The whole point of the law is to make business for itself. That's why you never hear lawyers arguing about the wickedness of these laws or their unconstitutionality. They're too much of a revenue provider. As for the jails, there are thousands employed in them and they and the prisoner transport industry dependent on a steady supply of "…
The whole point of the law is to make business for itself. That's why you never hear lawyers arguing about the wickedness of these laws or their unconstitutionality. They're too much of a revenue provider. As for the jails, there are thousands employed in them and they and the prisoner transport industry dependent on a steady supply of ""clients"" for their livelihoods. I wouldn't be surprised if the transport and associated companies have been promised a certain quota of heads per year by government.
The whole point of the law is to make business for itself. That's why you never hear lawyers arguing about the wickedness of these laws or their unconstitutionality. They're too much of a revenue provider. As for the jails, there are thousands employed in them and they and the prisoner transport industry dependent on a steady supply of ""clients"" for their livelihoods. I wouldn't be surprised if the transport and associated companies have been promised a certain quota of heads per year by government.