99% of combat fatalities and injuries - men.

95% of workplace fatalities - men.

90% of victims of violence - men.

75% of suicide victims - men.

90% of primary and high school teachers - women.

Family law courts routinely discriminate against men. A situation about to get much worse in Australia. Whose misandrist government are about to enshrine discrimination against men into law.

Women outnumber men at university by 200%.

Men routinely receive harsher sentences than women for the same crimes.

Boys are now routinely derided in schools. Including being expected to apologise for ‘crimes’ they have not committed.

In a completely feminised education system, boys education standards are cratering.

Just some of the discrimination men experience.

I’m all for sexual equality. I just can’t wait for men to get sexual equality! (I’m completely serious).

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I loved my childhood. Small town. We left the colony. Amish colony. We were similar to Amish. That was the Andy Griffith era...with memories of Tom Sawyer. Wonderful. Lots, lots of kids running around. It was great.

Later in life I read, "The Source" by James Michener. A novel about Israel. One thing I remember from that book: a lot of people in the Israeli elite, started their lives in communes, such as the Haredim have still, in Israel. Lots of the intellectual elite, military elite. I always wondered, why that was. I think it has something to do with evolution....best outcomes for raising children who are healthy.

We humans evolved for small tribes: The Dunbar Number. Glenn Loury has talked about this with John McWhorter. As has Ben Shapiro, about a year ago, visiting Triggernometry with Konstantin Kisin, Francis Foster....Ben talked about the Haredim. Same pattern as the Amish. The Amish still follow that Dunbar pattern....even though they never heard that term. They don't let colonies get too big, it destroys social cohesion. Interesting social form. Makes for a happy childhood....and high fertility rates in both Haredim and Amish. Same thing.

I became interested in global demographic collapse, talked about by Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, Peter Zeihan among others. Turns out, most countries are collapsing. But a few exceptions remain. I looked up wiki, Demographics of Israel. It has a fertility rate of 3.1 children per women. But the catch is, most of that high fertility comes from the Haredim....small religious communities following the Dunbar Number....just like my hometown, which is mostly Amish origin people, with a very high birth rate. Same pattern.

Teal Swan had a video, she talked about a housing complex in Denmark, among secular people. Same pattern.

Dave Rubin & Dr. Steve Turley, not the law professor, the Christian youtuber, noticed the same thing in demographic patterns in the last election: low fertility rates in cities....that's the only place Democrats dominate. But the American fertility rate outside of small cities have a much higher, sustainable fertility rate.

Technology is developing now, to allow for far better lives in small towns.....you can order anything on Amazon for instance. I live in a small town under 10,000 with 99.5% of what I used to like in big cities, for services. Small towns used to be bad places to live. Technology is changing that. Nicholas Nassim Taleb, the Antifragile author, talks about this.

I hate big cities. I think they are a mistake. Temporary mistake. All humans evolved in villages, tribes, under the Dunbar Number. Cities are collapsing. Good. They are miserable Mouse Utopias. Bad place to raise kids. Makes for misery for all. Humans evolved under local tribal conditions where moms could get lots of local help, raising their children.....like my childhood. Very happy.

I once visited Kenya to look at the lions. I was talking to a Masai warrior, who was our guard against roving lions in the night. The Masai was drinking a bottle of Coca-Cola, spoke 4 languages he learned from tourists. Impressive guy, talked about meeting Michael Jordan. We were looking out at a vast plain in Masai Mara, looking at elephants, rhinos, gazelles, countless animals. It was a very happy feeling I had, like I belonged there, that their lives in many ways, were better than mine, closer to what we should all be. I still think so.

Make Childhood Great Again.

“We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time.

—T.S. Eliot, from “Little Gidding,” Four Quartets (Gardners Books; Main edition, April 30, 2001) Originally published 1943.”

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What's the way out?

The most sensible answers to me, are in a video by Israel professor Sam Vaknin, self described "feminist psychologist". Vaknin says marriage should be a temporary contract....in a video he did, 9 years ago. Automatically expires if not renewed by both parties, willingly. That makes sense to me. Lifetime marriage? Most people, if you can believe divorce stats, most people don't actually believe in lifetime marriage anymore.....even conservatives don't, they get divorced at high rates too...thus the high general divorce rate....and very low marriage rate, low fertility rate in America. It's time to stop telling ourselves lies: Marriage is a complete trainwreck. It runs on old ideas, bad ideas that make no sense in our current world. We need new rules, we're stuck in the past, the same way Joe Biden is stuck in the past, too old to change.

Time passed marriage by....the same way the collapse of the Soviet Union passed communism by, passed NATO by....but we're still stuck in the past, in past ideas, from another long gone era.

Recommended channel: Erin Byrd....young woman grappling with all this.

Recommended video: Recommended new video: " A Cautionary Tale Greg s Divorce Jordan B. Peterson & Greg Ellis"....Dr. Peterson wrestles with the same problem.

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Feminism reminds me of NATO...of all things.

I'm a Cold War Baby. I grew up fearing the Soviet Union...the USSR. Terrified of nuclear war, we were taught to hide under the desk, in case of attack. The world as it was back then, made that fear realistic: The USSR was a legitimate threat, communism was a legitimate threat. We were not too sure, that we would win, that capitalism would win. Then. Things changed.

Then: Richard Nixon went to debate Soviet Premier Nikita Khruschev, in "The Kitchen Debate"....a debate on the merits of communism vs. capitalism.... Old videos are online.

Then, Nixon had a brilliant geopolitical insight: Mainland China was poor back then, China was our enemy because it was communist, was an ally of the Soviet Union, also communist. China had very low levels of technology back then, but they had a lot of capable people. China back then was still a communist threat to us, as well as ally of the USSR, their fellow communists.

President Nixon wanted China on our side, to fight against the Soviet Union.

Nixon was very widely read in history. He realized: The British, when they had a global empire, owned Hong Kong, ruled it, brought in capitalism...it worked great in Hong Kong. In Nixon's younger days: The Hong Kong capitalist Chinese were rich. However: The same Chinese people in China under communism, their Chinese communist cousins, were very poor. Why? It was the system: communism. It's terrible, doesn't work.

Much like East Germans under communism were poor, West Germans under capitalism were rich.

Communism was failing, capitalism was succeeding. Nixon knew this, wanted to use this advantage of capitalism working better, to beat communism, beat the USSR. Nixon saw that British rule of Hong Kong turned that tiny Chinese city attached to China into a very very successful capitalist city....very wealthy. Hong Kong is still wealthy. Capitalism works. The Chinese culture is very suited to capitalism, even if mainland China was communist for a long time, mainland China was a primitive mostly rural society, like in the novel The Good Earth, by Pearl S Buck. Nixon knew all this. Smart man. So he used this, to defeat the USSR:

Nixon convinced the Chinese to set up 'Special Economic Zones' in China, like Shanghai City to make China rich, so they would become capitalist, become our ally. It sort of worked. Sort of: The Chinese got rich. That part worked. However: They now are trying to overtake America in wealth and technology, run the world, beat us, dominate America. One of our failures: We failed to make them democratic like us, in that we wanted them to be democratic. That was part of the plan. China wanted none of that, they still don't. They are not suited to what we in America think of as "democracy"...so that part failed. But capitalism succeeded wildly.

To facilitate the world, the way it was when I was young, we set up NATO. It's a military alliance that time has passed by. But it used to make sense, long ago. It was set up on the idea that Europe was weak, poor, threatened by the USSR and communism. So America paid the bills, for a military alliance to keep the threat of the Soviet Union and communism at bay. We were far richer than the rest of the world, Europe was poor, it made sense back then. The trouble is, in 1989 The Berlin Wall fell....and Europe got rich, by capitalism. The Western Europeans are richer than America, but we still pay her military bills. Crazy.

Ronald Reagan did a series of things after Nixon, so that America won, NATO won: The Soviet Union collapsed. In reality: There was no need for NATO in the old sense, because communism was no longer a threat. And in China, communists still run the country, but the economic system is a form of capitalism. Communism turned out to be a failed ideology.....however we foolishly kept NATO....we pay other rich countries' bills, while pretending the Soviet Union is still a threat. It's not. It disappeared when Vivek Ramaswamy was an infant, barely out of the crib.

Trump was the first President to see through our foolishness. He realized our financial and military elite still looked at the world thru Cold War eyes. Why? War is a racket. There was a lot of money still to be made, making military equipment, trying to run the world.....like spending $7 Trillion in Iraq, while Americans suffer.

The problem in the big picture is: the world change, other countries are catching up with us, technology changed, we can no longer run the world as we used to. And our leadership is like me: an old man...or women...stuck in the Cold War past they grew up with....except Trump. Most people don't escape the perceptions of their youth. Joe Biden is in his 80s, as is Hillary Clinton, most of our elite. Joe was half a century old, when the Soviet Union fell. Joe is too old to change. Most people are, at that age. The trouble is, the world changed, they can't.

I once met an old 70 year old man. Bit of a freak. He was never an athlete. Bill was never a runner, never in his life...he didn't run. Then Bill retired, decided he wanted to run a marathon....first one at age 70. He actually did it: Within 2 months Bill easily ran a marathon.

So we are at war with Russia....what's left of the Soviet Union, because of our Gerontocracy. Fortunately we have a very rare incoming President, who is one of those old people, who can actually change, embrace the new, to some degree. Trump will fix this mess.....of being trapped in the past, in a bygone era.

Marriage follows the same pattern as NATO, as does feminism.

It actually made total sense, long ago. Lifetime marriage evolved in a world where everyone was religious, Christian, women were expected to marry young, there was no birth control, no dating apps, women did not get much of an education, had more kids, needed to economically depend on a man. It was under those conditions, that feminism evolved. Made sense back then. The trouble? Like the Soviet Union, that old world is gone. No one noticed....except a few. That world of my youth is long gone....but old feminist marriage laws, so sensible for a Christian lower technology society, those old feminist marriage laws are still around....destroying men and families by the tens of millions. Why? They were designed to protect women, when women really needed protection from bad men. That world is gone.

Now? Men need protection from women. Now? Women outperform men at school. Now? We rigged the school system right through university, in women's favor....against men. Now? Women vote. For going on a full century, female voting patterns have consistently been using their vote for political parties that do things for women, give them things, rig things like marriage law, to be in favor of women, to be against men. And women are 55% of people who vote. So this inability to leave the past, embrace what we now have, it has turned us into a DEI/feminist nation, rigged against young men, rigged in favor of young women.

Just like we today still embrace NATO...as it was, 50 years ago.

The problem with not accepting changed reality? Our birth rate is collapsing, women have mostly zero interest in the protection of men, of protecting male interest in marriage.

Why not? Females evolved dependent on men, but now they are not so dependent. But their old female biological pattern is: they have a very strong "in-group bias" for women. This means: most of the time for most situations, women will favor other women over men...almost never favor men, almost never be concerned about the needs of vulnerable men. It's a biological bias, designed to protect life, protect the vulnerable. The problem is: women can't conceive of men being vulnerable, needing protection.

A practical example: My whole life, 99.9% of the homeless are men. This has never been solved, women...and men...don't seem to care. If almost all homeless were women, I'm sure we could solve this problem, very very quickly. What's going on? Females have in-group bias. If it was a bunch of homeless women, we would care deeply. But the trick is, this "in group bias", isn't specifically only females. Men it turns out, have a pro-women bias almost as strong as the women...while same time, men also don't care much, most of them, if some men have a hard time, if many men are homeless. We both don't care....most of us, both genders. That gets in the way of solving the problem.

This bias is all reflected in the marriage and feminism game. Marriage law today is based on a set of old social conditions that no longer exist. But we still evolved to protect women & children...a good instinct for the preservation of life...while we still have our old evolved baggage of not caring much about men. And it's playing out, in marriage laws, that are very anti-male. That's why women don't want equality in divorce court.

That's why it's so hard for feminists to have even an ounce of pity, for men. Have some pity for females: Women aren't built, to protect men. They really aren't. That's why all armies in the past were male: men were designed to protect women, but women were not designed to protect men. Blame evolution, not women. So despite the endless stream of bad ideas within feminism, our evolved pro-female bias gets in the way of understanding what is going on, how to make it better for all.

The big picture: Due to changing technology, lifetime marriage has failed. Like communism and the Soviet Union have failed: right before our eyes, within a lifetime. We tried it out, but it turned out there were deep flaws in communism.....like there are deep flaws in feminism, that we have to overcome, to get to a better world for both sexes. We still act as though lifetime marriage is sensible. And Bernie Sanders still thinks some version of communism will work. It won't. Crazy Bernie. We're stuck in the past, clinging to our past. We're bitter clingers, even liberals cling to bad ideas.

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A conservative leader who would speak up against the woke madness would, I am sure, win hearts and minds very quickly. The media would lambast them but only for a time. Pessuto will not even speak up against trans-nonsense FFS. He fears what the Guardian would say and that the doctors in Fitzroy would vote against him. He is wrong. Everyone I speak to knows that reparations, BLM, treaties, gender theory, DEI and cancel culture are just wrong.

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I might post this elsewhere, but: has there been or is there someone who was charged with false charges, children removed from his custody, etc., etc., and it was found that ‘she’ had lied but never charged and then ‘he’ is still suffering because of the charges/courtcase; that then went higher in Australian Courts or even European Human Rights Commission or some such body?

I am not the one to do it, but has anyone raised money for a man in such a position or currently doing so?

I'm thinking of in Australia....

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Such a brilliant article Bettina. Thank you. The sad thing is that the LNP under Morrison was even more feminist in many ways than the ALP had been up to that point. Obviously the ALP will not change direction on feminism, given the ideology is part of the left wing thinking. However the LNP needs to understand that votes are in counting modern feminism - not funding it.

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The LNP is just as feminised as the Labor/Greens, that’s why anti-man laws have prevailed over recent decades. What’s the difference between a left wing feminist and a right wing feminist? not much , the right wing feminist might wear business suits and be a CEO, but their contempt for working class MEN is just as strong.

The corporate world has embraced feminism with an enthusiasm which is beyond belief , in the words of Peter Hitchens “ the alliance between the multinational corporations and feminism is the most cynical since the Hitler /Stalin pact of pre WW2”

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The mean girls in Labor's federal cabinet are in complete charge of the ALP nationally at this time.

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Thanks Bettina. Our current Australian PM is a weak man and thus Zero. Election time soon enough and he will be gone. Keep up the great work :-)

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My song to all lawmakers and politicians...

Played to the music of Tracy Chapman "Talkin bout a Revolution"

Don't you know

We're talking about a revolution?

It sounds like a whisper

Don't you know

Talking about a revolution?

It sounds like a whisper

While we're standing in those hallowed halls

Crying at the doorsteps of the court of obliteration

Wasting time with paperwork trails,

Sitting around alone and in silence

Don't you know

Talking about a revolution?

It sounds like a whisper

All men are gonna rise up

And get their share

All men are gonna rise up

And take what's fair

Don't you know you better run, run, run, run, run, run

Run, run, run, run, run, run

And perhaps by then my kids will run, run, run, run, run, run

back to me.

'Cause finally the tables might start to turn

Talkin' 'bout a revolution

'Cause finally the tables might start to turn

Talkin' 'bout a revolution, oh no

Talkin' 'bout a revolution, oh

I’ve been standing in those hallowed halls

Crying at the doorsteps of the court of obliteration

Wasting time with paperwork trails,

Sitting around alone and in silence

Don't you know

Talking about a revolution?

It sounds like a whisper

And finally the tables are starting to turn

Talkin' 'bout a revolution

Yes, finally the tables are starting to turn

Talkin' 'bout a revolution, oh, no

Talkin' 'bout a revolution, oh, no

Talkin' 'bout a revolution, oh, no

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The rise in feminism and the unfair advantage women had was often referred to as the “pendulum” swinging too far , women were happy for this to happen and revelled in the benefits, but do we now see the pendulum swinging back ? Extreme Feminism has triggered an extreme reaction and it’s gaining momentum , women risk losing any gains made unless the leaders of the feminist movement realise they have pushed men and society too far and rethink their anti-man rhetoric.

Men and women need to cooperate if a society is to succeed .

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Great article but winning seems an exaggeration, considering that Trump is pretty corrupt like any other politician, but is good that there is some progress! In Italy and Spain feminism is still quite strong as well!

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I thank Bettina for her support and high lighting the plight of men who face false charges! But I did not give Bettina the $70, it was taken! When we support our sons we are hurting financially, and organisations who automatically take the next years’ subscription will themselves cause public to not financially support organizations.

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Excellent article. I believe Trump will do the right thing by men, children and families in many areas and hope this new direction spreads to Australia bringing with it the end to feminist indoctrination and insanity, Wokeism, DEI etc.

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Warning to all governments to treat everyone the same! Lies are lies! False reports are false reports! Fraud is fraud! Theft is thieft!

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Pretty stupid and naive quite frankly.

Sorry Bettina, but trump is still a gynocentrist. He ran on a party platform of getting men out of womens sports, while kens sports continue to be discriminated against under title ix.

Until female supremacism is called out culturally, and women as a class take a Hit to their reputation built up by centuries of feminism, the problem is not going away.

If you literally aren't culturally allowed to say that swaths of women have done something wrong, then the problem is not going to go away.

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I asked a female friend: would you say Trump is a gynocentrist?

No I don't think so. was the reply.

this is one of the problems in this world right now... understanding the jargon... who and where and in relationship to what is a big thing.. context means a lot.

Left hand says Yes

Right hand says No

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I heard Trump mention women's health, men's health, and children's health on the television news, in that order. Let's hope he is true to his word on that.

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Thank you Bettina as a mandatory reporter we need to report the harm the system is doing to our society and its domino effect it has as a whole. We need to bring the misandrynists out into the open by asking them what it is they are trying to achieve and for what reasons then give them the facts and the effects on society as a whole how their selfish behaviour plays out and destroys what it is they are trying to achieve. We need to give them solutions not fight show them teach them how this one eyed lady justice has unbalanced the scales of justice and how integrity will always be secure and those who deal in lies will be found out

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Guess we will never know. I am suggesting HE would keep the kids . I dont know about you but I would feel far less protective of a wife who nagged and white anted me with the kids and everyone else, plus slept around with everyone but me. THEN I met a lovely woman who was interested. Ask your mates. I agree it is women who break up the home more than men do, BUT they would NOT if they were going to lose everything the way men do. The present situation REWARDS women for false accusation and separation. REWARDS!

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Wasn’t it Charlie Munger who said “Show me the incentives and I will show you the outcome.”

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Popularly summarised as "SHOW ME THE MONEY".

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Domestic violence applications need to be considered on merit and your sex should not be the deciding factor if it is to be granted. There needs to be an anonymous means of lodgement a number instead of name. I suffer from PTSD as a result of biased laws I still have flashbacks when the magistrate at Holland Park Queensland in 1994 told me that my wife did not need any proof and all she had to say was that she was scared frightened of what might happen as there was no violence and she was granted an order and I came close to committing suicide as I was a clean and sober living person at the time but ended up turning to alcohol to kill the pain of not being able to see my children and kicked out of my home that I built I worked hard to have a home before I met my wife who shared a bedroom with her sister in her parents home she was 6 years older than me we was together for 7 years as a result of me losing my Jockeys licence I was no longer able to support the same lifestyle and that's when she didn't need me no longer and decided to leave me. The laws are there to protect all sexes this is the problem the magistrate are not applying the law and women are able to cry wolf without any repercussions even when there is crystal clear factual evidence that demonstrates the woman is lying. I was hospitalised recently after suffering from PTSD triggered by a false application for domestic violence when I had undisputed evidence that I was assaulted physically ran over by woman rider on a horse and attempted whipped to the head suffering from what happened to me 30 years ago the woman had a smart solicitor who used the law for wrongful purposes and nothing happens to these people as they are allowed to cry wolf and perpetrate from a victim status it is a covert under handed created by stereotyping the man as a violent person.

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Andy, your experience is becoming the normal, as more men battle being served Avos on the decision of the woman being able to “move” on with all property as they flick the man in their child’s/children’s life. Suddenly I understand why Trump won. Governments can’t allow women to treat men the way they are. These men have families!!!! False reports are wrong! Fraud is fraud!

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I'm OK these days Been SOBER for 28 years and full of LOVE but wrong is wrong and two wrongs doesn't make it right if we are going to win the fight against corruption we need to come from a loving space and look for solution conflict resolution never compromise our human rights don't fall the politicians trap of division by taking sides there is only one team the human team never retaliate no revenge it's OK to be angry but don't live in the problem educate yourself as much as you can remain neutral put principles before personalities and take away the fight and the argument so these liars cannot justify bad behaviour show them up by having integrity you might never get back what could of been but you can still help the next poor bustard remember your not the only one those who have integrity will always be secure those who deal in lies will be found out. Starve the disease the wolf you feed is the wolf that will win I choose good.

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So sorry for your shocking experience, sadly you are not alone. The legal system favours women over men and children and it’s getting worse. I hope you can rebuild a new life and one day soon your children realise your worth.

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Thank you for caring feeling sorry doesn't help and your right I am not alone I am no longer a victim these days but I do like to share my experience and not be silenced by my abusers we need to talk about it as not only are women being killed at an alarming rate and getting worse from an over reaction and a band aid cure applied to the symptoms of a corrupt system but men are committing suicide at an alarming rate instead of dividing men and women so there is two sides to create a war we need to treat the core issues as a whole as a human problem as it doesn't just effect women it effects brothers sisters mothers fathers grand parents children it effects us all we need justice for the whole not just one side if you put too much weight on one side the scales will topple and fall we need balance fairness level equal not be tricked into over reacting we need to look at it as a whole not a half we need to have power with not against never swim against a rip or you will drown

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