The whole case was a sham from the start and DP Drumgold's lame reason for withdrawing was suspect from the day we heard it, so no surprise at the latest revelations. I am quite convinced it was all a "political fix", nothing to do with truth and justice. Shame on those pollies playing us as the dumb public.
The whole case was a sham from the start and DP Drumgold's lame reason for withdrawing was suspect from the day we heard it, so no surprise at the latest revelations. I am quite convinced it was all a "political fix", nothing to do with truth and justice. Shame on those pollies playing us as the dumb public.
The whole case was a sham from the start and DP Drumgold's lame reason for withdrawing was suspect from the day we heard it, so no surprise at the latest revelations. I am quite convinced it was all a "political fix", nothing to do with truth and justice. Shame on those pollies playing us as the dumb public.