I'm sure he was advised by lawyers, too. They must have decided that the electoral gain is worth snubbing their nose at the law, under parliamentary privilege.
As for the "electoral gain", that is the part that's bewildering. As you and countless others have said, he is alienating his support base to appeal to people who would never vote …
I'm sure he was advised by lawyers, too. They must have decided that the electoral gain is worth snubbing their nose at the law, under parliamentary privilege.
As for the "electoral gain", that is the part that's bewildering. As you and countless others have said, he is alienating his support base to appeal to people who would never vote for him anyway.
Support bases are currently atomised and lost their true influence. Most the real power is concentrated in a small group of power brokers, doing preferential deals between themselves, largely ignoring their electorate. A few mavericks who actually serve their base are derided as "right-wing populists", uneducated and morally monstrous "deplorables" as a rule of thumb.
I'm sure he was advised by lawyers, too. They must have decided that the electoral gain is worth snubbing their nose at the law, under parliamentary privilege.
As for the "electoral gain", that is the part that's bewildering. As you and countless others have said, he is alienating his support base to appeal to people who would never vote for him anyway.
He's still a grub for accepting the legal advice.
Support bases are currently atomised and lost their true influence. Most the real power is concentrated in a small group of power brokers, doing preferential deals between themselves, largely ignoring their electorate. A few mavericks who actually serve their base are derided as "right-wing populists", uneducated and morally monstrous "deplorables" as a rule of thumb.