The facts are extremely prevalent to those of us who have witnessed the actions taking place. The majority of police officers who I've discussed these issues with agree that the situation is causing basically innocent young men to be imprisoned. Many of have been female officers that have stated their concerns about the injustice being imposed on . I've also discussed the issue with Lawyers ( both male and female) and all agree that the laws relating to domestic violence have become ridiculously favourable to women who wish to misuse the system . I have never been charged myself of any domestic violence offence. I have, however funded the representation for someone who needed legal representation. I will be remaining single as a relationship status as a result of the injustices I've witnessed. I won't engage in any sexual activity with any person or persons. I will not lead a " normal " life as nature would have intended. I know that any interaction of intimacy with another person or persons is a risk to any and all men . I have no doubt that all men are at risk of becoming " criminals " as a direct result of the ridiculous laws that enable some people to misuse the system that should be designed to adequately protect all citizens. My losses are financial with regard to the funding of the representation for person previously mentioned herein. It's perhaps 100k dollars all told. It is a small price to pay for me to have the knowledge that I now have regarding the vulnerability of men in our society when facing the laws regarding domestic violence. I can predict the eventual complete turn around as the pendulum swings to the far opposite side. What will we do to protect those who are really at risk of domestic violence when this eventually happens?
It’s not just family law or dv’s. it’s criminal law too. It’s all messed up.
To the officers that contributed to this article, you are to be commended, however as a group, you can do much more. If the dissatisfaction with enforcing biased harm inducing laws is so great, then stop doing it. Make it an industrial issue. Use your union to advocate the issue up the line. Have them express the psychosocial injuries you sustain.
If police are being required to enforce these laws and have lost discretion under threat of disciplinary action, … isn’t that coercive control? Arrest and charge the powers that be accordingly. For those that face disciplinary action, use your union. For those who are not a member of the association… join. As for the police union/association.. step up.
I am aware of a matter that could not be defended due to evidence tampering and unlawful seizures. Then subsequent intimidation of witnesses to same. The good officers need to actively pursue the bad ones that give you a bad name and cause the rest of us so much pain…. We want to stop suiciding at 7/day.
Many feminist organisations act in the name of and on behalf of women, however many of those same women are not members of the organisation, do not vote on an executive, nor on resolutions. Women need to step up and assert that these organisations do not speak for them, and not blindly respond to protest calls.
Equally we men need to form up and join up to membership organisations/unions. These organisations can actively engage in lobbying/activism or perhaps simply throw support behind those that do. Eg, what if these Organisations formed a tangible voting block that a politician could see? They could also provide tangible weight behind Bettina and others.
During the recent protests re IPV, where many men were effectively lynched with respect to their presumption of innocence, and effective contamination of the jury pool, I noted a case of a women having killed her husband reported in the smh around the same time. I didn’t notice her vilification, nor community sorrow over his loss. Why was there no protest objecting to her denial of the right to be equally lynched.
However feminism started, it is now a terrorist ideology. Many issues of equality etc can be achieved with a more humanist approach. We are all people regardless of genitals or minds.
I went through false allegation claims with my ex wife. She was coached by her feminist solicitor exactly what she could cherry pick from the legislation to deny me access to my son. She even went as far as drawing my son into arguments with her prior to our separation so she could get me to react for her and discipline our son. She then went on to use these incidents against me in court. The affidavit was clearly a set up, but the corrupt NSW Family Court Judges didn’t even read or investigate these documents when I pointed this out and told them what she did. Men have no protection from this Kangaroo Court, or the police that have been co-opted by the feminist movement to corrupt the law. I just think the police are gutless when they know they are being used but let it occur. Speak up you gutless bastards. Your actions are killing 29 men per week from suicide, and allowing tens of thousands of our children to suffer child abuse from their mothers and the Kangaroo court. In my opinion the officers and solicitors that just allow this to happen are child abusers by proxy, and are just as bad as the perpetrators of this violence against men and their children.Next time you attend a suicide remember you are a key player in these deaths along with the corrupt family Court Judges who think they are above the law. This is akin to the cover r up of the peadophile priests a few decades ago. If you know this is wrong then stand up and stop it. Why did you become a police officer. Are you just a puppet for lying feminists or do you actually stand for good.
You are right ,police should say more and stand up for “justice” and remember they are there to serve the people not the state . The few decent officers who do protest are rare but welcome. The whole issue of police and the training they receive needs to be opened up to public scrutiny and questions answered. The old secrecy and Freemason influence must go, but that would require brave politicians , most are too scared to challenge the power of the courts and police , Australian is a totalitarian regime in many ways .
I am sick and tired up to the back teeth always being fed this fallacy of exclusively so called ‘Violence against Women‘ ! ; it should read Violence Against ANYONE ! Innocent Men are unjustly always made to feel like the guilty violent perpetrators without any shred of corroborating evidence ! This has to be rectified fast !
I understand this vile practice from filthy cops and lawyers in NSW. I fled the state as a fugitive wanted for breaching a bs DVO calling my son on his birthday (BS DVO was on my ex not my son but she turned his phone off constantly so i had to not call him giving her bad dad evidence or call her phone and breach the DVO). I have been living off grid in a caravan for 2 years in hiding after having my entire life destroyed by this woman and a filthily corrupt system and its minions! I would love to speak with Bettina and tell her my story. I will see if i can find a way of contacting her.
Hang in there mate. Redemption for these criminal courts is coming. We may have to tear it down piece by piece, but you must remain in this fight. Judges that are involved in these corrupt practices will be outed, and we can only hope that they are hunted down by the children and men they are currently destroying and they are brought to Justice as the child abusers they are. It’s time for a royal commission run by men who stand for justice in this country. We need to mobilise the children that realise what these courts have done to them, their Fathers, and their families and fights these low-life thugs. The Judges and solicitors are clearly only interested in protecting this billion dollar child abuse racket.
We need to meet these battle head on as if it’s war, because it basically is. It’s a war against men, and our children, and one we can’t afford to lose.
Paul’s revelations about police training are concerning , the example he gave of a woman smashing her husbands windscreen and police officers being told by the instructor that they must assume in a case like that the man is “ behind “ the woman’s violence .
This is bizarre , smashing a windscreen is serious criminal damage, IF a police officer was to witness this they should immediately charge the offender , man or woman. What if the woman had committed a more serious crime like killing her children , this does happen, would the man be blamed for that too?
I have heard this directly from a retired police officer that they are being coerced and actually trained in these unjust practices against men and children. We need all the whistleblowers we can find( male & female), especially those that have an ounce of decency and self- worth left. Don’t let these thugs treat you like puppets. Stand up for men , children, and Justice. Uphold the law, and bring some integrity back to policing. If you do this men will respect and respond in kind. If you don’t you may become the victim of your own negligence. When it starts to affect you your son, your brother, your friend, you will wish you had of stood up for Justice. Don’t wait for it to knock on your door. Do the right thing and confront it head on. Regain some self respect, and some respect for policing!
Police have lost any respect they once had by clearly siding with the radical feminists in their war against men ,the irony is the majority of police officers are men . Have they forgotten that the law should be applied equally to ALL people regardless of gender.
Police like to complain about their working conditions, and would like and probably expect public support , but they've burnt that bridge .
Probably a good choice in light of the Kangaroo courts we now find ourselves being screwed over by, and I would say the tragedy is there will be many more single people men and women going forward. After all that is the goal of feminism ( I.e. to deconstruct the idea of marriage as they believe it gives men too much power). It going to be a sad world where many women will just be used and left to fend for themselves, and a world with diminishing family.
Maybe the Muslim way is winning out where multiple wives and a dominant patriarchy becomes more attractive for men, or do we just pay for pleasure and look after our own interests. Unfortunately for many with corrupt Judiciary and policing of men as they do men need to seek further protection from this. I would suggest a married man really will require complete surveillance in his own home 24/7 just to protect himself from this growing threat. If I was a young man now I would not enter this arrangement without 100% surveillance and a rock solid financial agreement and arrangement. It’s just way to risky for boys and men now to enter this contract that fails 80% of the time, and the remaining 20% may feel trapped in it because of children or fear of financial loss. It sounds absurd, but I believe it’s now necessary for young men to consider all the above, and seek guidance before trapping themselves.
I have first hand experience in the use of DVOs to control men, separate them from their children, and give women an unassailable advantage in family court matters.
In the affidavit supporting application for a DVO, where I ostensibly committed mental abused my ex, she admitted to physically assaulting me. I took the affidavit to the police and asked that they charge her with the assault. I was told by the policeman I spoke to at the police station to "f..k off". Meanwhile, after she received the DVO she proceeded to use it first to stop me from seeing my children and second so that she would have a police escort (for her protection against me) at all future family court and magistrate court (for the dvo) appearances.
You can imagine how much of a fair hearing I got when the other party had police protection when we were in the same room together!
Women and their solicitors are masters of manipulating the system for their advantage, both in terms of custody & access, and to gain advantage in the split of marital assets. If you buck against any of it, it just gets worse and worse. (Presumption of shared parenting my butt! A woman's objection on any grounds quashed that without need for evidence!)
I call my self lucky, when I got divorced my wife's lawyer recommend that she take a AVO out on me as it would make sure she could isolate me from my children and cut me off financially. Thankfully my wife did not take that option as I'm not a abusive person, and she had more integrity then most women.
Some of my male friends have not been do lucky, and have gone through hell.
That lawyer should face criminal charges , conspiracy to pervert the course of justice , or abuse of process, or similar . This is common now , lawyers have few scruples and even fewer principles , until we have honest , principled people working in the justice system nothing will change.
Your ex Alan had morals, her lawyer not so. You both did well in that sense.
Btw, a lawyer who recommends to their client in an an AVO application etc to leverage financial settlement/child access, is at risk of losing their status as an "approved" Family Lawyer. Many legal firms have only one such designated "approved" lawyer and the other Partners would be concerned that a person who suggests a course of leveraging outcomes based on that premise could in fact blow up the entire partnership, due to such an indiscretion.
In the policemans letter he says the wifes making the complaint, he is lucky. In my instance the police made the complaint for my basically literate wife without warning her of the consequences. three days later she tried to withdraw complaint---cannot not do as the copper made the complaint for her. Consequences---its us against the copper, we sold part of OUR farm to purchase a house in town ( 80K away) as we were not allowed to be near each other.The Court Hearing is now going to happen early march .25, 12 months after event. Paul Markwell QLD
In Queensland legislation has been changed which allows for police to make an application to the courts for a DV order. This can only be withdrawn by police making an application to the courts and only then a Magistrate will make the decision. Things are done at snails pace in QLD and people are.held in custody for years waiting for their day in court. The Labor government reacted after Hannah Clarke and children unfortunately lost their lives, because of this now men in Queensland are treated like they are guilty until found innocent.
That’s the usual over-reaction to a case like Hannah Clarke , harsher DV laws against men , more punishment , but this is what leads to men acting violently towards their family in many cases. It’s a vicious circle , more harsher laws leads to more angry men , leads to more domestic trouble.
It is justified to say that Hannah Clarke and children might still be alive , if the domestic problems of that family had been handled better by the Police and the Courts.
There's nothing the police or courts can do with a psycho like Rowan Baxter. Once upon a time when there were real men in Australia he would have been handled by the girl's father and brothers.
True, when a woman doctor in Geraldton WA beat her husband to death with a sledge hammer , SHE was regarded as being the “victim” . Feminists saw her as a “hero” and helped her to “rebuild her life”, after all, murdering your husband can be very traumatising .
She got a very lenient sentence indeed ,out on parole only 6 months after her trial , time spent on remand was taken into consideration, and yes she should have been found guilty of wilful murder as the killing was premeditated . By her own account her time inside was no hardship either , more like a holiday camp.
Had one put on me after 6 months of absolutely no contact plus the emails used to obtain it were 4 years old. Never had I ever raised a hand or voice to her unlike her who had done both and caused the police to be called on a few occasions.
Forgive me for introducing another thread to this, Bettina. Women, and particularly you, Bettina , make a truly enormous contribution to this agenda. World wide this American based group is also making a large contribution - somehow we need to be trying to join these groups up. This is what they were saying yesterday: As Feminism Turns Extremist, Gender Warriors Launch Counter-Offensive
October 28, 2024 – A growing global consensus agrees that feminism has evolved into an extreme movement that harms men and women, posing an existential threat to the stability and well-being of society (1).
Commenting on the gender gap in the US presidential race, columnist Nicole Russell deplores how “extreme feminism” is advancing a message that men are ”unnecessary at best and predators at worse.” Russell concludes, “As a society, we can’t afford to have young men and women struggling with vast value differences, unable to align on politics, family and other things that matter.” (2)
Canadian commentator Janice Fiamengo likewise documents a deep-seated feminist antipathy towards men. She notes that some feminists “even write books with triumphant titles like The End of Men: And the Rise of Women (Hanna Rosin); Are Men Necessary? (Maureen Dowd); or even I Hate Men (Pauline Harmange).” (3)
And feminists categorically refuse to acknowledge the problem of female-perpetrated domestic violence, even though women are equal-opportunity abusers (4).
Such destructive stereotypes inevitably harm women, as well. British feminist Petronella Wyatt wrote an evocative article that recounts her inability to find a marriage partner and concludes, “I increasingly feel, as do many of my intimates, that feminism has failed our generation.” (5)
And charging UN Women to be a “disgrace,” Noah Rothman called out the United Nations agency for its hypocrisy and silence in response to the Hamas attacks on Israeli women (6).
In the face of such criticism, one might expect the feminist establishment to reconsider its demonization of men and marginalization of the nuclear family.
But in Australia, Canada, England, and the United States, feminists have launched a counter-offensive, shrilly calling out a new threat to the safety of women that they refer to as “misogyny” (7). Misogyny is defined vaguely so anyone who voices an opinion that goes counter to feminist dogma runs the risk being labeled a “misogynist.”
For example, the US Prevention Practitioner’s Network published a report that is replete with unverifiable anecdotes and inflammatory assertions such as:
“The ‘manosphere’ is dangerous because it is founded in anti-women hate. Individuals and networks in the ‘manosphere’ express conspiratorial and often violent beliefs about women, where a woman’s only value is her ability to procreate or to fulfil the sexual needs and desires of men…” (8)
Even in Russia, feminism has been branded an “extremist ideology.” (9) In December the government of Argentina defunded and disbanded its Ministry of Women, Gender, and Diversity (10). Now, millions of persons around the world need to raise their voices to protest the venomous effects of feminist ideology.
The Domestic Abuse and Violence International Alliance – DAVIA — consists of 166 member organizations from 38 countries in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, and North America. DAVIA seeks to ensure that domestic violence and abuse polices are science-based, family-affirming, and gender-inclusive.
Thanks for sharing that David. I had not heard of DAVIA before this. Luckily, I am not in a situation that would be on DAVIA's radar but I know men who are.
Some advice for males when questioned by QLD Police. Do not answer questions. It will not matter how you answer you will be charged anyway. Do not trust police under any circumstances as they will lie to you and to Prosecutors, then Prosecutors distort the truth to Magistrates. Woke Magistrates will deny bail and forgo one’s human rights ‘ innocent until proven guilty’. Once in jail on remand it is virtually impisdible to defend yourself and mount a good legal defence.
To the Queensland Police officers who have spoken out, I commend you both. Having a conscious is a rarity today, Queensland Police need more decent people like you guys. To. Bettina thank you for your continuing support of men.
So true this story is. My family member was a QLD Police Officer, his ex partner did everything to seek revenge. Complaint after complaint were not substantiated, eventually Ethical standards came after him to the point whilst living at his elderly parents home, they were raided by 9 police, CCTV footage shows this. The mother recorded the interactions with the police and she still retains all the footage. To this day the parents are still traumatised by how police could force their why into a persons home on an allegation. They took parents devices as well as the accused police officers phone. No evidence was found. The Acting Senior Sgt then took him into custody for 4 hours and charged him with stalking. He was detained for 2 years while waiting trail, bail was denied because of some crap how he was a threat to her. He plead not guilty & during the trial the arresting officer changed his statement and added a lie. Judge ignored that. The family lied continually throughout the trial & unfortunately his barrister was incompetent and was not trial experienced. He spent 2 years in jail for something he did not do. He was never accused of physical violence, he was falsely accused of cyber stalking. All his police friends, friends and family believe she sent emails to herself.
Ethical Standards officer was reported to CCC for lying under oath only for complaint to be sent back to Ethical Standards to investigate their workmate despite CCC sending it to QLD Police Commissioners office.
QLD police are leaving to organisation in droves because of the previous woke Labor government.
Is the new Queensland government promising to reform the DV laws and make them fairer for men ? . The LNP usually avoids this subject like the plague , men’s issues are political suicide for MPs .
I was about to comment that the only advantage of an LNP government is that while they won't do anything for men they won't increase the anti-male legislation and spending as fast as Labor does.
However, even that is not always true. NSW politician Dominic Perottet was an avowed "conservative" and practicing Roman Catholic, yet under his Premiership NSW led the way with increases of "dv" spending (with Perottet prominent in the TV announcements with his "rescue the poor women" look), and laws for "affirmative consent" and "coercive control".
As an RC myself, I find it particularly galling when my fellow RCs, including the bishops, take up the "domestic violence" cause, always with "it's everywhere, it's men, and more needs to be done". Little known fact - our social justice announcements are penned by well paid women in the church bureacracy, however they are always signed by the bishops who think that's the chivalrous thing to do.
ScoMo agreed with Pauline Hanson to initiate a review of family in exchange for her vote in the senate, but then did everything he could do delay it and distance itself from it, so that after three years it lapsed when he lost government in 2022.
The Catholic Church has historically been a refuge for the persecuted and oppressed , the disenfranchised people of the world . But not now ,when men are the persecuted and oppressed this church turns its back and sides with the “oppressors” .
With the US election result, I have an update. We've all seen the predictable leftist meltdown, but we won't see (unfortunately) the grumbling and dismay in the Vatican and other upper-echelons of the the mainsteam churches.
An article in the Australian today talked of how the election of Trump is a repudiation of the left entrenched in power, despite portraying themselves as the "progressives" and "revolutionaries".
I added this comment, which I hope you like...
>> Because, although they always paint themselves as revolutionaries, progressives are the new
>> aristocracy and their ideas dominate national and international institutions. Here they have the
>> commanding heights of the bureaucracy, universities, public broadcasting and big business.
And, also, the Christian churches, including the RCC.
(Albeit with a few exceptions - just as there are exceptions in business, the universites, etc.)
We can be sure that the Vatican, Lambeth Palace, and the other plush places where our bishops and their bureaucracies rule, allegedly on behalf of the "oppressed", will be aghast and quivering at this result as much as rest of the world's elites.
These clerics have built their philisophical and material empires on the left's traditional narratives of "victimhood", "marginalisation", "and "power", and these have been shaken at the core, never to return.
"Elite world scrambles as defiant chaos returns".
From Tokyo to London, through the presidential palaces of Europe and rippling across the Pacific to Canberra, the establishment quails at the resurrection of Donald Trump.
Right , the “like “ feature on my I pad is not working for whatever reason , but you are right the anti establishment “left” have become the new aristocracy , the new elite, just as Orwell’s pigs became the new bosses.
Trumps return must signal a change , the feminist/Marxist left is on the back foot and now’s the time for the “right “ to hit back and hard .
But will the conservative side of Australian politics rise to the challenge? It’s up to Peter Dutton, you mentioned Scott Morrison, how he sabotaged the Family Court inquiry, but is the LNP different now , surely they must see a similarity , where is Australia’s Donald Trump?
The US Republican party has replaced the Democrats as the workers party , even Robert Kennedy changed sides , the same could happen in Australia , working people are abandoning Labor.
As for the churches it’s disappointing how they have all caved in to feminist Marxist ideology , parroting the “violence against women “ nonsense and condoning the vilification of men.
Ps. As in “Animal Farm” the pigs have become the new oppressors. Simple, and completely apt. Orwell was a prophet, or maybe he could just learn from history and see it repeating itself.
ScoMo was hopeless. Dutton is an improvement on him.
I take some heart from him committing the LNP to “No” to the Voice very early, and when the polls were still in favour.
He’s no Donald Trump, but,IMO the best we’ve got and probably good enough.
There’s also Pauline Hanson. She was standing up for men long before anyone else would. She even called them, in the Senate, the only demographic who are “discriminated against”. When she did, the whole Senate mocked her, but the simps on all sides were the loudest.
Now, with Trump in, I think Pauline can look forward to the last laugh.
I really think that they only way all this will change direction is once a very large percentage of men refuse to have long term relationships with Australian women. Australia women, will then say, hey, I can't get a man to commit to me due to the laws. This is affecting my life and my future so I want things to change. Only then will things change direction in a meaningful way.
There is another way. That is to educate teenagers and young men on how the system works in practice and what the consequences for them will be if they have a relationship with a woman. Just the facts so that they are informed. The current system relies on men being uninformed. But a Queensland wide education of teenage boys and men would be extremely alarming and threatening to the feminism ideology. As those young men make decisions about relationships based on the realities of the law and system, women would begin to feel the impacts far more keenly.
Dave, your first paragraph appears to suggest that it is females who want to "commit" but males are afraid of the laws surrounding this? Maybe there is some truth in this.
Your second paragraph I think deals with reality. When schools allow folk with limited education, and, can I suggest, limited intelligence, to lecture school-aged boys, on their natural propensity to be hostile to women then it is game set and match for the people you referenced. As the young, Council-approved, woman in Melbourne bayside said to the class of year 9/10 boys, "stand up, apologise and be accounted for your shocking behaviour".
It was a general "confession" sought. Their Mums and Dads did not agree. She, though still has a job I believe.
Ross, I think you are making a different (but also important) point from my suggestion.
You're talking about the feminist narrative of requiring boys to apologies for an imaginary wrong supposedly committed by other men, somewhere, somehow.
I am talking about educating older boys and young men on how divorce, child custody, sexual assault laws, DV laws, AVOs and all the rest of the system actually is and how it is actually applied in practice. As well as the statistics men face. The the facts of the actual, current system and how it would be applied to them as men in a relationship with a female. The likelihood and the impact that may have on their future lives. So that these teenage boys are fully informed about how the system may likely treat them if they have a relationship with a woman.
Nothing would alarm the feminist and those in the divorce industry more than informed young men. Because the great fear would be a whole generation of young men would make relationship decisions from an informed view point.
Many young men would take those risks no matter how bad they are. However increasing numbers of men are already concluding the juice is not worth the squeeze. Young women are already noticing. As the impact on women unable to obtain a stable relationship increases. only then will there be more fundamental pressure to reverse course on policies.
This is definitely not happening thus far, but would happen as more and more women find they have to be more competitive for the shrinking pool of men willing to take a risk on a relationship.
Dave, your last paragraph alluded to what is happening in the US. Given the affirmative female priority in the acceptance for their tertiary studies in campuses, there has been a pushback from some folk. Many are women and that should not be a surprise.
You can google "affirmative action" in regards to people, particularly in their black community; women who find it hard to find a long term "mate" with similar qualifications, those guys who are denied a leg up in graduate studies. Those guys are sadly overlooked because being a Janitor and not a tertiary qualified man denies them much in the "shrinking pool of men" that you referred to: Financial apartheid.
As for what is needed to educate young men? Take them to sessions in Magistrate, County and Family Courts. At an appropriate age of course - as young as is allowed!.
Certainly not my belief that boys have a natural propensity to be hostile to women.
It was the local Council that sent a person to the school to lecture the students in a co Ed class about what their flawed belief was. The male students were in fact ordered to stand to " acknowledge " such rot
The DV protection mob were silent when this occurred, not surprisingly.
The facts are extremely prevalent to those of us who have witnessed the actions taking place. The majority of police officers who I've discussed these issues with agree that the situation is causing basically innocent young men to be imprisoned. Many of have been female officers that have stated their concerns about the injustice being imposed on . I've also discussed the issue with Lawyers ( both male and female) and all agree that the laws relating to domestic violence have become ridiculously favourable to women who wish to misuse the system . I have never been charged myself of any domestic violence offence. I have, however funded the representation for someone who needed legal representation. I will be remaining single as a relationship status as a result of the injustices I've witnessed. I won't engage in any sexual activity with any person or persons. I will not lead a " normal " life as nature would have intended. I know that any interaction of intimacy with another person or persons is a risk to any and all men . I have no doubt that all men are at risk of becoming " criminals " as a direct result of the ridiculous laws that enable some people to misuse the system that should be designed to adequately protect all citizens. My losses are financial with regard to the funding of the representation for person previously mentioned herein. It's perhaps 100k dollars all told. It is a small price to pay for me to have the knowledge that I now have regarding the vulnerability of men in our society when facing the laws regarding domestic violence. I can predict the eventual complete turn around as the pendulum swings to the far opposite side. What will we do to protect those who are really at risk of domestic violence when this eventually happens?
It’s not just family law or dv’s. it’s criminal law too. It’s all messed up.
To the officers that contributed to this article, you are to be commended, however as a group, you can do much more. If the dissatisfaction with enforcing biased harm inducing laws is so great, then stop doing it. Make it an industrial issue. Use your union to advocate the issue up the line. Have them express the psychosocial injuries you sustain.
If police are being required to enforce these laws and have lost discretion under threat of disciplinary action, … isn’t that coercive control? Arrest and charge the powers that be accordingly. For those that face disciplinary action, use your union. For those who are not a member of the association… join. As for the police union/association.. step up.
I am aware of a matter that could not be defended due to evidence tampering and unlawful seizures. Then subsequent intimidation of witnesses to same. The good officers need to actively pursue the bad ones that give you a bad name and cause the rest of us so much pain…. We want to stop suiciding at 7/day.
Many feminist organisations act in the name of and on behalf of women, however many of those same women are not members of the organisation, do not vote on an executive, nor on resolutions. Women need to step up and assert that these organisations do not speak for them, and not blindly respond to protest calls.
Equally we men need to form up and join up to membership organisations/unions. These organisations can actively engage in lobbying/activism or perhaps simply throw support behind those that do. Eg, what if these Organisations formed a tangible voting block that a politician could see? They could also provide tangible weight behind Bettina and others.
During the recent protests re IPV, where many men were effectively lynched with respect to their presumption of innocence, and effective contamination of the jury pool, I noted a case of a women having killed her husband reported in the smh around the same time. I didn’t notice her vilification, nor community sorrow over his loss. Why was there no protest objecting to her denial of the right to be equally lynched.
However feminism started, it is now a terrorist ideology. Many issues of equality etc can be achieved with a more humanist approach. We are all people regardless of genitals or minds.
I went through false allegation claims with my ex wife. She was coached by her feminist solicitor exactly what she could cherry pick from the legislation to deny me access to my son. She even went as far as drawing my son into arguments with her prior to our separation so she could get me to react for her and discipline our son. She then went on to use these incidents against me in court. The affidavit was clearly a set up, but the corrupt NSW Family Court Judges didn’t even read or investigate these documents when I pointed this out and told them what she did. Men have no protection from this Kangaroo Court, or the police that have been co-opted by the feminist movement to corrupt the law. I just think the police are gutless when they know they are being used but let it occur. Speak up you gutless bastards. Your actions are killing 29 men per week from suicide, and allowing tens of thousands of our children to suffer child abuse from their mothers and the Kangaroo court. In my opinion the officers and solicitors that just allow this to happen are child abusers by proxy, and are just as bad as the perpetrators of this violence against men and their children.Next time you attend a suicide remember you are a key player in these deaths along with the corrupt family Court Judges who think they are above the law. This is akin to the cover r up of the peadophile priests a few decades ago. If you know this is wrong then stand up and stop it. Why did you become a police officer. Are you just a puppet for lying feminists or do you actually stand for good.
You are right ,police should say more and stand up for “justice” and remember they are there to serve the people not the state . The few decent officers who do protest are rare but welcome. The whole issue of police and the training they receive needs to be opened up to public scrutiny and questions answered. The old secrecy and Freemason influence must go, but that would require brave politicians , most are too scared to challenge the power of the courts and police , Australian is a totalitarian regime in many ways .
I am sick and tired up to the back teeth always being fed this fallacy of exclusively so called ‘Violence against Women‘ ! ; it should read Violence Against ANYONE ! Innocent Men are unjustly always made to feel like the guilty violent perpetrators without any shred of corroborating evidence ! This has to be rectified fast !
I understand this vile practice from filthy cops and lawyers in NSW. I fled the state as a fugitive wanted for breaching a bs DVO calling my son on his birthday (BS DVO was on my ex not my son but she turned his phone off constantly so i had to not call him giving her bad dad evidence or call her phone and breach the DVO). I have been living off grid in a caravan for 2 years in hiding after having my entire life destroyed by this woman and a filthily corrupt system and its minions! I would love to speak with Bettina and tell her my story. I will see if i can find a way of contacting her.
Hang in there mate. Redemption for these criminal courts is coming. We may have to tear it down piece by piece, but you must remain in this fight. Judges that are involved in these corrupt practices will be outed, and we can only hope that they are hunted down by the children and men they are currently destroying and they are brought to Justice as the child abusers they are. It’s time for a royal commission run by men who stand for justice in this country. We need to mobilise the children that realise what these courts have done to them, their Fathers, and their families and fights these low-life thugs. The Judges and solicitors are clearly only interested in protecting this billion dollar child abuse racket.
We need to meet these battle head on as if it’s war, because it basically is. It’s a war against men, and our children, and one we can’t afford to lose.
Paul’s revelations about police training are concerning , the example he gave of a woman smashing her husbands windscreen and police officers being told by the instructor that they must assume in a case like that the man is “ behind “ the woman’s violence .
This is bizarre , smashing a windscreen is serious criminal damage, IF a police officer was to witness this they should immediately charge the offender , man or woman. What if the woman had committed a more serious crime like killing her children , this does happen, would the man be blamed for that too?
I have heard this directly from a retired police officer that they are being coerced and actually trained in these unjust practices against men and children. We need all the whistleblowers we can find( male & female), especially those that have an ounce of decency and self- worth left. Don’t let these thugs treat you like puppets. Stand up for men , children, and Justice. Uphold the law, and bring some integrity back to policing. If you do this men will respect and respond in kind. If you don’t you may become the victim of your own negligence. When it starts to affect you your son, your brother, your friend, you will wish you had of stood up for Justice. Don’t wait for it to knock on your door. Do the right thing and confront it head on. Regain some self respect, and some respect for policing!
Police have lost any respect they once had by clearly siding with the radical feminists in their war against men ,the irony is the majority of police officers are men . Have they forgotten that the law should be applied equally to ALL people regardless of gender.
Police like to complain about their working conditions, and would like and probably expect public support , but they've burnt that bridge .
This story is sickening. I’ve always had a policy to avoid 3 things:
• Church
• Hospitals
• Courts
Hence I’ve been single all my life. I may be criticised for this, however I feel vindicated.
Probably a good choice in light of the Kangaroo courts we now find ourselves being screwed over by, and I would say the tragedy is there will be many more single people men and women going forward. After all that is the goal of feminism ( I.e. to deconstruct the idea of marriage as they believe it gives men too much power). It going to be a sad world where many women will just be used and left to fend for themselves, and a world with diminishing family.
Maybe the Muslim way is winning out where multiple wives and a dominant patriarchy becomes more attractive for men, or do we just pay for pleasure and look after our own interests. Unfortunately for many with corrupt Judiciary and policing of men as they do men need to seek further protection from this. I would suggest a married man really will require complete surveillance in his own home 24/7 just to protect himself from this growing threat. If I was a young man now I would not enter this arrangement without 100% surveillance and a rock solid financial agreement and arrangement. It’s just way to risky for boys and men now to enter this contract that fails 80% of the time, and the remaining 20% may feel trapped in it because of children or fear of financial loss. It sounds absurd, but I believe it’s now necessary for young men to consider all the above, and seek guidance before trapping themselves.
I have first hand experience in the use of DVOs to control men, separate them from their children, and give women an unassailable advantage in family court matters.
In the affidavit supporting application for a DVO, where I ostensibly committed mental abused my ex, she admitted to physically assaulting me. I took the affidavit to the police and asked that they charge her with the assault. I was told by the policeman I spoke to at the police station to "f..k off". Meanwhile, after she received the DVO she proceeded to use it first to stop me from seeing my children and second so that she would have a police escort (for her protection against me) at all future family court and magistrate court (for the dvo) appearances.
You can imagine how much of a fair hearing I got when the other party had police protection when we were in the same room together!
Women and their solicitors are masters of manipulating the system for their advantage, both in terms of custody & access, and to gain advantage in the split of marital assets. If you buck against any of it, it just gets worse and worse. (Presumption of shared parenting my butt! A woman's objection on any grounds quashed that without need for evidence!)
This has to stop!
I call my self lucky, when I got divorced my wife's lawyer recommend that she take a AVO out on me as it would make sure she could isolate me from my children and cut me off financially. Thankfully my wife did not take that option as I'm not a abusive person, and she had more integrity then most women.
Some of my male friends have not been do lucky, and have gone through hell.
That lawyer should face criminal charges , conspiracy to pervert the course of justice , or abuse of process, or similar . This is common now , lawyers have few scruples and even fewer principles , until we have honest , principled people working in the justice system nothing will change.
Your ex Alan had morals, her lawyer not so. You both did well in that sense.
Btw, a lawyer who recommends to their client in an an AVO application etc to leverage financial settlement/child access, is at risk of losing their status as an "approved" Family Lawyer. Many legal firms have only one such designated "approved" lawyer and the other Partners would be concerned that a person who suggests a course of leveraging outcomes based on that premise could in fact blow up the entire partnership, due to such an indiscretion.
In the policemans letter he says the wifes making the complaint, he is lucky. In my instance the police made the complaint for my basically literate wife without warning her of the consequences. three days later she tried to withdraw complaint---cannot not do as the copper made the complaint for her. Consequences---its us against the copper, we sold part of OUR farm to purchase a house in town ( 80K away) as we were not allowed to be near each other.The Court Hearing is now going to happen early march .25, 12 months after event. Paul Markwell QLD
In Queensland legislation has been changed which allows for police to make an application to the courts for a DV order. This can only be withdrawn by police making an application to the courts and only then a Magistrate will make the decision. Things are done at snails pace in QLD and people are.held in custody for years waiting for their day in court. The Labor government reacted after Hannah Clarke and children unfortunately lost their lives, because of this now men in Queensland are treated like they are guilty until found innocent.
Putting more men unjustly in untenable situation is only going to lead to more such cases.
That’s the usual over-reaction to a case like Hannah Clarke , harsher DV laws against men , more punishment , but this is what leads to men acting violently towards their family in many cases. It’s a vicious circle , more harsher laws leads to more angry men , leads to more domestic trouble.
It is justified to say that Hannah Clarke and children might still be alive , if the domestic problems of that family had been handled better by the Police and the Courts.
There's nothing the police or courts can do with a psycho like Rowan Baxter. Once upon a time when there were real men in Australia he would have been handled by the girl's father and brothers.
When women commit heinous crimes against their partners and children there is no outcry, no change to protect men and children.
Feminist are most likely to blame it on the man.
True, when a woman doctor in Geraldton WA beat her husband to death with a sledge hammer , SHE was regarded as being the “victim” . Feminists saw her as a “hero” and helped her to “rebuild her life”, after all, murdering your husband can be very traumatising .
From memory she when to jail for manslaughter for 4 years, even thought it premediated.
She got a very lenient sentence indeed ,out on parole only 6 months after her trial , time spent on remand was taken into consideration, and yes she should have been found guilty of wilful murder as the killing was premeditated . By her own account her time inside was no hardship either , more like a holiday camp.
A man would never get away with such a short sentence.
Had one put on me after 6 months of absolutely no contact plus the emails used to obtain it were 4 years old. Never had I ever raised a hand or voice to her unlike her who had done both and caused the police to be called on a few occasions.
"It's maddening for police knowing they can do longer do their job properly."
you meant "no longer do..."
Forgive me for introducing another thread to this, Bettina. Women, and particularly you, Bettina , make a truly enormous contribution to this agenda. World wide this American based group is also making a large contribution - somehow we need to be trying to join these groups up. This is what they were saying yesterday: As Feminism Turns Extremist, Gender Warriors Launch Counter-Offensive
October 28, 2024 – A growing global consensus agrees that feminism has evolved into an extreme movement that harms men and women, posing an existential threat to the stability and well-being of society (1).
Commenting on the gender gap in the US presidential race, columnist Nicole Russell deplores how “extreme feminism” is advancing a message that men are ”unnecessary at best and predators at worse.” Russell concludes, “As a society, we can’t afford to have young men and women struggling with vast value differences, unable to align on politics, family and other things that matter.” (2)
Canadian commentator Janice Fiamengo likewise documents a deep-seated feminist antipathy towards men. She notes that some feminists “even write books with triumphant titles like The End of Men: And the Rise of Women (Hanna Rosin); Are Men Necessary? (Maureen Dowd); or even I Hate Men (Pauline Harmange).” (3)
And feminists categorically refuse to acknowledge the problem of female-perpetrated domestic violence, even though women are equal-opportunity abusers (4).
Such destructive stereotypes inevitably harm women, as well. British feminist Petronella Wyatt wrote an evocative article that recounts her inability to find a marriage partner and concludes, “I increasingly feel, as do many of my intimates, that feminism has failed our generation.” (5)
And charging UN Women to be a “disgrace,” Noah Rothman called out the United Nations agency for its hypocrisy and silence in response to the Hamas attacks on Israeli women (6).
In the face of such criticism, one might expect the feminist establishment to reconsider its demonization of men and marginalization of the nuclear family.
But in Australia, Canada, England, and the United States, feminists have launched a counter-offensive, shrilly calling out a new threat to the safety of women that they refer to as “misogyny” (7). Misogyny is defined vaguely so anyone who voices an opinion that goes counter to feminist dogma runs the risk being labeled a “misogynist.”
For example, the US Prevention Practitioner’s Network published a report that is replete with unverifiable anecdotes and inflammatory assertions such as:
“The ‘manosphere’ is dangerous because it is founded in anti-women hate. Individuals and networks in the ‘manosphere’ express conspiratorial and often violent beliefs about women, where a woman’s only value is her ability to procreate or to fulfil the sexual needs and desires of men…” (8)
Even in Russia, feminism has been branded an “extremist ideology.” (9) In December the government of Argentina defunded and disbanded its Ministry of Women, Gender, and Diversity (10). Now, millions of persons around the world need to raise their voices to protest the venomous effects of feminist ideology.
The Domestic Abuse and Violence International Alliance – DAVIA — consists of 166 member organizations from 38 countries in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, and North America. DAVIA seeks to ensure that domestic violence and abuse polices are science-based, family-affirming, and gender-inclusive.
Thanks for sharing that David. I had not heard of DAVIA before this. Luckily, I am not in a situation that would be on DAVIA's radar but I know men who are.
Some advice for males when questioned by QLD Police. Do not answer questions. It will not matter how you answer you will be charged anyway. Do not trust police under any circumstances as they will lie to you and to Prosecutors, then Prosecutors distort the truth to Magistrates. Woke Magistrates will deny bail and forgo one’s human rights ‘ innocent until proven guilty’. Once in jail on remand it is virtually impisdible to defend yourself and mount a good legal defence.
To the Queensland Police officers who have spoken out, I commend you both. Having a conscious is a rarity today, Queensland Police need more decent people like you guys. To. Bettina thank you for your continuing support of men.
So true this story is. My family member was a QLD Police Officer, his ex partner did everything to seek revenge. Complaint after complaint were not substantiated, eventually Ethical standards came after him to the point whilst living at his elderly parents home, they were raided by 9 police, CCTV footage shows this. The mother recorded the interactions with the police and she still retains all the footage. To this day the parents are still traumatised by how police could force their why into a persons home on an allegation. They took parents devices as well as the accused police officers phone. No evidence was found. The Acting Senior Sgt then took him into custody for 4 hours and charged him with stalking. He was detained for 2 years while waiting trail, bail was denied because of some crap how he was a threat to her. He plead not guilty & during the trial the arresting officer changed his statement and added a lie. Judge ignored that. The family lied continually throughout the trial & unfortunately his barrister was incompetent and was not trial experienced. He spent 2 years in jail for something he did not do. He was never accused of physical violence, he was falsely accused of cyber stalking. All his police friends, friends and family believe she sent emails to herself.
Ethical Standards officer was reported to CCC for lying under oath only for complaint to be sent back to Ethical Standards to investigate their workmate despite CCC sending it to QLD Police Commissioners office.
QLD police are leaving to organisation in droves because of the previous woke Labor government.
Is the new Queensland government promising to reform the DV laws and make them fairer for men ? . The LNP usually avoids this subject like the plague , men’s issues are political suicide for MPs .
I was about to comment that the only advantage of an LNP government is that while they won't do anything for men they won't increase the anti-male legislation and spending as fast as Labor does.
However, even that is not always true. NSW politician Dominic Perottet was an avowed "conservative" and practicing Roman Catholic, yet under his Premiership NSW led the way with increases of "dv" spending (with Perottet prominent in the TV announcements with his "rescue the poor women" look), and laws for "affirmative consent" and "coercive control".
As an RC myself, I find it particularly galling when my fellow RCs, including the bishops, take up the "domestic violence" cause, always with "it's everywhere, it's men, and more needs to be done". Little known fact - our social justice announcements are penned by well paid women in the church bureacracy, however they are always signed by the bishops who think that's the chivalrous thing to do.
ScoMo agreed with Pauline Hanson to initiate a review of family in exchange for her vote in the senate, but then did everything he could do delay it and distance itself from it, so that after three years it lapsed when he lost government in 2022.
The Catholic Church has historically been a refuge for the persecuted and oppressed , the disenfranchised people of the world . But not now ,when men are the persecuted and oppressed this church turns its back and sides with the “oppressors” .
Hi Ken,
I valued this comment a while back.
With the US election result, I have an update. We've all seen the predictable leftist meltdown, but we won't see (unfortunately) the grumbling and dismay in the Vatican and other upper-echelons of the the mainsteam churches.
An article in the Australian today talked of how the election of Trump is a repudiation of the left entrenched in power, despite portraying themselves as the "progressives" and "revolutionaries".
I added this comment, which I hope you like...
>> Because, although they always paint themselves as revolutionaries, progressives are the new
>> aristocracy and their ideas dominate national and international institutions. Here they have the
>> commanding heights of the bureaucracy, universities, public broadcasting and big business.
And, also, the Christian churches, including the RCC.
(Albeit with a few exceptions - just as there are exceptions in business, the universites, etc.)
We can be sure that the Vatican, Lambeth Palace, and the other plush places where our bishops and their bureaucracies rule, allegedly on behalf of the "oppressed", will be aghast and quivering at this result as much as rest of the world's elites.
These clerics have built their philisophical and material empires on the left's traditional narratives of "victimhood", "marginalisation", "and "power", and these have been shaken at the core, never to return.
"Elite world scrambles as defiant chaos returns".
From Tokyo to London, through the presidential palaces of Europe and rippling across the Pacific to Canberra, the establishment quails at the resurrection of Donald Trump.
Chris Uhlmann in The Australian, 9/11/2024,
Right , the “like “ feature on my I pad is not working for whatever reason , but you are right the anti establishment “left” have become the new aristocracy , the new elite, just as Orwell’s pigs became the new bosses.
Trumps return must signal a change , the feminist/Marxist left is on the back foot and now’s the time for the “right “ to hit back and hard .
But will the conservative side of Australian politics rise to the challenge? It’s up to Peter Dutton, you mentioned Scott Morrison, how he sabotaged the Family Court inquiry, but is the LNP different now , surely they must see a similarity , where is Australia’s Donald Trump?
The US Republican party has replaced the Democrats as the workers party , even Robert Kennedy changed sides , the same could happen in Australia , working people are abandoning Labor.
As for the churches it’s disappointing how they have all caved in to feminist Marxist ideology , parroting the “violence against women “ nonsense and condoning the vilification of men.
Ps. As in “Animal Farm” the pigs have become the new oppressors. Simple, and completely apt. Orwell was a prophet, or maybe he could just learn from history and see it repeating itself.
Yes, indeed, where is Australia’s Donald Trump?
ScoMo was hopeless. Dutton is an improvement on him.
I take some heart from him committing the LNP to “No” to the Voice very early, and when the polls were still in favour.
He’s no Donald Trump, but,IMO the best we’ve got and probably good enough.
There’s also Pauline Hanson. She was standing up for men long before anyone else would. She even called them, in the Senate, the only demographic who are “discriminated against”. When she did, the whole Senate mocked her, but the simps on all sides were the loudest.
Now, with Trump in, I think Pauline can look forward to the last laugh.
No new government will do the right thing by the males, they are all cowards.
I really think that they only way all this will change direction is once a very large percentage of men refuse to have long term relationships with Australian women. Australia women, will then say, hey, I can't get a man to commit to me due to the laws. This is affecting my life and my future so I want things to change. Only then will things change direction in a meaningful way.
There is another way. That is to educate teenagers and young men on how the system works in practice and what the consequences for them will be if they have a relationship with a woman. Just the facts so that they are informed. The current system relies on men being uninformed. But a Queensland wide education of teenage boys and men would be extremely alarming and threatening to the feminism ideology. As those young men make decisions about relationships based on the realities of the law and system, women would begin to feel the impacts far more keenly.
Women are incapable of admitting this, they will simply blame men. They already regularly do.
Dave, your first paragraph appears to suggest that it is females who want to "commit" but males are afraid of the laws surrounding this? Maybe there is some truth in this.
Your second paragraph I think deals with reality. When schools allow folk with limited education, and, can I suggest, limited intelligence, to lecture school-aged boys, on their natural propensity to be hostile to women then it is game set and match for the people you referenced. As the young, Council-approved, woman in Melbourne bayside said to the class of year 9/10 boys, "stand up, apologise and be accounted for your shocking behaviour".
It was a general "confession" sought. Their Mums and Dads did not agree. She, though still has a job I believe.
Ross, I think you are making a different (but also important) point from my suggestion.
You're talking about the feminist narrative of requiring boys to apologies for an imaginary wrong supposedly committed by other men, somewhere, somehow.
I am talking about educating older boys and young men on how divorce, child custody, sexual assault laws, DV laws, AVOs and all the rest of the system actually is and how it is actually applied in practice. As well as the statistics men face. The the facts of the actual, current system and how it would be applied to them as men in a relationship with a female. The likelihood and the impact that may have on their future lives. So that these teenage boys are fully informed about how the system may likely treat them if they have a relationship with a woman.
Nothing would alarm the feminist and those in the divorce industry more than informed young men. Because the great fear would be a whole generation of young men would make relationship decisions from an informed view point.
Many young men would take those risks no matter how bad they are. However increasing numbers of men are already concluding the juice is not worth the squeeze. Young women are already noticing. As the impact on women unable to obtain a stable relationship increases. only then will there be more fundamental pressure to reverse course on policies.
This is definitely not happening thus far, but would happen as more and more women find they have to be more competitive for the shrinking pool of men willing to take a risk on a relationship.
Dave, your last paragraph alluded to what is happening in the US. Given the affirmative female priority in the acceptance for their tertiary studies in campuses, there has been a pushback from some folk. Many are women and that should not be a surprise.
You can google "affirmative action" in regards to people, particularly in their black community; women who find it hard to find a long term "mate" with similar qualifications, those guys who are denied a leg up in graduate studies. Those guys are sadly overlooked because being a Janitor and not a tertiary qualified man denies them much in the "shrinking pool of men" that you referred to: Financial apartheid.
As for what is needed to educate young men? Take them to sessions in Magistrate, County and Family Courts. At an appropriate age of course - as young as is allowed!.
You refer to the natural propensity of school-aged boys to be hostile to women. Are you sure?
I've seen (& can quote if necessary) a huge amount of evidence that males, far from being hostiule, are biassed towards women.
Certainly not my belief that boys have a natural propensity to be hostile to women.
It was the local Council that sent a person to the school to lecture the students in a co Ed class about what their flawed belief was. The male students were in fact ordered to stand to " acknowledge " such rot
The DV protection mob were silent when this occurred, not surprisingly.