Can I celebrate your diligence, Bettina, your perseverance and your resilience? I can imagine that you ask the question “is it worth it?” regularly. You have been on the receiving end of shocking abuse.

But for men like me, who have experienced indifference and hostility when reporting female on male IPV, your advocacy is inspirational. I’m so sad for the men who have lost hope, but I urge you to continue as long as you are motivated.

And thank you. Paul.

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Thanks, Bettina, for this very sad and inciteful piece that honor the two men mentioned who sadly could take no more. We must do more

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Thanks, Keri-Marie. I wanted people to know something about these men. Tragic that there are so many others making this fateful decision every day. And so few people really care.

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That really demonstrates the "empathy gap".

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Bettina I am so sorry that two men whom you grew to know well have taken their own lives.

Here is a Perth case. Manning is a middle class suburb south of Perth. A migrant cleaner was at work at the Manning Bowling Club when he surprised a young woman at the till, in the bar area, where she had broken in. She ran outside yelling that she had been raped. Two vigilante neighbours confronted the cleaner and beat the hell out of him using some implement. He is now both cognitively and physically impaired, big time. Cannot manage his own affairs, NDIS client for tue rest of his life. The woman was definitely jailed for the theft and I think for the false claim, but have not verified that part yet

This whole ‘we must believe the victim’ stuff is dangerous as hell. We must test the accuser’s evidence first. 

Hang in there Bettina. 🙂



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That's such a tragic story, Gerard. It would be interesting to know if the woman was punished for the false rape claim. That's so rare and police are discouraged from taking such action so it seems pretty unlikely.

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This shows the danger of vigilantes and all a woman needs to say is " he raped me" or "he is violent" and these " virtue signalers" are there.

This attitude is prevalent in police forces and causes a lot of injustice to men, some women use this excuse to avoid responsibility and should remember the story of the boy who cried wolf.

It is hard to change the ingrained impulse for men to rush to protect women but I hope the two "neighbors" were charged with what was a serious criminal offence and these 3 people should be sued for damages.

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Men are often the enablers of female abuse. These white knights make me physically ill.

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Erin Pizzey wrote about how men do not recognise when they are being abused

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There was another instance in Melbourne where a man was killed, who happened to gay on the basis of an allegation of rape.

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Vigilante justice as they say, can be fatal and we should be concerned about the rise in self-righteousness which seems to feed it.

The media can whip up a "lynch mob" and often does after a widely reported rape or murder of a woman or child and if the accused is a man then even better.

But police officers can also be guilty of vigilante violence and a case in WA is a reminder.

At Beechboro, a suburb of Perth an unarmed man was shot dead in his own home by two WA police officers who had received wrong information which had lead them to believe that a DV incident was occurring and the man was threatening to kill a woman and two children with a knife.

The officers raced to the address entered the house drew their guns and when the man opened his bedroom door where he had been drinking coffee, alone, one cop fired three shots at him point blank, two rounds went through his chest and he died almost immediately. He was not armed with a knife or any other weapon.

These officers had taken it upon themselves to act as judge jury and executioner based only on what fanciful notion they had in their heads from the false information and could rightly be called vigilantes.

The killer should have been charged which is what the family of the deceased wanted. But to their eternal shame the WA police refused to prosecute and the family is still fighting for justice with legal fees now up to $60,000.00.

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A good friend of mine was going through separation. Definitely non-violent soft natured man but lost his business and house to a wife who was violent and, in one circumstance, knocked him unconscious. But did the court take any notice? Not one bit. Totally corrupt.

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I do believe there has been an anti- male bias in the justice system. However it’s important to take a balanced, evidence- based approach in addressing this. ( as Bettina dies). Comments about the Taliban and extremist remarks will attract a negative reaction rather than focusing attention on unjust treatment of men in the system.

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"Comments about the Taliban..."

Maybe the Taliban aren't the bad guys you've been led to believe.

During the recent occupation of Afghanistan by western military and the UN it was policy to support and enable a thousand year old trade called "bacha bazi". The Taliban had previously made bacha bazi illegal and effectively wiped it out. Thus western military personnel were put to work enabling and supporting the trafficking and rape of little boys.


Meanwhile Australian military was parading the white ribbon around Afghanistan.

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 As UK journalist James Delingpole writes, “The UN is a terrible organisation: a bloated talking shop for technocrats, bureaucrats, kleptocrats, third-world beggars, globalists, socialists and other overindulged, grasping cry-bullies, meddlers, and no-hopers.”

Here's a clipping from 'The Canberra Times' dated 11th Nov 1966

"STOCKHOLM (JTA) — Swedish Major General von Horn has made a sweeping indictment of United Nations peace keeping forces, charging the world body as being riddled with espionage and corruption. Von Horn, who commanded U.N. troops in Congo, Palestine and Yemen, said in his 400-page memoirs, “Soldiers of Peace”, that some U.N. employees “clearly had taken the job mainly to make money in suspicious ways — smuggling, black market deals, espionage and corruption”. The 63-year-old General said he resigned from his last post as head of the U.N. observer group in Vemen after only two months because “the whole situation was a farce”. Describing his visit to the United Nations in 1963, he said: “New member states revelled in politically inspired generosity of the Big Powers and had already discovered that it paid off to act noisily, contemptuously and insolently”. He said, the U.N. administrative section blocked his efforts to get rid of civilian employees active in smuggling, black market, espionage or corruption because it abhorred “having to agree that such things existed" UNITED NATIONS — A spokesman for Secretory-General Thant declined to comment on the attack on the world body by General Von Horn. He said Mr Thant had read press reports quoting the book but not the book itself. He added that the Secretary-General would not comment now or later."

Source: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/265934162

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I have posted this article into Facebook in my name Roger Crook.

I explain my view in the post.

This is the social challenge of out time and I applaud Bettina for the work she does.

I wish I had the money to help. I have and will continue to do all I can without the 'necessary'.

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Bless your courageous, loving heart, Betinna. I feel sickened by the suicide of the man you wrote about. I know he is just one of many similar tragedies taking place each week here in Australia and not one person with a public megaphone on a Big Tech platform or in the MSM gives a flying fuck about our men and boys.

Those cops ought to be charged with manslaughter.

What terrifies me the most is the fact that so many women can coldly crucify the man they once professed to love and sleep like a baby after their lies and false accusations place their husbands in prison or on the end of a noose.

Yet they dare to call masculinity toxic.

Yet we are still bombarded with news stories like this one which I heard on the news this week. More women than men were sacked by Elon Musk when he took over Twitter. Where do you begin after you have stopped weeping and gnashing your teeth?

If it so happened that more men had been sacked by Elon would that have made the news or been a headline in a newspaper? Of course not. Does the fact that more women were on the payroll at Twitter get a mention? Every issue presented in our media is almost always presented through the lens of the man hating, victimhood brigade who control the sick fodder being fed to our ignorant, distracted society.

Men are literally being driven to suicide as a direct result of the brainwashing of our public through the most powerful of megaphones in our country-big tech, our so-called education system, media and politicians. Sadly, we seem to have no capacity to silence their endless lies despite the fact that the truth and facts are all on our side!

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I agree, women are showing their true colours in these Family Court cases, they have no conscience and ignore any marriage vows in their zeal to hurt the men they once loved .

Their thirst for revenge is insatiable but what is driving this?, feminist brainwashing of young women in our schools and colleges plays a part but lets face it, we are seeing the true nature of the beast even though there are many exceptions .

Women have been allowed to get away with a lot in the name of equality , the scales have tipped too far in their favour and the excuse is made that they will swing back to equilibrium.

But as Jordan Peterson has said , watch out when this happens because the swing back will be ferocious and women will wonder what has hit them.

Women may wake up to the real cost of their "liberation" and see that they have lost something more valuable , that is the trust and respect of men .

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I don't like the line "the scales have tipped too far in their favour." Women have never been treated with the disgusting disdain, hatred and bigotry men and boys have endured these past five decades.

I believe women have always had their needs and wants placed ahead of men's . I'd suggest the Titanic is a good example of the absurdity of the notion that women have been treated as second class citizens throughout most of history.

The Oppressor doesn't give up his life for those he oppresses. The Oppressor doesn't have a shorter life expectancy than the oppressed. The Oppressor doesn't devote most of his life to working and providing for the oppressed. The Oppressor doesn't hand over 83% of consumer spending and control of their finances to the oppressed. The Oppressor isn't four times more likely than the oppressed to kill himself. The Oppressor should not make up 95% of workplace deaths and 98% of casualties in war.

These facts expose the big lie of female oppression in our past. As Jordan Peterson often says, life was oppressive and brutal for both sexes throughout history. But men have always been treated with far more brutality and harshness whether it be in our judicial system or education system. While my brother and I were being strapped and beaten at school, our sisters glided through their school years untouched.

When the Vietnam War was raging my sisters had no need to fear the draft.

Feminism has never been about equality. Never.

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"When the Vietnam War was raging my sisters had no need to fear the draft. "

I started attending ALP meetings at age ten in 1969 BECAUSE of conscription. During my life I've got to know many blokes who were in the two world wars and Vietnam. When feminists refer to a "war on women" I can't help but be nauseous.

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Well said , the Titanic was a floating microcosm of the British society of the day, the upper classes in first class cabins were first to the lifeboats and the men dutifully stood by as the women were saved. But these women were not from the lower decks which had been locked to prevent the "rabble" from having any chance of being saved. The poor women perished along with the men.

The rigid British class system worked even in those conditions, most of the lifeboats were only half full, a lot more people could have been saved that night but the social conditioning of the men prevented them jumping into a half empty boat . They instead did the "right thing" and died rather than break a silly tradition.

There are still remnants of this way of thinking in modern times with the almost religious worship of women , in stark contrast to the scorn and derision towards men .

You are right women were not oppressed but they were overprotected, not allowed to do dangerous jobs or fight wars, but now they still don't seem overly keen to risk their live as men were forced to do.

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As a Social Worker I received many referrals from Community Corrections from men who were involved in domestic violence. Invariably their female partners 'demanded' that they receive assistance with their physical violence against their male partners (consistent with Erin Pizzey' s experience).

Their motivation was their concern about the affects of their behaviour on their children. I found working with these people was extremely enjoyable and rewarding. They were determined, worked hard and achieved much. Sharing this information with my Social Work colleagues never went down well. In fact I was directed by a new Social Work manager not to continue in this work.

I am no longer a Social Worker. I am studying to become a registered Psychologist.


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Thank you Bettina, very few women believe in us enough to help. Hopefully more will join you in the push for true equality. To those men close to giving up and ending their lives, please grit your teeth and hang on, call a mate, tell someone you're in trouble and need company. I can't solve your problems but I can sit there beside you in the darkness..

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Another tragic suicide caused by the unfair Family Court and nobody can be held accountable. Judges magistrates police etc., all the leaches working in the so called "justice" system have " immunity " from legal action .

This should change and imagine if this man's parents and family could sue the Family Court for his death , it could be said that the Family Court has a "duty of care" and by driving this man to suicide it clearly failed .

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This is confronting. Andrew's case has many similarities with our own. Some differences too. First up, ours was in NZ. Although my wife was considered unfit, the authorities decided to use that to say that both of us were unfit - "We have concerns about both of them!" But most of all, my wife had such poor self control, that she destroyed her own case - had she not done so, the court would never have revised their mindset. I think Andrew was a hero , although when people talk of me that way, I dismiss it and reply "I am just a parent doing what a parent should do!" Obviously Andrew saw it that way too, but the similarities remind me of the past ordeal, - He will have lived a nightmare day and night. Rest in Peace Andrew. So now what of the children's lot? Will the mother and her supporters be permitted to convince that Andrew was a whacko?, or just another abuser violent male? you get the picture. Will she be able to continue her abuse of the children, and if anyone suggests the government or NGO's / churches etc will keep the children safe, I would consider them a part of the problem. The children . . ?? . . There was a time, I was apart from the kids, and I know most of what they went through, and how the Sisterhood and its infiltrated authoritarian bodies they exploit and misuse power to manipulate / exploit them. Unlike Andrew, I was granted custody, but only if I lived on welfare - so the interventions by the sisterhoods organisations continued. BUT THE DAMAGE to the children was permanent, and I am sure Andrews girls will be injured for life too. It is a nightmare that keep on playing. In NZ they claim to "have the children's best interests at heart!" - they delude themselves, they only seek power, control, the destruction of family, and if the unfit parent happens to be the mum, then they contrive that she will not need to get real psycho - treatment. My experience though is , There is no happy ending.

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You are confused. I am not referring to weakness of suicide. I am referring to weakness of all men who complain but do nothing about it like lobby the legal system representatives who have abandoned the well established principle of presumption of innocence. There are women in the legal system also. If you think we should wait until more women of the calibre of bettina raise a hue and cry we are in for a big disappointment as we have already seen. hard to blame them when men are doing nothing as well (with a very few noteworthy exception)s.

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I've been writing to people in power for decades and speaking out in social gatherings even when I knew I would cop a backlash but it's almost a hopeless cause. Men have no platform from which to get their message out into the public domain. Feminists dominate the media, government and education system and most men are simply not willing to push back for fear of being branded a misogynist or oppressor.

Most men are too cowardly or apathetic to make a stand. Women unite over anything they perceive to be in any way an obstacle or hindrance to their entitlement and privilege.

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Australian men have been described as brave in fighting wars but timid or apathetic when it comes to defending themselves in civilian matters as we are seeing now, this may be the result of many generations of conditioning and brainwashing.

Men of the British Empire were expected to be stoic and not complain about anything, ready to sacrifice their health or even their life in the cause of "protecting women and children".

Any man who did complain was branded a wimp and risked social ostracism.

This mindset is still strong and has been pushed by the feminists media lately , men need to LEARN how to whinge and complain and fight through the expected scorn and derision.

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Yes, they know how to manipulate men and use their innately protective natures to have their needs met and ours extinguished entirely. I'll never forget the viciousness of the feminist mob who gathered at a university when men had come to listen to Warren Farrell speak about male suicide. They literally spat in the faces of the young men and called them the vilest slurs simply for daring to show interest i an issue affecting males.

Of course, such behaviour is never exposed in the MSM, so the myth of female goodness and male toxicity continues to be promoted and believed. This is despite the fact that men have never once gathered in a mob to disrupt any female gathering about female issues. We in fact help promote and support anything they present a s a concern for female welfare and spend billions trying to "fix it" at the expense of male problems, yet this generosity is never acknowledged.

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That was in Canada I think and those young women were the product of feminist brainwashing in universities , so filled with hatred for men they had never met that it defies reason.

Left wing feminism has infiltrated the education systems in all the western countries and we saw the result on that occasion, those women behaved like animals and were no doubt an embarrassment to their nation.

These are the educated women who go on to be the lawyers and doctors, judges, politicians and leaders, etc., that is a worry , do they carry their hatred of all men into their new jobs ?

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Of course, they do. That is why feminism is so entrenched in our society. All of our major institutions are marinating in radical feminist ideology.

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Sad to read of another two victims of our hopelessly lopsided criminal justice system. Really good update about these positive developments, which just confirms what we've known for a long time about grafting morally-bankrupt globalist bureaucracies such as the UN and the EU. Nothing beats getting organised. There's new hope on the ideologically-based censorship front with the recent Twitter revelations exposing the deep corruption of social media platforms when it comes to shutting down legitimate free speech. As Musk has pointed out, all those "conspiracy theories" you heard about Twitter have turned out to be true - and then some. They are no longer theories. This is not a complete solution by any means, but making it harder to impose controls on the free exchange of views is another step in the right direction.

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It's very reassuring to realise that an intelligent and capable right thinking woman is sticking up for us guys. I have given up on women for about sixteen years and engaged in mental self defence against marauding females. I know there are plenty of good women out there but how can recognise them and trust them. Rational selfishness and the Alexander Technique are my allies.

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We men have a deep and noble tradition of warriorship in combatting threats to our societies and communities. We know how to come together and fight and have risen to it innumerable times.

Fighting for ourselves, as men, is new for us though. The new battle involves making common cause with women of good will. The ultimate fighting force!

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