"They are only being taught that men are abusers and women are victims."
Easy to prove when you class male victims of domestic and/or sexual abuse as "victims of violence against women". Extra humiliating for those boys and men abused by women.
"They are only being taught that men are abusers and women are victims."
Easy to prove when you class male victims of domestic and/or sexual abuse as "victims of violence against women". Extra humiliating for those boys and men abused by women.
"They are only being taught that men are abusers and women are victims."
Easy to prove when you class male victims of domestic and/or sexual abuse as "victims of violence against women". Extra humiliating for those boys and men abused by women.
Feminism: A Jewish Psyop to Demonize White Women
MGTOW = Mostly Gay Transgendered Or Wimpy