Outstanding article, Bettina. The blatant cultural, moral and political hypocrisy of feminism laid bare for all to see. It's so hard to understand how feminism, in its current form, can be so widely embraced by such large swathes of the planet's women; women who are lovers, wives, sisters, mothers, and grandmothers of the gender they des…
Outstanding article, Bettina. The blatant cultural, moral and political hypocrisy of feminism laid bare for all to see. It's so hard to understand how feminism, in its current form, can be so widely embraced by such large swathes of the planet's women; women who are lovers, wives, sisters, mothers, and grandmothers of the gender they despise.
What ever happened to the intrinsic feminine traits of nurturing, love and care? Perhaps the feminine woman is the greatest myth of all.
If sending men to their deaths in the battles of war can't moot the deeply inculcated feminist resentment, disregard, and hatred towards men, nothing can.
What do U mean that nurture and love are feminine traits ? Men are heartless monsters?Not all men are big and strong and perfectly fit . There are men who want to just be with their families and loved ones . The entire article is about how it’s wrong to force me to die , and you re here trying to say that it’s fine men are being killed forcefully, it’s only that women hate men that’s the problem ! SERIOUSLY! men are worst enemies of MRA
How you reached the conclusion that my comment was about justifying why men should die in battle, I’ll never know. Quite frankly, I think you are missing the point of the entire article.
I think Bettina’s primary premise is the gross hypocrisy of the ever vocal feminist movement who, when the chips are down, fall silent and are more than willing for men to do the heavy lifting; men who do so without complaint and with a sense of duty. Men whose lives are inherently devalued as expendable beings relative to women.
There is also the perennial narrative of women as victims, yet it is impossible for feminists to ever perceive men in the same light, even when they are thrust into extreme scenarios such as battle.
The article is also about the inequality of martial law, which made it legally incumbent on men of fighting age to defend the nation. They didn’t have a choice. Women did. Some women stayed to fight, but just a few, and entirely of their own volition.
The synthetic cocoon of western societies makes it very easy for feminist to play out the charades of gender equality without ever being stress tested by the realities of extreme conflict and war, or functioning in low tech societies that are wracked with poverty and hunger, as experienced in so many parts of the globe.
If feminists were genuine about their ideology of equality, they would step up and demand that they fight shoulder to shoulder with men to defend the nation. It didn’t happen. Not even the slightest notion.
My point was that the silence of women in a contemporary feminist context has, for all intents and purposes, thrown the men to the dogs of war. Where are the intrinsic characteristics of the caring feminist women - which we are reminded of ad nauseam - in that?
True equality in the 21st century would spread the risk of battle across the genders, and in equal proportion.
Feminists could have made this war a case study in genuine equality. They chose not to.
As usual, feminism is about selective equality, cherry picking the hierarchical and desirable roles men play in society, for themselves.
All due respect, that’s not how a society functions. As usual, it is the men that just get on with making society function even during the darkest hours of history, and doing the most undesirable tasks imaginable. That’s not an anti-feminist remark, it’s just reality.
Outstanding article, Bettina. The blatant cultural, moral and political hypocrisy of feminism laid bare for all to see. It's so hard to understand how feminism, in its current form, can be so widely embraced by such large swathes of the planet's women; women who are lovers, wives, sisters, mothers, and grandmothers of the gender they despise.
What ever happened to the intrinsic feminine traits of nurturing, love and care? Perhaps the feminine woman is the greatest myth of all.
If sending men to their deaths in the battles of war can't moot the deeply inculcated feminist resentment, disregard, and hatred towards men, nothing can.
What do U mean that nurture and love are feminine traits ? Men are heartless monsters?Not all men are big and strong and perfectly fit . There are men who want to just be with their families and loved ones . The entire article is about how it’s wrong to force me to die , and you re here trying to say that it’s fine men are being killed forcefully, it’s only that women hate men that’s the problem ! SERIOUSLY! men are worst enemies of MRA
How you reached the conclusion that my comment was about justifying why men should die in battle, I’ll never know. Quite frankly, I think you are missing the point of the entire article.
I think Bettina’s primary premise is the gross hypocrisy of the ever vocal feminist movement who, when the chips are down, fall silent and are more than willing for men to do the heavy lifting; men who do so without complaint and with a sense of duty. Men whose lives are inherently devalued as expendable beings relative to women.
There is also the perennial narrative of women as victims, yet it is impossible for feminists to ever perceive men in the same light, even when they are thrust into extreme scenarios such as battle.
The article is also about the inequality of martial law, which made it legally incumbent on men of fighting age to defend the nation. They didn’t have a choice. Women did. Some women stayed to fight, but just a few, and entirely of their own volition.
The synthetic cocoon of western societies makes it very easy for feminist to play out the charades of gender equality without ever being stress tested by the realities of extreme conflict and war, or functioning in low tech societies that are wracked with poverty and hunger, as experienced in so many parts of the globe.
If feminists were genuine about their ideology of equality, they would step up and demand that they fight shoulder to shoulder with men to defend the nation. It didn’t happen. Not even the slightest notion.
My point was that the silence of women in a contemporary feminist context has, for all intents and purposes, thrown the men to the dogs of war. Where are the intrinsic characteristics of the caring feminist women - which we are reminded of ad nauseam - in that?
True equality in the 21st century would spread the risk of battle across the genders, and in equal proportion.
Feminists could have made this war a case study in genuine equality. They chose not to.
As usual, feminism is about selective equality, cherry picking the hierarchical and desirable roles men play in society, for themselves.
All due respect, that’s not how a society functions. As usual, it is the men that just get on with making society function even during the darkest hours of history, and doing the most undesirable tasks imaginable. That’s not an anti-feminist remark, it’s just reality.