the research on Rape I take, because it is much more reliably measurable - but - their figures on male rape victims are entirely inadequate as men are far less likely to admit to being a victim -

they (Crime Survey of England and Wales) say the number is too small for help in statistical analysis -

but the gay men's support group I spoke to in Cardiff said that there are two victims per weekend just in central Cardiff alone.

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My wife asked me what I was laughing about so hard. It was your line: “Patriarchal bullies get their kicks out of asserting their power over vomit splattered women.” You are a potential comedienne yourself Tina!

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We are still fighting this battle here in the UK... Everyone from the Labour leader (and former disgraceful DPP) through playwrights, Media companies, the entire league of UK institutions has fallen for the Victim industry BS.

but with the rape stats recently pushed by Rape Crisis they made a little admission...

Their trusted NOS research says only 14% of the 85,000 women raped in 2021 went to the police -

and yet 63,000 rape reports were received by police in that year.

ergo - over 2/3rds of reports were lies. false accusations.

Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter acknowledged as much to me in an email - but his job would be at risk if he went public on this.

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"Their trusted NOS research says only 14% of the 85,000 women raped in 2021 went to the police"

With the UK now defining male victims of sexual or domestic abuse as "victims of violence against women" who knows what the real numbers are.

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I also adore "Lost in Translation", and have long lamented that none of my friends see in it what you, I, and a few others do. My favourite book was "The Rasors Edge", which 2 things probably say a lot about me. I also fear for the world my teenage son and other young me are inheriting, and love that you, and a few other brave women, are standing up for men against the "sisterhood". Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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I am also a WSM fan - much under-rated. There is a terrific Youtube movie that covers about 4-5 of his short stories. He narrates each of them at the beginning. A wonderful homosexual writer who never got to enjoy these better times. Check it out!

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All the more reason why equality is a stupid idea. The irony is that the most successful, the stable, the most innovative civilisations are the ones that are least equal and very patriarchal: Classical Greece, Rome, Renaissance France, Renaissance Italy, Victoria Britain and America prior to the 1960s. There's no doubt the West is on its way out and women have done the bulk of the damage to it.

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Well said!

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Thanks Bettina for all you do for men. What’s discouraging for me is that there appears to be no mens organizations getting out in front of this and fighting hard. We see endless articles and handwringing about the problem. How about mens groups fighting like you have for a very long time. Your just one women. Many of our male politicians and leaders give in for there own interests or because their afraid. I know many would have to make sacrifices but that’s life. We owe it to our young men to stand up, unite, be strong and let our voices be heard. It’s very frustrating and discouraging.

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Warren Farrell, Neil Lyndon, Thomas Ellis, Robert Bly, E. Belford Bax.

Reading what happened to Neil Lyndon, in the Return of the Heretic, he was basically severely cancelled.

In Australia there is Dads On the Air, Dads in Distress, just to mention a few. I myself despair especially when for example Cassie Jaye and her documentary are dishonestly portrayed.

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Thank you Phillip! I remember a few of those guys doing drum circles years ago to get in touch with their manhood. Farrell was heavily involved with National Org of Women. I know he did a good book recently. We need something more serious then that. Like Bettina x 100,000. It's easy for me to be an armchair quarterback but the men's movement has plenty of examples of what works. I think we are not naturally built to think as victims. Sadly, it's been to the detriment of young men today who are struggling. If men boycotted movies that trashed us or got legislation changed on false rape accusations that would help. If we could frame it as a social WAR maybe men would get on board. I don't know.

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There are a number of parts to this issue, firstly is the extremely strong opposition to men forming conscious raising groups and the resistance of Universities in allowing the formation of studies into masculinities that do not follow the current dogma.

If anyone bothers to look at the last 200 years, there have been enormous efforts to improve the lives of women in the Western World, so it attracts much more attention and funding than issues that affect the male gender.

I wrote an article for Onlineopinion titled "I don't Research Men".

In, a nutshell research about men has been conducted mostly by asking women about men.

The other issue is that men are not encouraged to be articulate about what is happening to them in relationships. Women are far more skilled at being wordsmiths.

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Huzzah for Bettina

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Yes Bettina, I am now 72 years old and also like you have noticed the nuanced destruction of the male through theater/cinema/commercials. I have four sons 37, 35, 34 and 32 and they all cannot see this propaganda of the arts to destroy the good male ethos themselves. I think they have been thoroughly brainwashed to believe it is correct/true the way males are portrayed.

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Three or four generations of boys have grown up hearing nothing but spite and venom targeting their sex. It's in their schools and the media, is promoted by government, institutions and corporations and even goes on in the homes of many. It's one of the contributing factors in upwardly spiraling suicide rates among boys and men. I'm surprised young men aren't tearing our communities to pieces. Maybe their restraint should be admired.

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I sometimes watch women's daytime television when I'm at the gym, on the treadmill. I've seen several soap episodes and telemovies which included the rape or murder of a woman, as if these were a normal part of life for women. Now, here's the interesting part - the male villain is always particularly attractive! Tall, full head of tousled hair, well dressed, wealthy, and he works his way onto the woman with charm before resorting to brute force for the evil deed. I deduce from this that women actually get a kick out these scenes, otherwise, if there were to be any reality to them, the male would be average looks, at best, and "creepy" in some way which must be obvious to any woman with a brain during the "seduction" phase. Fifty Shades of Grey comes to mind. Still, all men will bear the blame for these female fantasies - as it says at the beginning of the article, where the audience nodded along to the "One in three" lifetime victims of sexual assault.

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"Still, all men will bear the blame for these female fantasies"

Apparently the primary sexual fantasy among women is rape.

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This really contrasts with Janice Fiamengo

Love Poems

quote"If it were true that the history of the west were the history of men oppressing women we would expect to find some significant evidence of such oppression in the literature that privileged men wrote we would expect that some of the most culturally influential men of their time would at least occasionally reveal their contempt for women and their pleasure in controlling them"Unquote

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There is nothing more appealing than a woman smelling of fresh vomit! - right???? This political drive where males are demonised, actually requires females to hate 'Mother's sons' - I put it that way, because whether the audience realises it or not - they are not from Venus, and we are not from Mars. We start out created, educated trained and indoctrinated by women. Women who generally will not take responsibility for their training of sons. Many are ready to hate all males, but engineer some exception in their minds for their own sons. They are so delusional that they are incapable of perceiving their own hypocrisy. I principally focus upon women for my serve here, because women do most separations and file for majority of divorces, and then feel a need to come up with some justifying excuse ( true or fabricated). So too many children (Male and female) are raised with their father deleted from their lives and with no input to their training, while their mother picks up new men to satisfy her needs, disregarding that of the children. In our case, our two girls complained that one of their mother's subsequent men was following them into the bedroom at mum's house. I regarded that as mum neglecting the children's safety. Had the family stayed together, that could never happen. So to wrap up my point, most children are raised with fathers who are passive out of having to be careful so as to not be sacked as Dad, hence are impotent as parents, or they are completely eliminated one way or other. None of this helps the children. If only females did put parenting ahead of their exciting needs.

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Thank you Tina for your advocacy as it seems men are truly hated in this era. MGTOW is the only move for men anymore. Leave the females alone with their cats until they understand and apologize for the damage they have caused on the planet.

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Substantial appraisal Tina

The pendulum has swung so far it is set for a rebound surely?

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Thanks for this article. The problem of misandry in popular culture, however, goes back to the 1980s and 1990s (and has not abated to this day). You'll find detailed analyses of popular productions from that period, especially movies and television shows, in the first of four volumes on the misandry of ideological feminism: Paul Nathanson and Katherine K. Young, Spreading Misandry: The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2001).

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Truth is the first casualty of war, in my 65 years l have not met a man who does less housework than his spouse, or looks after the children less, they have generally worked long hours for every day until they dropped dead, perhaps l have been living in an enchanted forest because none of them raped a woman nor molested a child - clearly we have all been doing something wrong because we don’t and didn’t fit the ‘feminists model’ of the average male

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