There is one sure thing that will increase domestic violence, and it seems that the feminists are all for increasing domestic violence.
As I have grown, I have noticed that throughout my life women have been treated reasonably well. we have had such greats like Amelia Earhart, Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, Marie Curie, Ada Lovelace and so m…
There is one sure thing that will increase domestic violence, and it seems that the feminists are all for increasing domestic violence.
As I have grown, I have noticed that throughout my life women have been treated reasonably well. we have had such greats like Amelia Earhart, Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, Marie Curie, Ada Lovelace and so many more. These great people changed the world in so many positive ways, and they did it at times when (under todays mindset) they were living under oppressive conditions.
Yes, we can and often do celebrate these fine women, the mere fact that I know of these women is testament to that.
Are we going to celebrate the strong women of today, the ones who took simple behaviours and used them to imprison men, to destroy the lives of both their male partners and their sons? Our current age of man bashing is hopefully going to go down in history as a very dark time in history and the women and men driving this should all be remembered for the damage they did to our society.
FFS, more men die from taking their own lives that die on the roads.
"As I have grown, I have noticed that throughout my life women have been treated reasonably well."
Men have always welcomed women who were enthusiastic about the group's motivations and willing to put the work in. That's why there were women in stonemason and ironmonger guilds hundreds of years ago.
I've been privileged by association with high performance, often high profile folk through my entire life across sports, government and community sectors. A common feature among the women was not caring what other women thought.
Back in the Jurassic aka 79,80 etc I was training with some of the strongest women in the world, including the first to ever bench press 300lb. They were throwers in track and field as was I. Strength was an important element so they were hitting the weights hard. This was a time in which sports were still considered "unladylike" by many. According to the female athletes themselves ALL the criticism they heard came from other women. They spent much of their time laughing about it too. They would also tell you men tended to be supportive because "men understand the goal oriented nature of the training".
I've seen similar patterns across a range of areas. I think the mistake many women make going into male spaces is expecting to be treated differently because of their gender and demanding control of etiquette.
The successful women I've known all seemed to have escaped the crab bucket called "feminism" which makes a multi billion dollar industry out of reminding women how weak they are.
There is one sure thing that will increase domestic violence, and it seems that the feminists are all for increasing domestic violence.
As I have grown, I have noticed that throughout my life women have been treated reasonably well. we have had such greats like Amelia Earhart, Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, Marie Curie, Ada Lovelace and so many more. These great people changed the world in so many positive ways, and they did it at times when (under todays mindset) they were living under oppressive conditions.
Yes, we can and often do celebrate these fine women, the mere fact that I know of these women is testament to that.
Are we going to celebrate the strong women of today, the ones who took simple behaviours and used them to imprison men, to destroy the lives of both their male partners and their sons? Our current age of man bashing is hopefully going to go down in history as a very dark time in history and the women and men driving this should all be remembered for the damage they did to our society.
FFS, more men die from taking their own lives that die on the roads.
"As I have grown, I have noticed that throughout my life women have been treated reasonably well."
Men have always welcomed women who were enthusiastic about the group's motivations and willing to put the work in. That's why there were women in stonemason and ironmonger guilds hundreds of years ago.
I've been privileged by association with high performance, often high profile folk through my entire life across sports, government and community sectors. A common feature among the women was not caring what other women thought.
Back in the Jurassic aka 79,80 etc I was training with some of the strongest women in the world, including the first to ever bench press 300lb. They were throwers in track and field as was I. Strength was an important element so they were hitting the weights hard. This was a time in which sports were still considered "unladylike" by many. According to the female athletes themselves ALL the criticism they heard came from other women. They spent much of their time laughing about it too. They would also tell you men tended to be supportive because "men understand the goal oriented nature of the training".
I've seen similar patterns across a range of areas. I think the mistake many women make going into male spaces is expecting to be treated differently because of their gender and demanding control of etiquette.
The successful women I've known all seemed to have escaped the crab bucket called "feminism" which makes a multi billion dollar industry out of reminding women how weak they are.
Feminism: A Jewish Psyop to Demonize White Women
MGTOW = Mostly Gay Transgendered Or Wimpy