Welcome to substack for all the good people who have been receiving my newsletter. I hope you’ll find it convenient to hear from me this way. It won’t cost you anything – although I might eventually be offering some extra treats for subscribers.
You’ll be able to post comments – it will be great to have lively conversations about some of the topics I discuss. I hope this will help you promote my work. You’ll see that I have put together a collection of some of my recent newsletters and videos to showcase what I do.
For newcomers who don’t know me, I’ve posted a selection of my 2021 blogs to give you an idea of my current passions. And here’s a little background:
I’ve spent my long career challenging taboos - writing and talking about topics we aren’t allowed to discuss. Back in the 1970s that meant sex. I was one of Australia’s first sex therapists and spent years talking about sex on television and radio and teaching medical students and other professionals.
By the 1980s I’d had enough of a good thing. I gave up sex - professionally speaking - and moved onto writing for newspapers and magazines about broader social issues.
Like a moth to the flame, I became involved in writing about what was increasingly becoming a taboo topic in MSM - men’s issues. Having started out as a feminist, I became concerned that our society is no longer interested in equality but rather, advancing women at the expense of men.
I started writing and speaking about the many areas where men don’t receive fair treatment, particularly the kangaroo courts adjudicating sexual assault at our universities.
My “fake rape crisis” speaking tour of Australian campuses attracted ferocious opposition from feminist activists - the riot squad were called in to protect my audience at Sydney University which led to the Federal Government introducing campus free speech legislation.
Last year End Rape on Campus activists attempted to take me out – mounting a fierce media pile on after I’d received an honours award from the government. They circulated maliciously edited stories and videos cherry-picked from my work to try to cancel me.
The whole kerfuffle was a pretty good sign that I am over the target which makes me all the more determined to keep at it- promoting gender equity through advocacy for men.
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