An illuminating post, Bettina, for which thanks. Not the least of the merits of you work is the strong string of comments you inspire in your thoughtful, concerned, and articulate readers. It heartening to see this evidence of your impact. Safety over freedom--let mom tell you what is good for you, these ladies say, and now eat your spinach.

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"Her crazy overreach even prompted a song encouraging a fightback. Have a look here..."

Perhaps the most frightening words I've ever heard...

"...to really regulate the amount of content the Australians can see."

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Who does this woman think she is ? . It’s offensive to native born Australians to have immigrant upstarts try to tell us what we can or cannot see. Censorship has always been controversial abut this is just Marxist nanny state suppression of peoples right to decide for themselves .

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Karen Webb isn't the only remaining female police commissioner. Donna Adams is Tasmania's police commissioner. She has certainly done her time in the force and seems well respected, but there is no doubt that she owes her current position to her sex. Tasmania Police has been discriminating in favour of female recruits for years so I will never give a female police officer so much as the time of day.

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To see some more superior female leaders in the United States, check out this video:


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Thank you for speaking out, Bettina.

Any nation or organisation that replaces meritocracy with ideology, in this case elitist misandry, is asking for trouble.

Radical ideologues with their toxic junk philosophies take over. Corrupt grifters see the opportunity and exploit the situation for $$$, fame and/or power.

Misandry is one of the core 'luxury beliefs' that our elites use to grift. Have a look at the photos Bettina posted - have you noticed that these women are almost all white, rich and privileged?

They belong to the elite. The elite in western societies enriches and protects its own.

The capture of Australian institutions and society by these people is a disaster.

The ridiculous imbalance in the organisations that Bettina points out is now entrenched in elitist organisations, across the country.

Elitist philosophies are all based on lies and hypocrisy. You see it constantly these days in the west including Australia - the drum beat of 'diversity' bangs on and on, but in reality there's no diversity at all - everyone thinks exactly the same way, and promotion is based on DEI which requires strict conformity with elite ideology.

As a result, the organisation or nation is eventually run by credentialed idiots (most of these people are utter imbeciles) who in reality don't know what they're doing - their incompetence leads to the place losing it's purpose and moorings, and ends up destroying itself.

We must of course point out how absurd and hypocritical these elitist women are. It's very important to make fun of them, mainly because they deserve it and it's always a laugh to expose them as the shallow malign narcissists they truly are.

It's also important to be realistic. They are entrenched not just because we let them take power, but because the conditions existed that allowed them to.

I am however optimistic. I think we are seeing these elites at the apex of their power, just before a dramatic decline.

What I mean is that it's all fun and games for these ideologues and grifters, until it's not. The conditions that allowed them to rise - and that sustain them - won't last forever.

What are those conditions? Mostly, a lazy, distracted population that has enjoyed wealth and the good times for so long, that it doesn't really care about these ideologues and their stupid games.

Also the ability of major organisations to gorge themselves on cheap debt, and to take advantage of Australia's lack of competition (eg the banks) and governance, to fleece the population (again, the banks).

Well, the good times are coming to an end for 99% of Australians. For many, they've already ended. And they're coming to an end for the.major institutions that fuel elitist ideologies, too.

Australia is heading into very uncertain times. Our economy is in terrible, terrible shape and is declining. In geopolitical terms, the West is weakening and must manage the rise of great powers. Only very well run organisations and governments, led and managed by highly competent individuals, will thrive in these new conditions.

Organisations that allow DEI hires to remain in decision making positions will simply collapse. Governments, also - for example, western governments are going to have to abandon the global warming hoax & recommit to fossil fuels, or they'll be booted out.

A new austerity is coming and with that, a population that will be far less accommodating of these elitist ideologues, whether they be rich, white, misandrist women or net zero fanatics (but I repeat myself).

These new conditions means that Australia will need quality people back in charge again. Australians will demand a return to meritocracy, as it simply won't be able to afford the 'luxury beliefs' that these scoundrels have somehow managed to grift off for decades.

All this is going to happen, and sooner than people think. As it does, this elite crowd and their house of junk philosophies will be exposed and will crumble into dust. Guaranteed.

So have hope.

Apologies for long post.

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Janice Fiamengo hits the nail on the head , fear is the driving force of these women in power , they have an obsession with “safety” and will abandon all principles of freedom and liberty to keep everybody “safe” .

But who said “ those who would surrender their liberty for security deserve neither “ ? A great American statesman who understood the need to take risks and push boundaries to build a strong prosperous nation. These things are forgotten in the hedonistic society of today.

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“Women on Top” I am totally in agreement with your assessment. However, I find that having the woman on top sometimes hurts my back and her hair gets in my mouth.

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A girl I admired at school became a Judge, and I'm sure a good one. However there is an element of narcissism in females, self preservation to protect the next generation. The only justification for holding public positions is what you do for others, certainly not because of ego.

Feminism is influenced by socialism. The problem with socialism is it is based on envy and hate. Socialism divides a continuum into two opposites. Its always blame the other side. Socialism is like a religion, they have a mission which everything must be subservient to. Disagreement cannot be tolerated.

Great article Bettina. You raise issues which no one has the courage to.

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It is becoming rather obvious that feminism has nothing to do with equality. It never really did.

It is simply a hostile takeover movement that is all about pushing males to the bottom of the heap.

Once they have achieved that, I'd be a cynically happy spectator observing these women rooting at the pig trough for anything that's left for them as they fight each other tooth and nail for their bit of power that they feel they are entitled to.

Just looking at the examples shown in this article and many others not shown here are just making the whole thing glaringly obvious.

What is a worrying trend is how they are taking over the legal system like every despotic ruler does to ensure absolute control.

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I am concerned that your father's name may be removed from the ANU where he was regarded highly as an Economist/Lecturer/Writer.

I have trolled all of the comments below, I think 90 odd, and I cannot see one that alludes to the wrongful potential removal of a "man" esteemed that he obviously was, to have your dad Heinz' name replaced by a woman, solely on gender.

For those who have blogged below and missed the contribution of Bettina's dad, maybe google "Heinz Arndt" and read his publications.

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I googled him when I read Bettina's article, as I'm sure many others did too. The fact that we've not mentioned him in comments does not mean we don't feel strongly about the issue. Clearly it's outrageous.

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I agree. Silly me used the term "trolled". I actually meant "scrolled".

In any event, I agree totally with your response and let's hope that Mr Arndt's name continues in its place.

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Nasty element of cancel culture here as well, they want to control the past in an Orwellian fashion. How about the past is what happened, as an approach.

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Of course it's women. Any man defending men can and will be dismissed as a misogynist and women will not listen.

And things are going to get worse for men. Our u Labour UK party (likely government in July) have stated in their manifesto they will "fast-track rape cases, with specialist courts". I'm not aware of any definition for these courts but I anticipate weakened rights for men.

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"Any man defending men can and will be dismissed as a misogynist"

And any woman defending men can and will be dismissed as having "internalized misogyny". That term cracks me up, it couldn't possibly be that they're thinking for themselves and questioning the dominant paradigm, oh no, it has to be that they're SO oppressed by men they've actually INTERNALIZED their oppression! Even more hilarious on wiki: "The implications of internalized misogyny include psychological disorders such as depression, eating disorders, low self-esteem, and less social support among women." Yeah, that sounds like Bettina...NOT!

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Look at the massive bugger up the Post Office in the UK caused by Paula Vennells.

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In Queensland we had a female Labor Premier, & previous Premier was female, both were Labor. They had no skills to run the state. We had Police Commissioner Katrina Carroll who was head of the Fire Dept, she was given the job over very competent serving Police Officers. Then we had Jeanette Young head of health who had to ask her husband for advice, she had no experience only was a pencil pusher in her previous role and GP. Jeanette Young was rewarded with the job of Governor when she became unpopular, now she just hosts garden parties and cuts ribbons for a very generous wage. We also have numerous female politicians. These women have all been failures and very unpopular.

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Because its always a political motive, and I'd be betting they are all Labor Women. I'd be for the appointment of a woman to Governor who was genuinely loved by the community for her contributions to it. Evonne Goolagong has a beautiful personality as well as her sports ability. If she hated white people I'm sure she get a top job.

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Great article Bettina on a serious issue for the nation. I have never had a problem with the right person for the job and have worked with many competent women but I think the pendulum is jammed on bias to women. Honestly the Business pages of the papers/media are replete with the latest executive scandals of inappropriate behaviour, bullying, catty relationships. Its like reading New Idea! The CEO's of three of the five financial institutions named in the Royal Commission were women. Business are being driven by DEI policies, all departments headed by women. It is one of those new self-serving industries that add nothing to the businesses productivity, rather the opposite.

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Thank you for the critical updates.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

All of Australia knows this is happening, apart from their ABC and the various people who yabber on most about "gender equality" - from a high salary.

Even the "conservatives", for the most part, pretend that iit's not happening and that silly "progressive" causes are our main problem. When was the last time Bettina was published in the Spectator?

Another great article - thanks Bettina!

Standout points for me...

1. This deprives qualified men of hard-earned advancement in their careers

2. When women get into positions of power they tend to use it against men. eg. the eKaren, and "online harassment" is a "women's issue"... doesn't happen to boys 🙄

3. These top positions often go to women who aren't up to the job, and we all suffer - yet they aren't held to account,

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When was the last time any article of Bettina Arndt was published in the AUSTRALIAN that flagship of conservative newspapers, now cringing in fear of offending the feminists , trying to salvage its falling sales figures .

Media these days are afraid to be controversial , and this latest from Bettina would be controversial if printed in a major newspaper , that’s what’s needed to spark debate.

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The Australian spruiks its "conservative" credentials by attacking the ABC several times a week, and that's about it. Recently, they've gone full in with Israel, highlighting silly university protests - as if that's the main problem with the "left".

Janet Albrechtson get the occassional article on excesses of "gender equality" (eg. the Albo's corporate "wage gap" fraud) but words it very carefully. Still, that's a LOT better than the rest of the MSM.

Bettina offers more than a different "opinion". Her articles are always well-researched and well-written, and have decades of personal credibility behind them - but that's not enough to get into the mainstream press.

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Bettina had several big articles published in the Australian several years ago , “Always beating up on men “ one of them , but I suppose this newspaper is now controlled by feminists as well .

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Don't we love the ABC morning news on the Television?

I love to do a "spot the bloke" before a coffee beckons.

And, there and behold, a guy appears to tell me that it's cold outside.

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LOL! Yup... the hard questions are directed from a woman on the ABC to a female reporter, one after another, until I'm sick of seeing women..

And then a man appears to tell me the weather!

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Are you referring to ABC weatherman Nate Byrne? You do know he's gay, right? He also hosts the ABC's Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras broadcast. The only "blokes" who get on-air gigs at the ABC are gays like Nate Byrne, Dan Bourchier, Joe O'Brien, or effeminate types like Michael Rowland. You won't find any masculinity at the ABC, toxic or otherwise.

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That's funny because I did use (correctly) the word "guy".

I didn't know Nate was gay and anyway who cares. Of course he appears to be a non-threatening type of lad who sits easily on the couch with lassies.

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I don't care that Nate is gay but I do care that straight men can't get a gig at the ABC. We don't need to get into a Seinfeldesque "not that there's anything wrong with that" routine to acknowledge there is a problem with the ABC having all-gay presenters, just as there would be with all-male presenters or all-female presenters. I mean FFS, the whole idea was diversity, was it not?

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Diversity at the ABC: "We are all equal, but some are more equal than others".

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Nice to hear from you, Stephen. Speccie online publishes me - not the magazine, unfortunately.

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I guess it's better than nothing that they publish you, albeit not in the magazine anymore. It's still about the best exposure that men's issues get in the US, UK or Australia.

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Spot on mate

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