Thanks for your tireless work defending innocent people, Bettina. What a thankless task it is to attempt to be a voice for men.

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Oh no, helping this wonderful young man was a real pleasure. He really is so impressive. I wish I could have done a video with him because it would have stunned you all to hear what this university did to this kind, sweet person. But these falsely accused men can't afford more damage to their careers by speaking out.

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By thankless I mean our broader society will give you zero empathy or support. Whenever I speak up for men and boys I receive a blank stare as though I have just said I was kidnapped by aliens or an angry, emotional response from feminists. Advocate for refugees, gays, Muslims, women, girls and you will be regarded as a person of great virtue.

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Thank you for continuing to raise the horrendous issue of young men being treated so unfairly by our University’s. This issue of unfounded allegations and the biased response by the University is a terrible fact that our young men have to be made aware of before deciding to study on campus.

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The way Uni's conduct investigations is not too dissimilar to how our various police forces investigate allegations of ssexual assault and domestic violence... not at all :-(

The errosion of our Federal and State Constitutions in pursuit of feminist ideology is a grave risk to our democracy

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Out friend in Hobart faced similar attacks based on past experience that had nothing to do with his employment with Uni Tas. In this case, he managed to overcome the unfair views of the Student Union; however, his subsequent stroke could probably be attributed to this play.

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Hi Bettina.

Many thanks for your efforts in this wider field.

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It is horrifying what is going on at universities that destroy innocent young men for no reason. This is true across the whole Western world, including he USA where it's probably the worst (although it is hard to "compete" with Australia in this sad regard). History won't be kind to these so-called universities. I am desperate to find a solution. I think, however, that a search for such a solution might just open the even bigger can of worms of the overall oppression, discrimination and destruction of men in general in these societies. Solving that larger problem seems almost impossible without a complete societal collapse coming first. Any thoughts on that?

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Agreed on all points.

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Well done, Bettina, and I'm so glad that this student eventually was cleared and able to resume his life. The cost to him and his family was horrific, and the salutary warning is that this can happen to any man, and he won't get out of it unless he has the time and enormous resources to clear himself, AND strong evidence of his innocence. The other lesson is that the universities are hell bent on continuing their prosecution of "believe the victim" justice.

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