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Another wonderful article which simply acknowledges the truth in a world where to do so is forbidden if you wish to find success or popularity or simply keep your job.

Just this week I learned that my grandson's primary school carried out an act of such sheer bigotry and injustice I could explode. Because the story does not directly involve my grandson it would be inappropriate for my daughter or myself to intervene though if I was a member of that school community I would express my outrage.

The school has a had a footy team for many years. Recently a handful of the grade six girls said they wished to play footy. Fair enough. If they exhibit even a modicum of ability and knowledge of the game they should be able to participate. But then the announcement came that any girl who wishes to play footy is automatically guaranteed a place in the team. Fifteen girls eagerly signed up for the footy team leaving room for on a handful of boys who had played all of their young lives and were passionate not only about playing but following this great game.

One of the boys ( a boyI have met and been deeply impressed by) was disgusted. He is one of the best players but he said he will not be playing footy this year. His mates agreed and all of the boys signed up to play netball. The principal stepped in and announced that the boys could play netball but only in the B team! The A team remained girls only.

This sums up our society. The benefits of gender diversification only ever extend in one direction. The scout movement is forced to open its doors to girls while Girl Guides remain exclusively for girls. The AFL is berated for spending hundreds of millions of dollars on the establishment of a women's league because it should have happened a lot earlier. Netball Australia has made no move to create a pathway for young boys who love the game and wish to play it at the highest level and the real kicker is that nobody points this out or demands something be done about this bigoted . close minded attitude.

You cannot escape the feminist ideology which underpins every aspect of our society today from the countless roadside crews who all happen to have their female workers holding the stop signs all day while the men dig, climb telegraph poles, drive heavy machinery and climb down drains to the female cops who strut around all five feet of them with tubby tummies and a big holster and gun hanging off their hips. And this is supposed to fill with a sense of security at the footy or train station should any trouble break out.

We see it every night in our news , the way our legal system operates, the double standards in reactions to players misbehavior and in the world of entertainment female superiority, achievement and oppression is rammed down our throats in alleged historical dramas every night.

We live in a LIE. If you call it out you face consequences. Thanks for calling it out, Bettina.

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Mark, I wonder if you could contact me to discuss this.. I would love to see if you could persaude some of the parents in your grandson's school to have a go at confronting the school about this. This really has parallels to the discrimination faced by girls when male trans athletes are allowed to compete against them. There's a huge fuss about that yet this type of blatant discrimination against boys is happening all the time and we have to fight back. I think I could get the media interested in this story if you can find some parents prepared to speak out.

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Thanks, Bettina.

I left a response to your email just a few minutes ago. Thanks for your interest and passion for men and boys.

My daughter went to dinner with the family of her son's grade six buddy on the weekend and they told her the story. It was their son who quit the team when it happened. I'm not sure of the exact time of this appalling action nor the finer details. I know the family my daughter spoke too had pushed back but nothing changed.

As I said in my email, I don't think my daughter would like this story to become a public one as much as the idea appeals to me. Her son has only just entered prep and she lives quite close to the school. The idea that she could become a target for pushback or even accused of being a shit stirrer would be the main reason for her hesitancy as this could also impact my grandosn too!

If my grandson was in the grade six team I think that would be different but we only heard of this issue on the weekend and it happened a few weeks ago as far as I recall.

Thanks again for your interest and support.

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It's called "gender equality".

Kids have been growing up with this for a generation now & most accept it as normal.

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Normal, yes. Fair, no. This setup will never work out well for anyone. It promotes not only resentment but also cynicism, which can't possibly lead to reconciliation between men and women or between any of the other groups that wokism now isolates on biological grounds (even though one of those groups denies the reality of biology itself).

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It seems to be working well for women, but you are right that it promotes resentment and division. Eventually it must lead to retaliation and I look forward to that day.

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