They infuriate me more than the feminists. Andrew Bolt and co. for all their huffing and puffing are like your classic white knights and in their own way as damaging to men and boys as the blatant haters and bigots.
But why there hasn't been one man like Lyonhjelm in the Federal cabinet or even as Prime Minister staggers me. Tony Abbott w…
They infuriate me more than the feminists. Andrew Bolt and co. for all their huffing and puffing are like your classic white knights and in their own way as damaging to men and boys as the blatant haters and bigots.
But why there hasn't been one man like Lyonhjelm in the Federal cabinet or even as Prime Minister staggers me. Tony Abbott was such a let down. I thought he might be the one but he lionized that gender bigot Ms. Batty and sat there like a guilty looking and rather stunned mullet when Gillard made that hypocritical grandstanding speech about misogyny.
I would have called her out for the vile liar she was and asked her to explain how the most powerful person in the country can still play victim when it suits her.
Morrison is yet another to lick the proffered the feminist boot-it is so demoralising. The most recent federal budget directed over three billion dollars to female specific issues and not one cent to male specific issues. Frydenberg used the word women seventeen times and men once in a disparaging reference to the fact we earn more super as if this was a devious misogynistic plot we should be ashamed of and one that needs to be remedied quickly. They are beneath contempt.
James Merlino was my student in grade six and we had a wonderful relationship. He is now the deputy Premier of Victoria and the Education Minister. I wrote him an email three years ago asking him for thirty minutes of his time and no more to discuss his governments advertising campaign on domestic violence alongside the funding and deliberate attempts to make male victims disappear.
He wrote about his wonderful memories of our time together before giving me the usual spin about caring for all victims but focusing on women who are the overwhelming majority of victims. I had already pre-empted this predictable response by saying males make up one third of all victims and mentioning the high rate of violence in lesbian relationships which seemed to contradict the Respect Women campaigns. I wrote that suicide was a societal scourge which overwhelmingly affected men and boys but that issue is never called gendered or presented as anything other than an issue affecting "Australians" or our "youth". Suddenly , the need for identifying the gender most affected is no longer important The same can be said for homelessness and deaths in the workplace. Why is this the case? I said that women were a far smaller minority of victims than men are in family violence yet they shared equal billing with men whenever these issues are discusses (which isn't often.)
As always, just as his minister for prevention of Violence Against Women, Fiona Richardson did, he simply ignored my questions and comparisons with other societal issues.
Sadly he was also too busy to meet with me with Christmas approaching. I wrote back saying could he find thirty minutes at anytime during the next year and he never wrote back. A fellow chalkie told me he appeared at his school and when the kids asked him who his favourite teacher was in primary school he said , Mr. Dent. I was chuffed yet hurt to think despite that, he couldn't find thirty minutes to talk with me.
This advocating for men is an exhausting business. I have been writing letters and emails for thirty years. That's why I am in awe of your energy and thick hide. It is such a thankless task. That in itself should cause people to ask why you do it. Perhaps because you have integrity and follow the truth wherever it takes you. Defending men or simply asking for people to respect them brings nothing but abuse and hatred. Where's the pay off?
You and I can place our heads on the pillow each night and sleep. How those lying scum manage to even nap for an hour is beyond me.
@Mark Dent. Another powerful institution has signed up for the war on men - The Catholic Church!
In a TV interview (linked below in the NY Times) Pope Francis has given his blessing to the "domestic violence" industry with this typical tactic - take one alleged "victim" and generalise from it. Note that the "victim" appears to have been in a consensual relationship with a violent man who was not the father of the children. Francis generalises the alleged "violence" as "nearly satanic", using the old "power" theme "..because it is taking advantage of the weakness of those who cannot defend themselves, can only block the blow..”, utterly denying that women have the violence of the state on their side.
Women have all the power in modern relationships, and use it. They can remove a man from the home, separate him from his children, and destroy him with just a word. I say that the woman in this instance appears have only been living with this man temporarily because she left the house, whereas if it were the marital home she would have had him removed.
I assume the police and family court in Italy are the same as everywhere else, giving state backing to any dv claim. It seems to be ubiquitous across Europe.
I did wonder whether perhaps there's a cultural explanation for this, where male violence against women is more accepted in Italy than elsewhere, so checked an online Catholic forum I participate in. I found an old thread on the subject, and various people of Italian background said empthatically "No", that the stereotype of the abusive Italian husband is wrong. They also added that Italian women are very strong minded, and don't take crap - an abusive man is likely to get whacked with the frying pan. Unfortunately, the thread is private to the group.
Pope Francis did more than use this one case to give his blessing to the dv industry. He has endorsed all their dogma, as can be seen in the article. Such as: dv is common, that it's as common in marriages as other relationships, that women (but not men) have suffered it in dangerously increased levels during the pandemic, that dv includes all the usual forms of non-physical abuse (emotional, etc..), but only woman suffer this. The only point he has missed is that dv is about "structural inequality".
From the NY Times...
The pope made the comment during a show broadcast Sunday on Canale 5, Italy’s top private channel, called “Francis and the Invisibles” that was intended to put a spotlight on people who were struggling in different ways.
Yah... like female victims of "domestic violence" are "invisible"... We never stop hearing about them (and this applies in Italy, as mentioned in the article).
As a Catholic man this utterly infuriates me. The Church sees all the time men who have suffered female initiated divorce, who live in female dominated marriages, and in its charities it sees the large numbers of homeless men. In this TV show dedicated to the "invisibles" Francis has deliberately omitted the people who western society has most effectively silenced - men.
I know that some Catholic priests and Bishops are on to what's happening to men and also how feminists exploit "victims", so it will be interesting to see whether any of them stand up to Pope Francis' ongoing feminism.
A great summation of the current state with conservative politics, Bettina! Very dissapointing about Josh Frydenberg - I still held out some hope for him. WRT conservatives, eg. Bolt, railing about identity politics and the left, while ignoring what's happening to men, I can proffer the information that my "family" focussed Christian groups have, in the last two years, focusssed their efforts on: Israel Folau and "freedom of speech", and also Senator Claire Chandler and "transgenderism in sport". They portray themselves as saving the west from the forces of evil. I have tried to interest them in men's issues, and caught some initial sympathy, but they are sticking with the safe, feel-good, "conservative" issues. As for the Christian charities, ... I think you know...
In the MRM we strongly agree with you the these are "in their own way as damaging to men and boys as the blatant haters and bigots.". Apart from the double standards, they are setting up another generation of men to volunteer for marriage, with messages about how to be a good husband, and then learning the way.
Of the issues where men are disadvantaged, but gender statistics are avoided, "homelessness" has become the most ludicrous. A few years ago, we could comfortably say "80% of the homeless are men" and get some sympathy, but the feminists, media (and Christian charities!) redefined "homelessness" so that it too is now a "woman's issue"!
A Vinnies fundraiser for "the homeless" featured a female victim. I pointed out to them that most of the homeless are men. They responded "Homelessness is a complex issue which can affect anyone". I asked them "Is domestic violence also a complex issue which can affect anyone?". No response.
Can you imagine the media meltdown if a government campaign on domestic violence featured a man as the symbol of the victims of this issue? The irony is the fact that far more men are victims of family violence than women are homelessness. The double standards are so blatant. They know we know, but simply don't give a shit. Why should they-they are holding all of the power.
Mark, I was out with my husband during the week, he had a skin cancer removed from his nose and had a huge bandage, black eyes and lots of swelling in the area where the surgery was done. We went into visit my son who is on remand waiting for his day in court after being accused of stalking his mentally unstable ex partner. ( that’s another story for another day). I was amazed at the double standards of the females at the jail reception. They joked about how I must of gave my husband a good punch in the nose for him to look the way he did. That got me thinking how if that was me looking like I had been punched in the face, my husband would of been reported to the police and investigated and more likely sharing a cell with my son. By the way ( QLD police arrest and charge first, then come up with fabricated evidence to keep men locked up). But it didn’t end there, once we left reception to enter the locked area of the prison, jokes kept coming ‘ like he should ducked instead of weaving’. I am astounded by females attitudes and double standards.
KD, that is indeed a shocking story. I too am often blown away by the fact that women feel absolutely entitled to be so derogatory about men... knowing that no one will slap them down. I'll keep your story on file and use it one day.
This sick double standard permeates every aspect of our lives yet most men are blissfully unaware of the shocking bigotry or even laugh along with those who joke about female on male violence rather than dare argue with or criticize a woman.
They infuriate me more than the feminists. Andrew Bolt and co. for all their huffing and puffing are like your classic white knights and in their own way as damaging to men and boys as the blatant haters and bigots.
But why there hasn't been one man like Lyonhjelm in the Federal cabinet or even as Prime Minister staggers me. Tony Abbott was such a let down. I thought he might be the one but he lionized that gender bigot Ms. Batty and sat there like a guilty looking and rather stunned mullet when Gillard made that hypocritical grandstanding speech about misogyny.
I would have called her out for the vile liar she was and asked her to explain how the most powerful person in the country can still play victim when it suits her.
Morrison is yet another to lick the proffered the feminist boot-it is so demoralising. The most recent federal budget directed over three billion dollars to female specific issues and not one cent to male specific issues. Frydenberg used the word women seventeen times and men once in a disparaging reference to the fact we earn more super as if this was a devious misogynistic plot we should be ashamed of and one that needs to be remedied quickly. They are beneath contempt.
James Merlino was my student in grade six and we had a wonderful relationship. He is now the deputy Premier of Victoria and the Education Minister. I wrote him an email three years ago asking him for thirty minutes of his time and no more to discuss his governments advertising campaign on domestic violence alongside the funding and deliberate attempts to make male victims disappear.
He wrote about his wonderful memories of our time together before giving me the usual spin about caring for all victims but focusing on women who are the overwhelming majority of victims. I had already pre-empted this predictable response by saying males make up one third of all victims and mentioning the high rate of violence in lesbian relationships which seemed to contradict the Respect Women campaigns. I wrote that suicide was a societal scourge which overwhelmingly affected men and boys but that issue is never called gendered or presented as anything other than an issue affecting "Australians" or our "youth". Suddenly , the need for identifying the gender most affected is no longer important The same can be said for homelessness and deaths in the workplace. Why is this the case? I said that women were a far smaller minority of victims than men are in family violence yet they shared equal billing with men whenever these issues are discusses (which isn't often.)
As always, just as his minister for prevention of Violence Against Women, Fiona Richardson did, he simply ignored my questions and comparisons with other societal issues.
Sadly he was also too busy to meet with me with Christmas approaching. I wrote back saying could he find thirty minutes at anytime during the next year and he never wrote back. A fellow chalkie told me he appeared at his school and when the kids asked him who his favourite teacher was in primary school he said , Mr. Dent. I was chuffed yet hurt to think despite that, he couldn't find thirty minutes to talk with me.
This advocating for men is an exhausting business. I have been writing letters and emails for thirty years. That's why I am in awe of your energy and thick hide. It is such a thankless task. That in itself should cause people to ask why you do it. Perhaps because you have integrity and follow the truth wherever it takes you. Defending men or simply asking for people to respect them brings nothing but abuse and hatred. Where's the pay off?
You and I can place our heads on the pillow each night and sleep. How those lying scum manage to even nap for an hour is beyond me.
Cheers, Bettina.
@Mark Dent. Another powerful institution has signed up for the war on men - The Catholic Church!
In a TV interview (linked below in the NY Times) Pope Francis has given his blessing to the "domestic violence" industry with this typical tactic - take one alleged "victim" and generalise from it. Note that the "victim" appears to have been in a consensual relationship with a violent man who was not the father of the children. Francis generalises the alleged "violence" as "nearly satanic", using the old "power" theme "..because it is taking advantage of the weakness of those who cannot defend themselves, can only block the blow..”, utterly denying that women have the violence of the state on their side.
Women have all the power in modern relationships, and use it. They can remove a man from the home, separate him from his children, and destroy him with just a word. I say that the woman in this instance appears have only been living with this man temporarily because she left the house, whereas if it were the marital home she would have had him removed.
I assume the police and family court in Italy are the same as everywhere else, giving state backing to any dv claim. It seems to be ubiquitous across Europe.
I did wonder whether perhaps there's a cultural explanation for this, where male violence against women is more accepted in Italy than elsewhere, so checked an online Catholic forum I participate in. I found an old thread on the subject, and various people of Italian background said empthatically "No", that the stereotype of the abusive Italian husband is wrong. They also added that Italian women are very strong minded, and don't take crap - an abusive man is likely to get whacked with the frying pan. Unfortunately, the thread is private to the group.
Pope Francis did more than use this one case to give his blessing to the dv industry. He has endorsed all their dogma, as can be seen in the article. Such as: dv is common, that it's as common in marriages as other relationships, that women (but not men) have suffered it in dangerously increased levels during the pandemic, that dv includes all the usual forms of non-physical abuse (emotional, etc..), but only woman suffer this. The only point he has missed is that dv is about "structural inequality".
From the NY Times...
The pope made the comment during a show broadcast Sunday on Canale 5, Italy’s top private channel, called “Francis and the Invisibles” that was intended to put a spotlight on people who were struggling in different ways.
Yah... like female victims of "domestic violence" are "invisible"... We never stop hearing about them (and this applies in Italy, as mentioned in the article).
As a Catholic man this utterly infuriates me. The Church sees all the time men who have suffered female initiated divorce, who live in female dominated marriages, and in its charities it sees the large numbers of homeless men. In this TV show dedicated to the "invisibles" Francis has deliberately omitted the people who western society has most effectively silenced - men.
I know that some Catholic priests and Bishops are on to what's happening to men and also how feminists exploit "victims", so it will be interesting to see whether any of them stand up to Pope Francis' ongoing feminism.
A great summation of the current state with conservative politics, Bettina! Very dissapointing about Josh Frydenberg - I still held out some hope for him. WRT conservatives, eg. Bolt, railing about identity politics and the left, while ignoring what's happening to men, I can proffer the information that my "family" focussed Christian groups have, in the last two years, focusssed their efforts on: Israel Folau and "freedom of speech", and also Senator Claire Chandler and "transgenderism in sport". They portray themselves as saving the west from the forces of evil. I have tried to interest them in men's issues, and caught some initial sympathy, but they are sticking with the safe, feel-good, "conservative" issues. As for the Christian charities, ... I think you know...
In the MRM we strongly agree with you the these are "in their own way as damaging to men and boys as the blatant haters and bigots.". Apart from the double standards, they are setting up another generation of men to volunteer for marriage, with messages about how to be a good husband, and then learning the way.
Of the issues where men are disadvantaged, but gender statistics are avoided, "homelessness" has become the most ludicrous. A few years ago, we could comfortably say "80% of the homeless are men" and get some sympathy, but the feminists, media (and Christian charities!) redefined "homelessness" so that it too is now a "woman's issue"!
A Vinnies fundraiser for "the homeless" featured a female victim. I pointed out to them that most of the homeless are men. They responded "Homelessness is a complex issue which can affect anyone". I asked them "Is domestic violence also a complex issue which can affect anyone?". No response.
Can you imagine the media meltdown if a government campaign on domestic violence featured a man as the symbol of the victims of this issue? The irony is the fact that far more men are victims of family violence than women are homelessness. The double standards are so blatant. They know we know, but simply don't give a shit. Why should they-they are holding all of the power.
Mark, I was out with my husband during the week, he had a skin cancer removed from his nose and had a huge bandage, black eyes and lots of swelling in the area where the surgery was done. We went into visit my son who is on remand waiting for his day in court after being accused of stalking his mentally unstable ex partner. ( that’s another story for another day). I was amazed at the double standards of the females at the jail reception. They joked about how I must of gave my husband a good punch in the nose for him to look the way he did. That got me thinking how if that was me looking like I had been punched in the face, my husband would of been reported to the police and investigated and more likely sharing a cell with my son. By the way ( QLD police arrest and charge first, then come up with fabricated evidence to keep men locked up). But it didn’t end there, once we left reception to enter the locked area of the prison, jokes kept coming ‘ like he should ducked instead of weaving’. I am astounded by females attitudes and double standards.
KD, that is indeed a shocking story. I too am often blown away by the fact that women feel absolutely entitled to be so derogatory about men... knowing that no one will slap them down. I'll keep your story on file and use it one day.
This sick double standard permeates every aspect of our lives yet most men are blissfully unaware of the shocking bigotry or even laugh along with those who joke about female on male violence rather than dare argue with or criticize a woman.