I read The Australian's initial report on this story and it left out some very interesting facts Bettina included. Such as the complainant first going to a compensation lawyer before the police; the sexual assault declaration when purchase the morning after pill; and the unprofessional and smart-arse comments from the judge. Separately, the law change naming the accused early in proceedings is outrageous and a form of punishment in itself. Thank you, Bettina!

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Very interesting read. Thanks Phillip. The predictions all came to bear.

What I find distressing is that as I liquidate assets in preparation for a major geographical shift, (probably next year), I'm seeing the country I worked to help build being torn apart by an internal parasitic victimhood mentality.

I'm watching self destruction and autocannibalism consume what was potentially the best country on earth to live and raise a family.

With our land mass, export capability, resources and other advantages, this movement has been able to suckle the life blood without being noticed (therefore pushed back against) for far too long, allowing much deeper entrenchment.

In countries without our advantages, the movement gets knocked on it's arse because they can't secretly control the level of funding or rise to positional power in order to achieve the infiltration level. This is making it a much more brainwashed takeover without brute force and violence as per most communist countries. That's going to make this a much harder enemy to flush.

It really seems the less affluent countries have to work within the realms of truth and fact to fiscally survive, that may be the reason most Non-Western countries either don't support or reject this ideology.

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Your last paragraph articulated what I had been thinking. Do non-western countries have the same issues with sexual relationships as the Western world.

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Chanel Contos during her National Press Club presentation referred to this allegation, while she did not name names, her reference to a man involved in a recent Canberra incident and is now charged with a similar offence in Queensland. (not verbatim) She pointedly raised this issue.

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More journalists need to speak up!

It's all good and well that you write these articles Bettina, but when it's just you, you can be written off as a radical. We need more journalists - male and female, young and old - engaging in this conversation from a realist's point of view. The way the law operates in this country is textbook prejudice against men and it will only get worse unless we collectively stand up to the injustices. Unfortunately, there is a culture that cancels anyone who speaks this truth. We won't get anywhere as long as it's just you speaking up Bettina, but with the help of more voices there is hope.

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The issue with the media graduates is that they while gaining their degrees were indoctrinated into feminist theory. This happens at a time when students can be easily indoctrinated, once indoctrinated it becomes almost impossible to change their minds.

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Absolutely! Even when confronted with realities of their Time-clock ticking down, loneliness and realization they're unhappier than any past generation, as Western men's growing numbers refuse to marry or breed, it's still all Men's fault.

Apparently, men who think for themselves (Walk-Aways, Passport Bros and MGTOWS) are just Man-Babies and need to grow up, (but never grow a pair though!)

I'm no longer even trying to see how these contradictory demands can ever work, especially inside a relationship. No relationship works without mutual respect.

This generation of males are working it out faster than my gen did because of the demonization, radicalism and aggression.

I seriously thought the "Call of the Wild" would always control pretty much all male behavior. I never thought I'd see capable and competent young males logically just walking away.

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The big growth has been in the use of what is known as "Relational Aggression". Your comments demonstrate that, rather than accepting responsibility for the consequences of their behaviour, it is much easier to blame the male gender.

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Yes, but this means every one of you reading this needs to get active, writing to members of parliament to protest about new laws targeting men, calling out the media for failing to acknowledge what is happening here, meeting with decision makers etc. We need large groups of men and women working together if we are going to change things.

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The question that needs to be asked by the defence and the bench is “If there wasn’t a remote prospect in 2021 of Bruce getting a significant compensation payment if exonerated of false allegations, would this grifter have even approached a “compensation lawyer”?

The QPS are the minions of the Feminists Industrial Complex in Qld, and are notorious for over redacting, withholding and tampering with evidence to support the misandristic war of their mistresses on Boys, Men and Fathers.

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“𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘏𝘪𝘨𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘮𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘢 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘲𝘶𝘢𝘥…𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙤 𝘧𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵…”

Please, use gender appropriate terminology and don’t acquiesce to the woke degendered attack on our language. The correct term for a female is “𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙚” which BH is most definitely not

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It is so maddening that this woman is able to spin her lies to the media and they all just lap it up. Look at this latest nonsense from the ABC. Yet none of the big media players dare publish even a tame version of my blog because they somehow think it will be seen as contempt of court. Think about how Higgins played the media, endlessly promoting her version of events... and now the same thing is happening here. Please help me get it out there, circulating my blog in every possible way. I need your help.


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Hi Bettina, I am a journalism student and submitted an article to your website the other day. I'd love to know what you think. We need more journalists covering these issues from a point of view that seeks truth not clout. The fact is, you pretty much stand alone in this discussion and you'll continue to be written off by the (loud) woke crowd as an outlier until more journalists join the chorus to validate our point of view.

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I saw that and will respond when I have time, Earl. I receive a couple of hundred emails every day! I applaud your efforts to write about these issues and will try to help.

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You may be onto something! Nothing about writing a written request and getting it signed off I see. Rather takes the romance out of the whole thing I reckon.

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No point getting anything signed off. She is allowed to change her mind and withdraw consent.

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Our entire judicial and political systems need to be overhauled. How much longer can this blatant bigotry and two tiered legal system continue? Countless men have taken their lives or had them destroyed by this kind of disgusting injustice. Are these journalists and politicians so callous and filled with rage about men that they are happy to hound blokes to their death?

When are people who are in our parliament and fully aware of this endless circus of reputational destruction going to DO SOMETHING?

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The one positive - that you are writing about this Bettina.

Thank you!



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Sadly, this is the new norm. Young (and not so young!!) men beware. The age of "sexual liberation" has well and truly passed. You know, when women were assumed to have agency in matters sexual because they were strong and independent and not mere ingenues forced by societal norms into gratifying men's base instincts. Those days are gone. Men, have casual (and apparently consensual) sex at your peril.

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I watched Chanel Contos presentation at the National Press Club and she mentioned the above accusation and referred to BH affair. Her presentation was highly inflammatory and purely aimed at raising the emotions. One thing I am glad I am not a teenager any more, because it looks like they will be building bigger prisons in future.

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Not me! I just won't even entertain the thought in this country. Haven't dated for years and NEVER will here again.

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It is interesting that Brittany Higgins mental health was of concern to the Courts etc, but not Bruce Lehrmann's. And we are told that their should be no sexism, ageism etc. Yeah, right. As soon as I heard about these allegations I thought "here we go again" and I wonder what the purpose is other than to "get him" at all costs. For goodness sake.....leave the poor guy alone. He is innocent. Surely these arrogant feminist activists and the media can pick on someone else. Oh, that's right. They like to kick a person when they are down, it is much easier for them. What a greedy, selfish society we have become, especially the female gender (not all thankfully). I hope both Brittany and this latest money grabber are eventually jailed for their lies and made to pay restitution.

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This is called the Gamma Bias and the empathy gap. Women get empathy and men get none.

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This reeks of money grabbing- happening everywhere- what sort of a society have we become. Its sick and very sad.

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Haha - thanks Ross. I'll never look at the Tweed in quite the same way again. Your point about Julian Assange is well made.

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Thanks Bettina - that makes a lot more sense.

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