The power of love! Men delude themselves that the woman of their dreams would never act like that. And we must say there are plenty who don't. But the sad thing is we are often at our worst during the stress of a marriage breakup and even women who are normally decent and kind can get caught up in this type of nastiness, particularly wit…
The power of love! Men delude themselves that the woman of their dreams would never act like that. And we must say there are plenty who don't. But the sad thing is we are often at our worst during the stress of a marriage breakup and even women who are normally decent and kind can get caught up in this type of nastiness, particularly with lawyers urging them to go for broke, for the sake of their children.
Particularly when a man accepts a woman into his life with a young child. Even after 10 years together and raising the child as his own in a breakup he has no rights of access to the child. A very dangerous game getting involved with a premade family.
I do plan to write something about men becoming stepfathers. It is so heartbreaking for men to take on that role and then, when the relationship ends, they are totally locked out of the children's lives.
The power of love! Men delude themselves that the woman of their dreams would never act like that. And we must say there are plenty who don't. But the sad thing is we are often at our worst during the stress of a marriage breakup and even women who are normally decent and kind can get caught up in this type of nastiness, particularly with lawyers urging them to go for broke, for the sake of their children.
Particularly when a man accepts a woman into his life with a young child. Even after 10 years together and raising the child as his own in a breakup he has no rights of access to the child. A very dangerous game getting involved with a premade family.
I do plan to write something about men becoming stepfathers. It is so heartbreaking for men to take on that role and then, when the relationship ends, they are totally locked out of the children's lives.
Absolutely and some of us know it is a gamble.