Restoring the Presumption of Innocence Conference.
- Be part of this historic event supporting fair treatment before the law.
The time is right. Equality before the law no longer exists in Australia. The presumption of innocence has been tossed aside – totally discarded by our biased media and undermined by regular legislative tampering with basic principles of justice.
For decades our justice system has been tilted to favour “victims”, with the result that men and women are treated very differently – by police, the Family Court, judges and juries in the criminal law system.
But gradually the rot in the system is being exposed. Right now, 400 current sexual assault cases are being audited by NSW public prosecutors to determine whether, as six judges have claimed, such cases are being pushed through to trial with insufficient evidence.
It’s the perfect time to seize the moment, and bring together some of the real experts to tell the story of what is going on here. And to talk about what’s needed to achieve a fair system.
That’s just what we are doing. We’re holding a conference on Restoring the Presumption of Innocence. And we’re hoping that many of you will be able to join us for this historic event.
This is a first. The very first time anyone has challenged the group think muzzling our cultural dialogue to expose the truth about what counts as justice in Australia.
Date: Saturday June 1, 2024
Location: Rushcutters Bay, Sydney.
Our conference is being hosted by Australians for Science and Freedom. This organisation was founded by concerned doctors, lawyers and academics who objected to the government’s response to the pandemic. You may have heard interviews with one of the ASF founders, the brave and brilliant UNSW economist Gigi Foster, who was out in the media from the start of COVID arguing for a cost benefit analysis of lockdowns and calling out the appalling censorship on critical scientific and medical issues.
The current broader goals now being embraced by AFS include encouraging “..better institutions that embed respect for freedom and scientific approaches for society’s problems.” A justice system based on the principle of the presumption of innocence is a no brainer – hence AFS has stepped up to make this happen.
The event is being sponsored by Mothers of Sons, the organisation I helped establish some years ago, using mothers’ stories to expose the injustice their sons were facing in our criminal and family law systems.
What a line-up we have for you, in this one-day event crammed with presentations by many of the brave souls who have long been speaking out about ongoing injustice in our courts.
Here are some of the speakers:
Professor Augusto Zimmermann is a Perth-based law professor and former Law Reform Commissioner who, in that role, fought a mighty battle warning about proposed domestic violence laws which he rightly predicted would be used to destroy the lives of many innocent men. He’s the leading academic exposing the lies of the domestic violence industry.
Chris Merritt is Vice President of the Rule of Law Institute and a legal commentator for The Australian and Sky News. He has commented extensively on the Higgins case.
Bruce Lehrmann had his life upturned by Brittany Higgins’ rape allegation. He is currently a law student and is eagerly awaiting this Thursday’s news regarding his defamation action.
Top criminal barrister will explain how the NSW justice system no longer offers a fair hearing for men accused of sexual assault.
Whistle-blower who will show how key organisations providing domestic violence services are demonising male victims and ignoring female perpetrators.
Experts on statistics to expose how data on rape cases is misrepresented to downplay false allegations. Plus what international research and official statistics actually show about women’s role in domestic violence.
There’s plenty more. I will be speaking about the fake rape crisis on our campuses and the shameful kangaroo courts, a Mother of Sons representative will tell the story of her son’s wrongful imprisonment, and we’ll launch a new video telling the stories of male victims of coercive control. Plus we’ll announce plans of action – how do we restore the presumption of innocence?
Will you join us?
We’re seeking expressions of interest from those of you likely to attend the event. Please fill in the following poll which will help us gain some idea of potential numbers, and allow us to determine our budget.
At present we are looking at a likely charge of $80-100 to attend the day’s event. This will include a sandwich lunch and morning tea.
Next month I will be sending out the complete program and details of how to book for the conference. Watch this space.
Can you help?
There’s a large team working hard to make this happen but we need your help. Please write to us if you can assist with the following:
Volunteering on the day to assist with the smooth running of the conference.
Planning promotion of the event in social/legacy media.
Creating promotional material/memes/videos.
Circulating information about the event to your industry media sources.
Providing assistance with airfares/accommodation.
Suggesting affordable Sydney catering options.
Please let us know if you can think of other ways to assist.
If you are unable to attend but would like to make sure the event is a success, please donate to our fundraiser. We’d prefer to be able to contribute to the travel costs of speakers coming from interstate and also to have funds to advertise the event widely. We are lucky to have many dedicated supporters helping defray the costs but generous donors could ensure this event receives the attention it is due.
Here’s the link to our fundraiser.
Contact Mothers of Sons if you are willing to become a major sponsor. Anonymous donations are very welcome but it would be great to also see corporate sponsors showing they are willing to stand up for restoring the presumption of innocence.
We want the conference to really make waves so people across Australia know there’s a growing community of people keen to address the shameful capture of our justice system. It will give heart to the many families dealing with unfair treatment in our courts to know their plight is being acknowledged.
We are looking into recording the videos and posting them on an international platform. That's likely to happen but first we must ensure the Sydney event is a success. Bums on seats is the starting point and then the rest will follow!
Look forward to joining so many like minded people and speaking about the good, the bad and the ugly that I have seen in our justice system