? We are very keen to collect more information about all this. If you work in this territory, could you please contact me privately if you might be able to provide confidential information.

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This is another fabulous article Bettina. It's really quite scary when one recognises that to identify & discuss significant examples of anti-male gender bias, that one needs to go no further than our very own government departments. The jokers that we're paying for.


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Wow. I’m really starting to feel paranoid.

I’ve lost several women friends who just got up from the table and stormed off, saying “I don’t want to talk to anyone that talks that way” … meaning I challenged their position on women victimhood.

I’d hate to think what personal situation I’d be in if I dared to raise this topic (boys and sexploitation).

I, like most fair-minded, critical thinking men are now too scared to dissent from the feminist mantra.

Indeed, I wish there was another word, instead of feminism to describe this female wave of zealotry.

“Feminism" seems to be a protected mantra. Unfortunately it is also the umbrella for “believe all females; kill all men” victimhood mentality, despite the fact that these people (at least the ones in the picture) don’t seem to be old enough to have personal experienced any serious bias against them.

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They feel entitled to assert feminist grievances, such as the "wage gap" and "domestic violence" at the table and expect everyone to nod along with grim faces, yet if challenged over the facts then they gang up on you, as if "everyone knows" that these are real and serious issues, and to challenge them you must be both stupid and nasty.

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This is another fabulous article Bettina. It's really quite scary when one recognises that to identify & discuss significant examples of anti-male gender bias, that one needs to go no further than our very own government departments. The jokers that we're paying for.


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Jul 8, 2022·edited Jul 8, 2022

Great article, including numbers on the salaries and gender inequality within the office of the eSafety Commisioner, and how they morphed their charter to "all Australians" to be mostly about women. Utterly shameless!

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In a similar vein.

One of our kids high school teachers ( and they loved him btw) referred to the Education Dept as the states largest women s refuge.

To visit the Dept was to be seen as an outsider, like, "whats he doing here?"

Years on my oldest attended Midland Tafe and the instructors in a technical subject were female and spent there time handing out photocopies of notes and then disappearing.

In that time ( a year) my sons class put together one "Dick-Smith" kit and some in the class who had no soldering skills were floundering; and where was the instructor?

My letters to the Fed minister (Beasley) were answered by lackeys and denied all i said. Thus a generation back the rot was well set in.

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That's a great comment about the education department. The real trouble is it applies to our health departments and other bureaucracies across the country.

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You may be familiar with "The War Against Boys" by Christina Hoff Summers. I ran funding systems for Victorian schools through the eighties and early nineties. The changes in education Hoff Summers describes from North America also occurred in Australia. When I left the role in 1995 there were programs for girls in every school in the state and nothing for boys anywhere. The gradual closure of tech schools was part of that process and is one of the biggest mistakes we've ever made. Myself and others were warning of a very grim future for boys and were predictably denounced as misogynists. All we can do now is say "we told you so".

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Yes, the closest of tech schools was very much part of the story of the attack on boy's education. I would like to hear more about that.

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The gent concerned said the gender displacement really hit him when he went to the loo and there was a gritty sound from under his shoes as the gents had not been cleaned as it was never used.

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One of my nephews stopped using the toilets at his primary school. He lived a block away and would go home instead. It turned out he'd had female teachers walk into the boys toilets unannounced more than once and he didn't like it much.

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that is shocking!

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How can I stop myself from becoming a woman “disliker”? This is a serious question.

I now find myself constantly being put off-side and silenced by the tidal wave of female victimhood and professional blamers.

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Julie Inman Grant,

Technology is routinely weaponised against males, we are now seeing females using technology to set up ex partners and boyfriends for example sending to themselves online activity to establish they are being stalked by their partners. Recently a woman was jailed for this when she admitted to police she had sent to herself online activity to set up boyfriend. This works both ways when women want to control. It is widely recognised that women are the worst offenders of online abuse.

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