Thanks Bettina,

To my untrained eye there seems to be multiple flaws both in the methodology and the conclusions drawn.

This report reminds me of the committee set up to advise the UK government about Coercive Control Laws. The UK Home Office commissioned independent peer reviewed scholarly research to inform the committee about domestic violence and coercive control. The committee expressed surprise at the findings for the reports as it contradicted the expectations of the committee members (all feminists or sympathisers) and rejected the report based on their ideology. The report found that there is gender symmetry in DV and CCntl perpetration and there is in victimisation. It's ironic that those in AU shrilling for CCntl laws in AU reference the UK law.

Support and self-care, Table 1 "Demonstrate empathy..." demonstrates a lack of critical thinking based on the flawed assumption that "empathy" is a prerequisite for disclosure.

Many people think doctors /healthcare professionals /HR etc should have "empathy", but as Dr Zubin Damania points out "empathy is a spotlight that can fool us into doing the wrong things" and "what do we use when we can't use empathy? It's compassion".

The drive for "empathy" based empowerment /decision making is a thinly disguised variant of "believe all women (even when they lie)".

The 'Jenkins report' will be used as a Trojan Horse to entrench more 'duluth by proxy' and to turn federal workplaces into "mission fields" for feminist orthodoxy and kangaroo courts, which will then flow onto state government workplaces and then larger private sector employers.


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My son is sitting in jail since April, 2021, accused of sending tinder codes and threatening emails. His ex has constantly made false allegations against him over 12 months, finally police just gave her what she wanted. His ex withheld custody of children, breaching family court orders, attempts were made through mediation to see the children, then bam, she ran off with lies to police he was sending messages and threatening her. Ethical Standards Police arrested him before investigating and locked him up. Magistrates keep denying him bail, DPP continue to perjure themselves to keep him locked up. Corruption in my state is worse than in the seventies. Thanks for the great information about the constant lies being told.

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That so tragic for your son... and for your whole family. I hear of such cases every day. There are falsely accused men in jail across the country. And police and prosecutors withholding evidence that could have exonerated them. It is a frightening situation and yet most men delude themselves that it couldn't happen to them.

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I cannot abide the endless anti male hatred being peddled by our disgusting media and feminist bigots. Every night there is another example of the lies and hysteria stirred up by yet another false, deceitful survey result or hyped up affair where the adulterous woman is presented as an oppressed heroine.

As for the shocking treatment of so many men by our legal system-when is a male politician going to have the balls to address it? I have given up on the so called conservatives. They cave every time a feminist screams misogyny!

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One of the reasons I stopped watching any news on any TV station (other than SBS occasionally) was the feminist bile masquerading as creditable news...

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That also applies to most television series, new films, books etc. All woke, filled with hateful men. So sad

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If Bettina can unravel the details of that survey why can't our bloody prime Minister and his cabinet? Instead of groveling and confessing shame at the rampant misogyny taking place in his toxic parliament the moron should have been calling out the survey for the sham it was and underlining the fact that over 60 % of the bullying was perpetuated by women even though they were a minority demographic.

If we ever had a conservative politician with the guts to take on the feminist man hating bigots he or she might be surprised by the support they get.

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Why don't you send the PM a note and ask him precisely that?

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I have written to so many politicians and yes I have had a few responses, but they always deflect or ignore the pertinent facts I use in my letter/email and trot out the party line- Thank you for your expression of concern for male victims of domestic violence, we share your concern for all victims but we understand that women are the overwhelming majority of victim of this shocking abuse and men are overwhelmingly the perpetrators.

It's just another lie but that is as good as it gets.

I even pre-empt their response by saying men are the overwhelming victims of suicide, homelessness and workplace fatalities but none of these issues is presented as a gendered problem and all of the language around them is very gender neutral. Why don't we do the same with family violence?

They simply ignore my question.

I may give it a go.

Thanks for all you do, Bettina. You have guts.

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As a female and having worked for over 40 years I can honestly say women were the bullies. Men I worked for were always kind and respectful. I am on the side of the guys, keep fighting these bully women

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Great to hear from a woman defending men! There are heaps of us that feel the same way but unfortunately we are drowned out by the tiny group of noisy feminists.

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Between 1985 and 1995 I conducted a personal, informal survey among a reasonable amount of women who had been in the workplace for at least twenty years. I asked them two questions: (1) who would you prefer to have for a boss- a man or a woman? In every case, and without pause, the women preferred a man. I then asked them (2) why do you prefer a man? Again the answer was unanimous, and was always words to the effect that you always got more consideration from a man. Of course, I wouldn't claim any social science status for my informal survey, but it's no worse, and probably more accurate than the junk social science that the psychotic sisterhood has been assailing us with for decades. Indeed, I love the title of Jenkins' report: 'Set the Standard'. It's certainly that. The same low, junk standard we now know so well.

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I suppose I should have, by way of clarification and even-handedness, stated that the reason why I had a starting point of at least twenty years in the workforce; and really, the more years the better as far as I was concerned, was for the women to make a decision based on long experience. I assumed that the women would no doubt have had, to some degree, the misfortune of reporting to a male boss who was probably a bully or a pig (no disrespect to actual pigs intended); but weighing the totality of experience of male and female bosses in the balance, I wanted to know on which side a woman would come down.

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Mark, understand information and logic aren't prerequisites for party pre-selection by any party and would probably not be seen as a favourable attributes to have in a puppet.... which is one of the reasons why NoMo got to where he is today... it also doesn't appear to be a prerequisite for staffers either.

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great writer ! great reading ! Truth!

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