I really hope someone makes a soap opera out of the drama that is happening in the ACT right now. Without the internet, we would be none the wiser about what is happening and totally dependent on what the media is willing to portray, take for example the Project, which apparently has scarcely mentioned a word about Lisa and how she inadvertently help for the accused to stay out of gaol.

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I wonder how much longer this is going to go on for?

Will the inquiry findings be the end or will there be more to come?

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money is the root cause of many false allegations. No need for a trial, the man is convicted in the court of public opinion.

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023

The sad part to me is, if Lehrmann’s had had his day in court and been found innocent, it will never go away it will be like a nightmare, everywhere he goes people will whisper and point. It will affect his employment chances, his social life and much more. It's as if the justice system or part thereof in this case had got it's self in a bind and tried to find an easy way out and it's back firing. I can see the eyes of the media when the story first broke WOW RAPE IN PARLIAMENT HOUSE, how can we milk this, we've gotta flood every front page with poor me. Women's Magazines don't forget to make it as lurid as possible and don't forget the bruises around the throat, a knife mark could also help, it doesn't who the photos are from that doesn't matter. Now the most important addition, bring on the dancing girls, you know, the "all men are rapists" mob. The sheaves of paper are laid out, the staves are there let's start the orchestration. And we're fooled into thinking there is going to be a non biased trial, I think not.

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The whole case was a sham from the start and DP Drumgold's lame reason for withdrawing was suspect from the day we heard it, so no surprise at the latest revelations. I am quite convinced it was all a "political fix", nothing to do with truth and justice. Shame on those pollies playing us as the dumb public.

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Could it be that Brittany Higgin's continuing to 'go public' even as the court case proceeded that this is in fact also called 'COERCIVE CONTROL'!!???

and, as some comments have alluded/stated, how can a Judge, Law System or Government (that actually believes in 'innocent until proven guilty') allow Brittany Higgins to continue on her merry way of speaking out loud in Public and denigrating the legal system, government system, a persons actual rights be allowed to continue in a court case and then receive a massive so called Pay Out!!???

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An appalling travesty of justice...not all that surprising coming from the ACT!

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023

"They never asked the right questions, " a witness once told me.

He said that he wasn't going to lie for anyone and the one crucial question that needed to be asked, was never asked.

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The 'bh' circus is still "entertaining /confounding" long after the "big top" has been taken down. But with so many woke clowns like 'drumgold' spruiking the lie that feminists took to heart as irrefutiable evidence, it's not over yet, not by a long shot!

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Thank you Bettina for this update. I want to know more and more but... so much..

I read the article first and then researched a couple of mentions and found this:

When The Suspect Is Smarter Than The Detective [15:50 minutes]


This one is from years ago:

Don't Talk to the Police [46:38 minutes]


I've never been in this position but I know if I was I'd be blabbing all over the place, so this is meant for those that might find themselves in a position where they blab and that is all used later against them. So, I encourage anyone to watch them and forward them to people who would find them interesting or helpful.. !!!

Edit: both from America.

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As Lewis Carroll said in Alice in Wonderland this is getting curiouser and curiouser.

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ah what a wicked web they weave when those about they would deceive.

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Disgusting, is the only suitable word to describe this whole case . Is there NO shame in our Justice System ?. We may be justified in thinking China would be a better option.

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As I wrote, Lehrmann was required to serender his phone. Higgins was wrong, yet again!

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Brittany Higgins had the right the remain anonymous as many alleged victims do, she choose not too, why? It would seem going public was a clever tactical move for her. Juries can be moved by emotion, prosecution ignoring the media conferences she gave was like an endorsement to attack the defendant publicly. To give a media conference attacking the defendants right to silence, knowing full well that is the defendants legal right to do so, was calculated and clever, all along the Prosecution again ignored her statements. Like in many cases the Judiciary & the Government have been used, the Prosecution has been used and most of all the Jury and the Public have been used.

It would then appear that the alleged victim got Losers Limp and like many women do play the mental card, it lets her off the hook, let’s the Prosecution off the hook, without any regard to the damage caused to the defendants mental well being and character.

Our legal system, Prosecution & Judges in the eyes of the public belong in Clown World.

The travesty of all this is the alleged victim has made a miraculous recovery, who says money doesn’t buy happiness.

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'Ms Higgins claimed in the speech that the criminal justice system had “long failed to deliver outcomes to victims of sexual assault” ... '

Non sequitur: Unless a trial is abandoned there is always an outcome, though it may not be the one the complainant wanted, and may mean that she has failed to prove she is a victim, meaning she is not. Therefore complainants always receive an outcome, whether it was the one they wanted or not, and victims always receive the outcome they wanted.

' ... that Mr Lehrmann had not been forced to surrender his mobile phone and data – as she had – and that he had not been held accountable for “his actions”.'

What would be the point of his doing so unless there was evidence that using it he had boasted to others of committing the crime of which he is accused?

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