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You make a good point that is consistent with Bettina's interview with a policewoman who was in the DV unit as I recall it. I think it's very likely the statistics we often see in the media are manipulated to exaggerate the numbers in favour of the narrative being pushed. If it doesn't say what it's supposed to we would never see it.

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Police forces are being used as tools in the political war against men, DV units are full of vicious young women who take great pleasure in kicking a man out of his own house on no evidence apart from lies and exaggerations . But fair minded and decent police officers are browbeaten to conform.

Even high ranking police officers are too scared to rock the feminist boat and so the injustices continue .

DV laws allow for the legal owner of a property to be denied possession and use of that property under threat of jail, this is a threat to democracy and I wonder why it has not been challenged in the high court.

The right to peaceful possession of one's own property is a foundation stone of a free society.

A NSW magistrate in 1999 said words to the effect that women often provoke DV by nagging and bitching , this magistrate was telling it as she { it was a woman} saw it.

This caused an uproar from feminist politicians and this magistrates was attacked for speaking the truth.

A senator, Amanda Vanstone was especially vocal in her condemnation of this female magistrate, but Vanstone was a Liberal and this at least confirms that BOTH major parties were hostage to feminists.

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