When Orwell published "1984" in 1949 nobody could have imagined the degree of centralized control government, industry, and finance would acquire in the next 50 years. The last 20 years have seen even greater consolidation of these powers. The government speaks; big tech and finance leap into action. When the White House asked a Meta to …
When Orwell published "1984" in 1949 nobody could have imagined the degree of centralized control government, industry, and finance would acquire in the next 50 years. The last 20 years have seen even greater consolidation of these powers. The government speaks; big tech and finance leap into action. When the White House asked a Meta to remove an account, an administrator responded in less than a minute, "Yep, on it." We have little tyrants eager to please the big ones. Sadly, as Bettina says, many men seem oblivious to ways in which these forces work against us, punishing those whose crime is speaking freely.
When Orwell published "1984" in 1949 nobody could have imagined the degree of centralized control government, industry, and finance would acquire in the next 50 years. The last 20 years have seen even greater consolidation of these powers. The government speaks; big tech and finance leap into action. When the White House asked a Meta to remove an account, an administrator responded in less than a minute, "Yep, on it." We have little tyrants eager to please the big ones. Sadly, as Bettina says, many men seem oblivious to ways in which these forces work against us, punishing those whose crime is speaking freely.