Many of the advisers are just a few years out of university, with brains that have been freshly infused with social justice rhetoric from their Political Science degrees.
The only thing conservative about them is economic policy. As for social policy, they are as left of centre as the reds across the floor of parliament.
Many of the advisers are just a few years out of university, with brains that have been freshly infused with social justice rhetoric from their Political Science degrees.
The only thing conservative about them is economic policy. As for social policy, they are as left of centre as the reds across the floor of parliament.
Many of the advisers are just a few years out of university, with brains that have been freshly infused with social justice rhetoric from their Political Science degrees.
The only thing conservative about them is economic policy. As for social policy, they are as left of centre as the reds across the floor of parliament.