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Bettina, excellent article - thank you. Here is a 5-part video series on coercive control that British girls are now being forced to watch in now-mandatory Relationship and Sex Education lessons at school:


Secondary schools in the UK are now teaching girls how to make criminal accusations of domestic abuse against their boyfriends and future husbands for coercive control, which was made a crime under the UK Domestic Abuse Act 2021. Half of all divorces in the UK now involve allegations of domestic abuse, overwhelmingly made by women to gain a massive and immediate advantage in gaining custody of their children and house.

The British government made Relationship and Sex Education classes in school mandatory back in 2017. Until recently, parents were not allowed to see what was being taught in these mandatory RSE classes (a law sponsored by feminist Theresa May when she was PM).

Women's Aid, a British Government-funded organisation of man-hating feminists that uses domestic abuse as a front for terrorist activities against men, is behind most of this.

Imagine if boys were were shown equivalent videos but with the genders reversed, on how to use the new law to incarcerate your psycho girlfriend? Men and boys would be appalled.

In these RSE lessons girls are not being taught anything about how to have a happy, meaningful relationship, how to resolve conflict, the Golden Rule, empathy, understanding, forgiveness, how to make things work, etc. They are only being taught that men are abusers and women are victims. After this feminist indoctrination in RSE lessons at school, there is little chance any of these girls will want to marry or will be capable of having a marriage that doesn't end in divorce.

Would very much like to hear your comments.

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Judeo-messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are more recent, but they have only reinforced the old Jewish narrative. They are the same ideals.

The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond peoples, races, cultures) and that are the daily sustenance of our schools, in our media, in our popular culture, in our universities, and on our streets have ended up reducing our biosymbolic identity and our ethnic pride to its minimum expression.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are death cults originating in the Middle East and totally alien to Europe and its peoples.

Sometimes we wonder why the European left gets along so well with Muslims. Why does an often overtly anti-religious movement side with a fierce religiosity that seems to oppose almost everything the left has always sought to defend? Part of the explanation lies in the fact that Islam and Marxism have a common ideological root: Judaism.

Don Rumsfeld was right when he said, "Europe has shifted on its axis," was the wrong side that won World War II, and it becomes clearer every day . . . What has NATO done to defend Europe? Absolutely nothing . . . My enemies are not in Moscow, Damascus, Tehran, Riyadh or some ethereal Teutonic bogeyman, my enemies are in Washington, Brussels and Tel Aviv.


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"They are only being taught that men are abusers and women are victims."

Easy to prove when you class male victims of domestic and/or sexual abuse as "victims of violence against women". Extra humiliating for those boys and men abused by women.

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Feminism: A Jewish Psyop to Demonize White Women

MGTOW = Mostly Gay Transgendered Or Wimpy


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