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Yep and they stole it all. I amassed a 7.1 million dollar estate and family court gave my X 85% of it. She had not done paid work for 32yrs. No children at home. I guess my daughters will be receiving stolen goods and so on it goes. These women didn't build anything. They stole it.

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Family court law and the division of assets were strongly influenced by Lenore Weitzman and her book The Divorce Revolution in which she published research that was later found to be extremely faulty.

Her research methodology showed following Divorce/Separation a woman's standard of living fell by 73% and the man's rose by 45%. Her faulty research was accepted as fact because it fitted the narrative of men having it all. Critics were ignored or shouted down.

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Her study was a self fulfilling and fraudulent study. When she published her findings not one single colleague could reproduce the results she claimed. Indeed the vast majority of studies published by feminists are self fulfilling and fraudulent.

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There is a phrase I like;

"When emotions are driving, logic and rational thought are not backseat passengers they are locked in the trunk (boot)"

When the vast majority of feminist propaganda research is examined, it is research aimed at inflaming emotions and exaggerating the issue.

A current trend now is the "emotional load that women carry". Recently I discovered the correlation between that and the so-called "second shift". What is not apparent to the reader is that much of the data relied upon journals being kept. No one identified that men and women might journal differently.

Men record segments of time, and women the whole time it takes for the task to be completed.

For example; in the washing machine cycle of 90 minutes, add 5 mins at the beginning and the end of the washing cycle, it is most likely men only recorded the time of placing the washing in the machine and taking it out. Women on the other hand will include the whole cycle of 90 plus 10 minutes as doing the washing, even when they might have been having a cup of tea, while waiting for the washing load to finish.

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Women conveniently ignore the fact that washing machines and all the other modern household appliances where the work of men for the most part. WomenтАЩs lives are so much easier and safer as a direct result of centuries of hard work and industrial /technical advances made by men .

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That is true.

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Seems washing machines, like many other modern technologies, liberated women from responsibility and enslaved men with responsibility.

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Right itтАЩs about time men and in particular white men overcame their self effacing servility and remind the world of the debt owed to them.

All the advances of the modern world almost without exception have been the work of white men , not women or other races .

So why are we so hated and blamed for all the worldтАЩs problems ?

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Because they resent and envy you, sir.

After all, they cannot hate or even discipline themselves. Next best thing, look for external targets. That's you, me, and western civ. in general. Cheers!

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It was just scapegoat propaganda to cover for the evil done by western women and their feminist State.

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It hurts a lot, it does not seem just, and it absolutely feels like theft.

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Feels like theft? It's totally theft of money property and children enabled by the most corrupt courts on earth. If you have experienced this like many men. Seems doesn't come into it . It is...

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I have definitely experienced it - twice unfortunately. 40me/60her in first relationship and 70me/30her in second (each of these spits have to be considered in context). Definitely not 85...I have heard plenty of stories worse than my experience though, and there have been points when I thought things may go against me. The lawyers managing the process do not help - it is a grotesquely adversarial system and they seem to encourage it.

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So much so that the woman тАЬstealsтАЭ it, really fraud, and our wonderful family court has no concern. Definitely the most corrupt courts on earth Stephen Smith. The lawyers are part of the corrupt system; why would they do anything that would cut their food supply. Time to ban together and call it the way it is.

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There was a senate enquiry into the Family Court , they asked for submissions from the public and got far more that expected , but there has not been any changes and the whole thing seems to have been buried.

Lawyers and the legal тАЬindustryтАЭ are making a fortune out of a biased and dysfunctional system . Parliament should be debating this and forcing changes, with the looming federal election Peter Dutton should be asked to make it clear where his party stands , I fear he would do nothing if elected .

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Buried - because they didn't get what they had hoped for.

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Australian men should declare war on the Family Court , time to reverse the leftie madness, first seen in the Whitlam years, his government introduced тАЬno fault тАЬ divorce and immediately weakened the meaning of marriage contracts. Also abortion on demand ,so babies could be killed , a real nice guy.

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That's because it WAS theft, and much worse.

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ThatтАЩs rough. What was the logic behind that? Even the rule of thumb is 50/50. Was that back pay for child rearing and housework? What a joke. Hopefully youтАЩre happier without her though. A few mill wouldnтАЩt be enough to get me to stay with my ex.

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What's with the strange notion of fairness.

Anyone who has followed Betina and frequented men's sites know that fairness left the building before Elvis did all those years ago

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"before Elvis did"

I guess so. For some reason I decided marriage was a mugs game for men in 1965 when I was six. I have no idea why such sentiment but that six year old WAS right as it turns out.

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Nothing to do with fairness. I put all my children through uni. The only reason is I'm a man in family court. Absolute corruption and embezzlement then I tried to sue her wicg I would have won for 2.6 m and they put a gag order on me. 50 50 is an absolute myth.

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Female judges, I suppose.

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Men judges are not really any better, they are often тАЬwhite knightsтАЭ. Judges were once lawyers , they came through the feminists influenced education system , so to say they have been brainwashed in feminist propaganda is fair comment .

Then thereтАЩs the secrecy of the system , ordinary people are not allowed to know what goes on , there is no accountability or liability for judges or magistrates. Things have to change , if judges could be sued for malpractice in the same way doctors are ,then they might be more fairer in their judgements.

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They are everywhere and the law schools pour out more empowered females every day.

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Logic? ha ha ha ha ha.

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Yessir. MASSIVE and UNPRECENTED transfer of male resources and wealth to 'oppressed and abused' victim-females. The State colludes with Big Feminism. The State also got wealthy off the stolen lives of men. Now, the State overwhelmingly employs women. Guess where all that leads? (see recent Fiamengo File) from Janice.

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